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Author Topic: RFK and Jackie Secretly Told Soviets JFK Was Killed by "Right-Wing Conspiracy"  (Read 10177 times)

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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In 1997, thanks to the opening of Soviet archives, we learned that just a few weeks after the assassination, RFK and Jackie Kennedy secretly told Soviet leaders they believed that President Kennedy had been “felled by domestic opponents” through “a large political conspiracy,” “a right-wing conspiracy.”

Canadian historian Timothy Naftali and Russian scholar Aleksandr Fursenko discovered Bobby and Jackie Kennedy’s message in top-secret Soviet intelligence archives  and discussed it in their 1997 book One Hell of a Gamble: The Secret History of the Cuban Missile Crisis (pp. 405-407). Bobby and Jackie sent the message through a close family friend, William Walton. James Douglass discusses this historic message in his book JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters (Orbis edition, 2011):

In early December 1963, William Walton traveled to Moscow on behalf of Robert and Jacqueline Kennedy to convey a secret message to the Soviet leaders about President Kennedy’s assassination. Walton used an already scheduled trip, at JFK’s request “to visit Moscow to meet Soviet artists,” as a cover for his revised purpose of telling the Russians what the Kennedys thought lay behind Dallas. The Kennedys’ message to the Russians was retained in top-secret Soviet intelligence archives. It was discovered in the 1990s by Aleksandr Fursenko and Timothy Naftali, who then reported it in their 1997 book on the Cuban Missile Crisis, One Hell of a Gamble.

Walton conveyed the Kennedys’ secret assessment of the assassination to Georgi Bolshakov, the journalist/intelligence agent who had been their most trusted Soviet confidant in the months around the time of the Missile Crisis. In Washington, working out of the Soviet Embassy, Georgi Bolshakov had met repeatedly with Attorney General Robert Kennedy in secret to convey questions and concerns between Chairman Khrushchev and President Kennedy. In Moscow after the assassination, he was in a corresponding position to relay Walton’s discreet information to Chairman Khrushchev.

The Kennedys informed Bolshakov through Walton that “despite Oswald’s connections to the communist world,” they believed “there was a large political conspiracy behind Oswald’s rifle” that came from a different source. In their view, “the President was felled by domestic opponents.” He had been, the Kennedys thought, “the victim of a right-wing conspiracy.”

Walton added that the Russian leaders should have no illusions that Lyndon Johnson would continue JFK’s work for peace. Johnson, Walton said, would be “incapable of realizing Kennedy’s unfinished plans.” (JFK and the Unspeakable, pp. 471-472)

Bobby and Jackie’s message is especially remarkable because it was sent at a time when the federal government and nearly all news reports were adamantly proclaiming that JFK’s death was nothing but the work of a Marxist nutjob who had acted totally alone, the deranged act of a disturbed loner who had once defected to the Soviet Union and who had defended Castro’s communist regime.

« Last Edit: July 15, 2020, 07:20:38 PM by Michael T. Griffith »

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Offline Joe Mannix

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The conspiracy was two-fold: One, kill JFK and make it appear that Castro was behind it. Two, invade Cuba and overthrow Castro.

If JFK was killed by a shot to the head from the Dal-Tex building, and LHO was killed by a Dallas policeman while "escaping", it may have worked!

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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The conspiracy was two-fold: One, kill JFK and make it appear that Castro was behind it. Two, invade Cuba and overthrow Castro.

I think James Douglass provides the clearest picture of the goals of the plotters and why two of their main goals were thwarted. LBJ and Hoover simply were not willing to follow the plotters' script and use the assassination as an excuse to invade Cuba and/or launch a preemptive strike on Russia. But, by killing JFK, the plotters were able to carry out other policies that they also viewed as crucial and that they knew JFK would have blocked: vastly escalating the war in Vietnam, ending back-channel talks with Castro, and overthrowing Sukarno in Indonesia.

If JFK was killed by a shot to the head from the Dal-Tex building, and LHO was killed by a Dallas policeman while "escaping", it may have worked!

It is interesting that you mention the Dal-Tex Building. Several Dealey Plaza witnesses thought shots came from the Dal-Tex Building, and a a 1999 reenactment in Dealey Plaza done with lasers found that one of the acknowledged hits on Kennedy could have come from a lower floor of the Dal-Tex Building.

« Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 12:28:19 PM by Michael T. Griffith »

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Offline Paul May

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In 1997, thanks to the opening of Soviet archives, we learned that just a few weeks after the assassination, RFK and Jackie Kennedy secretly told Soviet leaders they believed that President Kennedy had been “felled by domestic opponents” through “a large political conspiracy,” “a right-wing conspiracy.”

Canadian historian Timothy Naftali and Russian scholar Aleksandr Fursenko discovered Bobby and Jackie Kennedy’s message in top-secret Soviet intelligence archives  and discussed it in their 1997 book One Hell of a Gamble: The Secret History of the Cuban Missile Crisis (pp. 344-346). Bobby and Jackie sent the message through a close family friend, William Walton. James Douglass discusses this historic message in his book JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters (Orbis edition, 2011):

Bobby and Jackie’s message is especially remarkable because it was sent at a time when the federal government and nearly all news reports were adamantly proclaiming that JFK’s death was nothing but the work of a Marxist nutjob who had acted totally alone, the deranged act of a disturbed loner who had once defected to the Soviet Union and who had defended Castro’s communist regime.

So RFK and Jackie BELIEVED in a right wing conspiracy. History has taught us belief is all one has in the absence of actual evidence.

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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So RFK and Jackie BELIEVED in a right wing conspiracy. History has taught us belief is all one has in the absence of actual evidence.

So why do you suppose RFK and Jackie believed that? What do you suppose the basis of their belief? Just wild guessing?

And isn't it interesting that an internal KGB investigation into the assassination, whose findings were never supposed to be made public, likewise concluded that JFK had been killed by a right-wing conspiracy? Of course, we've known for years that the KGB became aware of the assassination plot by no later than the spring of 1963, that they feared that Russia would be scapegoated for it, and that they ordered Richard Case Nagell to persuade Oswald to drop out of it or to kill him if he would not drop out.

There is plenty of strong, solid evidence that JFK was killed by a conspiracy.

« Last Edit: July 15, 2020, 05:49:49 PM by Michael T. Griffith »

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Offline Paul May

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So why do you suppose RFK and Jackie believed that? What do you suppose the basis of their belief? Just wild guessing?

And isn't it interesting that an internal KGB investigation into the assassination, whose findings were never supposed to be made public, likewise concluded that JFK had been killed by a right-wing conspiracy?

There is plenty of strong, solid evidence that JFK was killed by a conspiracy.

Wrong. Again. Your need for confirmation bias notwithstanding, nothing you present EVER is hard, credible or corroborated with actual physical evidence. Yours is a belief system. You tell the readers what the KGB concluded and yet the readers have no idea how the KGB reached that conclusion. Yet, you buy it because it’s your belief system. Selling conspiracy is like shaving: if you don’t do it everyday, you’re a bum. I admire your tenacity. It ends there.

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Wrong. Again. Your need for confirmation bias notwithstanding, nothing you present EVER is hard, credible or corroborated with actual physical evidence. Yours is a belief system. You tell the readers what the KGB concluded and yet the readers have no idea how the KGB reached that conclusion. Yet, you buy it because it’s your belief system. Selling conspiracy is like shaving: if you don’t do it everyday, you’re a bum. I admire your tenacity. It ends there.

What you have just described is the state of the lone-gunman theory and those who follow it.

Actually, there is hard physical evidence of conspiracy.

And, of course, we've known for years that the KGB became aware of the assassination plot by no later than the spring of 1963, that they feared that Russia would be scapegoated for it, and that they ordered Richard Case Nagell to persuade Oswald to drop out of it or to kill him if he would not drop out.

« Last Edit: July 15, 2020, 06:16:18 PM by Michael T. Griffith »

Offline Paul May

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What you have just described is the state of the lone-gunman theory and those who follow it.

Actually, there is hard physical evidence of conspiracy.

And, of course, we've known for years that the KGB became aware of the assassination plot by no later than the spring of 1963, that they feared that Russia would be scapegoated for it, and that they ordered Richard Case Nagell to persuade Oswald to drop out of it or to kill him if he would not drop out.

I notice you declined to answer my question about why Bobby and Jackie believed a right-wing conspiracy had killed JFK. To judge from your verbiage, one gets the impression that you are saying they were merely guessing without any factual foundation.

Anything other than 57 year old garbage discussed thousands upon thousands of times throughout the years? Interesting that the majority of historians, doctors, forensic pathologists, wound ballistics experts totally disagree with you. Is that one more conspiracy?  Btw, I have never ruled out a conspiracy. What I’ve maintained throughout the decades is simple: Oswald, to a 100% certainty fired 3 and only 3 shots hitting JFK twice from above and behind. End of shooting. Was another faction pulling his strings? 57 years later, I don’t know. You don’t know. I can’t prove it nor can you. The readers on this forum whether pro or con re: shooting are well read. Repeating theories discussed ad nauseam for 50+ does nothing for your case.

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