Anti-science and faith-based. It there was a figure there, he couldn't be used in the backyard photos. There probably wasn't a figure there because it looks like a crude tracing of the outline of Oswald in 133-C. There is a photo from the DPD photo session that shows this scene without anyone in it.
There is nothing anti-science about it. A number of photographic experts have noted this. A stage in producing fake Oswald backyard rifle pics could have been to place someone else's figure on a chosen background, which you could do via overlaying it over an existing figure or by placing it in a silhouette. You might read Mr. Mee's comments on how the photos could have been produced, as well as Professor Womack's comments on this.
I asked you nine days ago for more on this. It's a claim from Jim Marrs. Did anyone else track them down and interview them? Were they real people?
You might have asked me about this nine days ago, but I rarely read your replies because of your earlier conduct.
Yes, the Hesters were real people. Robert Hester died in 1978, but his wife Particia survived him by many years. In 1986, Mrs. Hester spoke to a class at the University of Texas (Arlington) and repeated the same account that she and her husband gave to Jim Marrs in 1970.
The Dallas police had the 133-C photo in their possession, maybe as early as the assassination weekend. Some policemen had copies, including the husband of the woman who handed it over to HSCA in the 70s.
You do not know that the DPD, as a department, had 133-C. Certain elements in the DPD clearly had it, but it is by no means apparent that the DPD as a department had it. But, if they did, why didn't they give it to the WC? Why did 133-C only come to light when Roscoe White's widow turned it over to the HSCA in December 1976? Where's the negative for it? Where's the other missing negative? How does such historic, crucial evidence go "missing"?
What was the DPD doing taking more backyard photos with a stand-in and printing a backyard photo with a white silhouette in it? What is your innocent explanation for all this? What possible valid reason could they have had for doing those things?
The Select Committee determined that all three photographs were authentic
And their authentication is full of holes.
The HSCA and Fraud in the Backyard Rifle Photos; and that the existence of a third pose made it even less likely that forgers would have made the photos, since the more poses, the more possibility for forgery detection.
That was curious logic by the HSCA PEP since they were missing two negatives and were quite selective in choosing which photos to analyze in a given way. When it came to the Penrose analysis, they must have chosen the two worst photos and ignored the best ones, or else Dr. Rose simply lied about 133-A-DeM and 133-A-Stovall, both of which are very high-quality photos.
If more poses equals more evidence of authenticity, why in the world did the DPD not hand over 133-C to the WC, assuming the DPD, as a department, had it?
You confuse speculation and innuendo for "explanation".
Professor Womack studied the DPD prints and said they were obviously part of a process to produce fake Oswald backyard rifle photos. Again, what is your innocent explanation for the taking of more backyard photos, for the striking of a pose that the DPD officially knew nothing about (if they did, they didn't tell the FBI or the WC about it), and for producing a print with a white silhouette in it?

Penrose variation. None of the Oswald comparison photos were taken with sunlight above or full-body, meaning that the head measured in the Backyard Photos was defined by a different light source/direction and was a much greater distance from the camera. I believe this would account for the variation.
That won't work: The control photos, as Dr. Snow noted, were clear. His main excuse for the variation--the substantial variation--was that the backyard rifle photos were "rather fuzzy" and "blurry." But this is nonsense. 133-A-DeM and 133-A-Stoval are very clear. 133-A-DeM is so high quality that you can read the print on the newspaper in the figure's hand.
Dr. Rose and Congressman Fithian had the following exchange about the Penrose analysis divergence:
Mr. GENZMAN. Would you briefly explain the graph marked as JFK exhibit F-558.
Dr. [Clyde] SNOW. Yes, sir. I indicated that we take a number of measurements on the photographs. It is convenient to be able to reduce those, that mass of numbers into some single entities that allow us to compare the overall similarities in shape and size that we see. We have done this. It is a rather involved statistical technique developed by a British biometrician named Penrose back in the 1940's, and it is widely employed in other areas of anthropology.
Essentially what we have done here is, using the measurements of the three Dallas photographs as our base line, quantitatively compared the other sets of Oswald photographs here.
Theoretically, if everything were perfect--which it never is---we would find that two objects or sets of photographs exactly duplicated in every detail in terms of the measurements The Dallas photographs, the points when they are plotted would be down here at the zero point of the graph. You can see that they do cluster very closely to that zero point. This variation reflects differences, we feel, in measurement error and technique.
Mr. FITHIAN. Let me ask you to move that chart about a foot to the right. It is blockout out--we can now see it. I am not sure the panel members on the left-hand side can. . . .
Mr. FITHIAN. Let's turn now to the analysis that you made of the Oswald photographs. On the basis of your measurements and your analysis, can you positively identify or state that the series of Oswald photographs shown on exhibits JFK F-556 and F-557 are indeed those of Oswald?
Dr. SNOW. No, sir; we cannot. We cannot on the basis of the measurements alone positively state that all of those photographs are indeed of Oswald. However, we can say that they are all consistent with the hypothesis that all of the photographs are of Lee Harvey Oswald.
Mr. FITHIAN. Would the staff put back up the chart and graph which I was blocked from seeing at the first part of the questioning.
In your work how do you compensate or adjust for plastic surgery that might be done on an individual?
Dr. SNOW. In the Oswald photographs specifically we saw no evidence of any plastic surgery. But this does not mean that there might not have been some there. . . .
Mr. FITHIAN. Would you direct your attention to the chart. The first three right down where the two lines intersect, or very close to it, all seem very tightly arrayed. But the backyard photo seems to have slipped out of orbit somehow or other.
Dr. SNOW. Yes, sir. It is most divergent from the cluster. However, if you will recall those photographs most were of good quality with fairly crisp images. The backyard photographs differ from the rest of the series in that they are rather fuzzy and also they very in the lighting. They are the only two photographs of the series where the lighting is coming from overhead, and we feel that this introduces measurement errors using our technique and would account for this discrepancy. . . .
Mr. FITHIAN. I have just one more brief line of questioning. Would you put up JFK exhibits F-556 and F-557.
Dr. Snow as I understand it, the two backyard photos, the center and lower right of exhibit--what is that, F-556, for the record? Would you explain again in a sentence or two why those photos would, when you get through measuring, put the spot or the dot outside that very tight cluster on your chart.
Dr. SNOW. Again, I believe when you look at the photographs you see, compared to the rest of the photographs of Mr. Oswald that we analyzed, that these two are much fuzzier and blurrier and to influence the errors that are going to be introduced in our measurements that we take off the photographs. In other words, we simply cannot measure these photographs with the same degree of accuracy that we can in the better quality photographs. (4 HSCA 370-371, 382, 384)