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Author Topic: JFK: Trump, Russians, Cuban Missile Crisis  (Read 12563 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: JFK: Trump, Russians, Cuban Missile Crisis
« Reply #32 on: August 06, 2020, 06:36:10 AM »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK: Trump, Russians, Cuban Missile Crisis
« Reply #32 on: August 06, 2020, 06:36:10 AM »

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Re: JFK: Trump, Russians, Cuban Missile Crisis
« Reply #33 on: August 07, 2020, 01:36:50 PM »
We all know how Kennedy handled the Cuban Missile Crisis. What would have happened if we had a corrupt compromised idiot like Donald Trump at the helm? For starters, we know he would claim it "was all a hoax" and "it would magically go away". Americans would have been doomed and who knows what kind of disaster would have happened. One thing for sure, is the conservatives in 1960 would never have supported a vile corrupt pathological liar like Donald Trump as their nominee. People had intelligence and weren't brainwashed with a right wing hack media that pushes propaganda 24/7 which is state run television. Some people believe that former government officials had Russian connections, so Donald Trump isn't the only one with allegiance to Mother Russia. Thoughts?

My "thought" is that I find it hard to believe that you really, actually, honestly believe that that's how Trump would have handled the Cuban Missile Crisis.

If Trump has "allegiance to Mother Russia," he surely has not acted like it. Trump has sold weapons to Georgia and Ukraine, something that Obama refused to do for fear of angering Moscow, and Putin and his cronies have bitterly condemned those weapons sales. Trump has slapped tariffs on Russian steel. Trump has urged NATO nations to spend more money on defense, a move that Moscow has called "provocative" and "destabilizing." Trump has expelled over 60 Russian diplomats and has shut down one of Russia's consulates in the U.S. Trump tried to get Germany to pull out of is natural-gas-pipeline deal with Russia, a move that Moscow also condemned. Trump pulled us out of Obama's shameful and absurd Iran nuke deal, another move that Russia strongly opposed.

And, FYI, the claim that Trump ever said that COVID-19 "was all a hoax" is demonstrably false. If you look at the transcript or the interview tape, he was clearly talking about the wild claims that Democrats were making about the virus. He was not saying that the virus itself was any kind of a hoax.

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: JFK: Trump, Russians, Cuban Missile Crisis
« Reply #34 on: August 07, 2020, 08:55:16 PM »
My "thought" is that I find it hard to believe that you really, actually, honestly believe that that's how Trump would have handled the Cuban Missile Crisis.

If Trump has "allegiance to Mother Russia," he surely has not acted like it. Trump has sold weapons to Georgia and Ukraine, something that Obama refused to do for fear of angering Moscow, and Putin and his cronies have bitterly condemned those weapons sales. Trump has slapped tariffs on Russian steel. Trump has urged NATO nations to spend more money on defense, a move that Moscow has called "provocative" and "destabilizing." Trump has expelled over 60 Russian diplomats and has shut down one of Russia's consulates in the U.S. Trump tried to get Germany to pull out of is natural-gas-pipeline deal with Russia, a move that Moscow also condemned. Trump pulled us out of Obama's shameful and absurd Iran nuke deal, another move that Russia strongly opposed.

And, FYI, the claim that Trump ever said that COVID-19 "was all a hoax" is demonstrably false. If you look at the transcript or the interview tape, he was clearly talking about the wild claims that Democrats were making about the virus. He was not saying that the virus itself was any kind of a hoax.

I vehemently oppose Trump's Presidency (he's dangerously unqualified to be POTUS) but agree with most of your post.

It's ironic that people attack Trump's supporters for being Conspiracy Theorists while believing in the Conspiracy Theory that Trump is a Mole for Putin.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK: Trump, Russians, Cuban Missile Crisis
« Reply #34 on: August 07, 2020, 08:55:16 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: JFK: Trump, Russians, Cuban Missile Crisis
« Reply #35 on: January 19, 2021, 12:16:17 AM »
Trump supporters were ‘doing Putin’s bidding’ with failed coup attempt: Speaker Pelosi

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: JFK: Trump, Russians, Cuban Missile Crisis
« Reply #36 on: January 19, 2021, 04:52:41 AM »

Kennedy certainly handled the Cuban Missile Crisis better than Trump would have. Trump was presented with a relatively simple problem. Instead of having 13 days to solve a sudden crisis, Trump had months and months and months to plan, how to coordinate with the states, to determine how to distribute the vaccine, how to determine who gets the vaccine, how those people are to be notified and instructed and have places would be the best place to administer them. Instead, each state is trying to figure that out on its own in a rush. Of course, Trump, may have done better had he not been distracted by other vital matters, like how to steal the election if he should happen to lose to Biden.

But I would argue that the election of Kennedy set in motion a dangerous trend. Kennedy was not the choice of the powers that be in the Democratic Party. Johnson was. Up until then, a party’s candidate was chosen by party insiders, working in “smoke filled rooms”, who decided who was best. This process produced men like Harry Truman, Adlai Stevenson, Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson and yes, Richard Nixon, to be the party’s Presidential candidate, or if the health of the current President in serious doubt, Vice President.

Kennedy marked the transition into a new era. Various states started to say, the people should decide, not party insiders. And Kennedy had the charisma to appeal to the people and won the nomination and the election. Since then, the people would decide who the candidate would be, not party insiders.

I think this was an unfortunate change. We would have been better advised to leave well enough alone. Because the one thing that both Kennedy and Trump had in common, was charisma. Both were wildly popular with a large segment of the population. While this new way can get us a good President, like Kennedy, it can give us a disastrous one, like Trump. Trump was about the last choice of the Republican party insiders, but he just kept winning primaries and got the nomination anyway. And yes, while the old system was not perfect, party insiders choose Nixon, even Nixon was not nearly as bad as Trump. Both had a couple of screws loose, but Nixon never tried to become a dictator.

So, it looks like we have gotten rid of Trump. Problem, solved, right? No. Because we don’t know who the people might get infatuated with ten years from now. I think the judgment of the party insiders is sounder than the public who might get impressed with some minor TV star. Party insiders might miss a brilliant choice like Kennedy but they are not likely to pick a disastrous one like Trump. I wish we could go back to the old system.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK: Trump, Russians, Cuban Missile Crisis
« Reply #36 on: January 19, 2021, 04:52:41 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: JFK: Trump, Russians, Cuban Missile Crisis
« Reply #37 on: January 19, 2021, 11:52:50 AM »
You just still have to laugh at all this nonsense  :D

"Fuzzy" Biden NOW being hemmed into picking Harris as his VP. She adds absolutely Nothing to the ticket, but Fuzzy is now Stuck with AP going public with the notes Slow Joe was gripping yesterday. This is what You get with a doddering old fogey that needs printed directions to arrive at his home bathroom.

The only way the above will Ever "pull the levers" will be when they show up at the Polls. Right NOW, this segment of the voting public do Not turn out. This is why Bernie got his arse kicked in the primaries. Those Younger Voters sat on their arse and will do it again Nov 3.

How do you spell "Law & Order"?  T-R-U-M-P.

What did I Already tell you this AM regarding the "internals"?

Fake News going Quiet regarding Corona today tells you this is Turning Around. "Judge a Pitcher by the Reaction of the Hitter"! Plus, Trump just gave a speech and is Very, Very, Upbeat. Some Know Why. Soon, You Parrots will too.  It'll sting, but you better get used to it. It only gets worse from here.

Mark it on down on your HATER Calendars. It's ALL Good Today and from this point forward. You Parrots should Know it as the Fake News Media is Unable to feed you a single kernel of  BS: to Echo.  Walk:

"Confident"?  Try VERY CONFIDENT! "Judge a Pitcher based on the reaction of the Hitter" +  Knowing what you don't = my enjoying The Catbird Seat.

Trump is trying to avoid stirring things up in NY now that the state is "in play"!

Yeah, the Fake New PARROTS around here have No Idea this stuff is going down due to their Fake News Sources imposing a BLACKOUT on Real News such as this. PHYSICAL Voter Intimidation is being imposed on Trump Supporters and the Fake News endlessly goes on-and-on about Repub's attempting to suppress the vote via polling laws. This same Fake News BLACKOUT is gonna occur when the Durham/Barr CRIMINAL Investigation hammer comes down. The only point at which Fake News will be Forced to cover Durham/Barr will be when bodies Currently on their Fake News Payroll start getting thrown into the Slammer.

Is it any wonder this Echo Chamber is becoming a Ghost Town? "Trump Derangement Syndrome" is devolving into a serious Mental Health Issue.  Those of you Back Patters/Head Bobbers that are encouraging this Sick Thought Process/Conduct are only pushing these Mentally Tortured Individuals Off of the ledge. Come Nov 3, the damage you are currently doing will multiply exponentially. You are, "Your Brother's Keeper".

Please keep relying on that 538  BS:.  538 shoulda been run outta business when their 2016 Election Forecast rewarded their faithful followers with an absolute Disaster. But, since 538 loyally echo'd their Marching Orders, they continue playing The Pied Piper with the Mice trailing right behind. Get ready Mice. Here comes the Cliff! Trump 2020 Rolls On.

This is why You wear the Moniker "Jr" well. You're wet behind the ears/naivete. I am Not cheering anything "On". As Lt Col Frank Slade would say, "I been around, ya know?". (Google it). Knowing what's coming and liking it are 2 different things. You live long enough you might just discover this. School's Out for today.

I don't blow my own horn. Those that Rejected the Haters by almost a 3-1 margin KNOW the score. I spoke with Jimbo late last night. Internals extremely good and continuing UP. This includes the all important Swing States. You do Not Know, what You do Not Know. You Know whatever the Fake News Media and 538 TELLS You. It's that simple.

So we got a "Fuzzy" Joe supporter swearing by "Exit Polling"? And they also don't think "16" is going to Repeat Itself? Double Dumb!

Same stuff we heard back in "16". With the Endless abuse I endure around here, what makes you Believe that Trump Supporters in general are freely volunteering their opinion via SURVEYS? You guys Never Learn, and then You suffer "Trump Derangement Syndrome" afterward. It's ALL your own fault.

Illinois NOW "In Play". Trump 2020 Rolls On!

Another "WINNING, WINNING, WINNING" Issue for Trump. Trump = "Law & Order" wins in Nov. The Dem's are currently Melting Down as they see Trump pulling away from "Fuzzy" Joe currently curled up in a Ball inside his basement. Trump 2020 Rolls On!

Trump will once again be rewarded by the Ma & Pa Kettles across this country. They appreciate a Man "that says what he means and means what he says". They understand this an extremely RARE trait being continually displayed by 1 Single Man as he Drains-The-Swamp.

"Judge a Pitcher by the Reaction of the Hitter". The Escalating Hysteria being displayed here means Trump will be re-elected. They Know It!

You have Every Reason to be Nervous. 4 More Years of Trump!

This attempted Shunning is Exactly why Trump will win. Whether You know it or not, you guys operate Exactly like a Cult/Gang does. Join or be maligned/destroyed. Very sad to witness this.

You guys continue handing Nov to Trump on a silver platter.  Thanks so much for what You are doing.

Both Pelosi and Schumer should be More concerned with their own positions. The Warning, "objects are Closer than they appear", applies to both of their Political Rear View Mirrors. The Squad will take Nancy down inside The House, and AOC will Challenge/Replace Chuck in the Senate. Both Old White Pols going down amidst the Bloodbath Aftermath of Trump winning Re-Election in Nov.

Bump regarding  BS: claim that, "Those being polled NOW, some 100 days before the election are "Likely Voters".  ABC/WashPost RECENTLY  questioned a "RANDOM SAMPLE/1,006". YOU do Not Know, what YOU do Not Know.

Well, I can Guarantee that My clients are "Likely Voters".

The latest SURVEY released by ABC/WashPost was merely "RANDOM Sample". Please STOP claiming these SURVEYS are "likely voters". That claim is Blatant  BS:

That SURVEY conducted by ABC/Wash Post did Not even KNOW if those they contacted were Registered Voters. Stop with the Bogus Surveys/"RANDOM SAMPLES". There is absolutely Nothing Scientific about the Predetermined Outcomes of Any of these SURVEYS. On the other hand, I watched a Scientist/Prof yesterday that employs MATHEMATICAL VOTING MODELS derived from previous elections to predict the outcomes of POTUS Elections. This guy got the "16" Election Correct, along with employing his Mathematical Voting Model on Previous POTUS Elections. His Mathematical Voting Models have predicted the Winner in 25 of the last 27 POTUS Elections. You will NOT see this SCIENTIST on any of your Fake News Sources. This is due to Who his Mathematical Voting Models Predict will Win In Nov. Yeah. Trump does Indeed have SCIENCE on his side this Nov.

From what I am told, they will eventually be issuing a version of Newt's  "Contract With America" where they Expose ALL of Biden's Ultra Left Positions vs Trump's America Friendly/America First Positions. With Trump, Timing = Everything. He's liable to do this right before Debate #1 if that ever does come off. The Trump Campaign remains skeptical that Fuzzy Joe will Ever take the debate stage, even 1 time. The anticipated KO Punch is the Durham/Barr CRIMINAL Investigation. With Biden telling George Stephanopoulus that he did Not Know anything about the Flynn Investigation and then it coming out that Biden attended the Jan 4 meeting where Gen Flynn was thoroughly discussed amongst Obama, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Strozk, Rice, etc makes Biden out to be a Liar. On top of that, everybody NOW Knows that Biden did UNMASK Flynn + there is Now Strozk's Notes of that Jan 4 meeting Specifically mentioning that BIDEN Himself suggested that Flynn be prosecuted under the Logan Act. Lotta Crushing Issues ready to come crashing down on Biden yet his campaign continues burying him in the basement. This MIA status is only pushing ALL of these Issues being Exposed closer and closer to election day. This is Exactly the Timing that Trump wants. Dum!

Biden: (1) Defund The Police, (2) NO School Choice. As the Biden campaign Slowly makes their Bernie & AOC positions Known, even the Public Polling will reflect what some already Know. Just wait until Trump starts handing out even More Stimulus $$$ like Santa Claus while also claiming HE wanted to give away more $$. Then comes the Debate(s), and the Maraschino Cherry on top = Durham/Bulldog Bar CRIMINAL Investigation. Biden is gonna mirror a Melting Candle. Come Nov 3, the Wick goes OUT.

When you guys have anything New to Endlessly grouse about, PM me. As usual, your redundant haranguing is Killing the thread. Last night, you get a dissenting voice contributing to this thread and the Silent Majority viewership Immediately set record numbers. This A.M. you dog pilers go into your Pete and RePete Routine and as usual the viewer response = Crickets. The wild audience fluctuations Here is a microcosm of Nov 3. Lotta Noise outta the Malcontents but the Silent Majority always ends up carrying the day.

Steele Documents just released. FISA Court FRAUD once again PROVEN, along with the NY Times also being in cahoots. Stay Tuned for Durham/Barr in late Aug/Early Sept = Maraschino Cherry for Nov 3.

What we see Above is PROOF of the Non-Stop Fake News Parroting that goes on around here 24/7. I am here to Set The Record STRAIGHT!

Yeah I'm glad people are reading this Thread also. You guys monopolize it with your  BS: when I am on the road for a week or 2. I get back and the Silent Majority around here get a breath of Fresh Air. The numbers do Not Lie.

HATE Failed in 2016 and will again. And once again You Guys will be Howling At The Moon for 6 months afterward. Same Old, Same Old.

Well, YOU got that Wrong. What New?  I have Never claimed to be a "GOP" Consultant. Consultants work wherever needed/$$$. I also have been well trained in "Plumbing" which can come in handy. "Hazardous Pay"  then sweetens the pot.

NO Candidate Currently has any Electoral Votes "Locked In". This is Exactly why No one pays Any Attention to your Mindlessly Endless posting. But please keep it up. It is this type of "it's all over" mindset that gets Dems to stay home come Nov.

"I can't find 3 people"? HATERS were rejected by this Forum at almost a 3-1 Clip. And if You do Not think that vote directly involved Myself, you are without a doubt Politically Tone Deaf. Like within the Electorate, there is a Silent Majority here at this Forum. YOU are in a very Small Minority that makes a lot of Noise.

You HATERS have a very Old View of FOX News. There are several people there that are Never Trumpers. This is what happens when YOU Restrict your sources of information. You get outta step with Reality. Regarding that McConnell Tripe, the Repubs are going to win the Alabama Seat = a +4 Advantage. You tell me where the Dem's are going to pick up at Least 4 Senate Seats. Trump being re-elected means You need at Least 5 due to the Repub's having the tiebreaker/VP. These are the "Sources" you people like to Follow and Parrot. These Dummies are playing to an ill informed group of Malcontents that cheer on Rioters, Looters, and Pestilence. Ma & Pa Kettle's across this country KNOW the Reality of what is happening across this country. Law & Order vs Anarchy!

 :D :D :D

This is a perfect example on why you shouldn't watch right wing propaganda, disinformation, and conspiracy theories. It's all  BS:

Everything Royell Storing posted was 100% false and not one thing he claimed turned out to be true. 

He didn't "know" anything as he pretended to be an 'insider" .

I wonder if Royell will be watching Joe Biden's Inauguration Day on Wednesday as he's eating his maraschino cherries and crying in his beer.   

Last full day of the biggest disaster in American history.   

Offline Robert Reeves

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Re: JFK: Trump, Russians, Cuban Missile Crisis
« Reply #38 on: January 19, 2021, 03:15:24 PM »
@ Rick Plant, the funny thing is you actually think because Biden is now in power USA wont be drunkenly stumbling around headed into its NEXT disaster.

You are too far gone for Biden to save USA.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: JFK: Trump, Russians, Cuban Missile Crisis
« Reply #39 on: January 19, 2021, 06:41:57 PM »
We all know how Kennedy handled the Cuban Missile Crisis. What would have happened if we had a corrupt compromised idiot like Donald Trump at the helm? For starters, we know he would claim it "was all a hoax" and "it would magically go away". Americans would have been doomed and who knows what kind of disaster would have happened. One thing for sure, is the conservatives in 1960 would never have supported a vile corrupt pathological liar like Donald Trump as their nominee. People had intelligence and weren't brainwashed with a right wing hack media that pushes propaganda 24/7 which is state run television. Some people believe that former government officials had Russian connections, so Donald Trump isn't the only one with allegiance to Mother Russia. Thoughts?

One thing for sure, is the conservatives in 1960 would never have supported a vile corrupt pathological liar like Donald Trump as their nominee.

DT got elected because the majority of Americans know that Washington DC is a "swamp" filed with snakes, skunks, and rats.

Those denizens belong to both political parties and they are there because that's where the American tax dollars are dolled out .

DT said that he was going to drain that swamp.....THAT'S what got him elected.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK: Trump, Russians, Cuban Missile Crisis
« Reply #39 on: January 19, 2021, 06:41:57 PM »