"Trump Derangement Syndrome" has turned the weak minded into Manchurian Candidates. They hear something is connected to Trump in Any manner what-so-ever and they Immediately just go "Off". Very sad to witness those suffering from this affliction.
Dear Royell,
Do you, like Trump, trust KGB-boy Vladimir Putin more than our own intelligence agencies?
If so, did watching the movie (sic)
JFK have anything to do with your getting that way?
Rush To Judgement by Mark "Subsidized by the CPUSA" Lane?
Oswald, Assassin or Fall Guy? by Joachim "Commie" Joesten?
Harvey and Lee by John Armstrong?
Jefferson Morley's website, "JFK Facts" (sic)? (Have you read my one-star Amazon review of his execrable book,
The Ghost?)
Dumbo Duh's website "Kennedy's 'n Kings"?
Engels' and Marx's
The Communist Manifesto?
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler?
The Prince?
Donald Trump's
The Art of the 70% Deal?
-- MWT