Note how Brewer says 'scared' at the beginning of his affidavit, then 'nervous' near the end. No big deal to most people; we get the idea. But law enforcement can take that one change in wording and make it look like you're lying.
Watch this and see what I mean.
It's fascinating.
Don't talk to the police
Holy cow. The CTers are right. Mr. Brewer should have never said anything to the police. It’s amazing he wasn’t convicted.

DA: Mr. Brewer, you say you are innocent. But how did you know a police officer was killed. How did you know he was shot?
Mr. Brewer: I heard it announced on the radio. I heard it just before Oswald showed up.
DA: You Honor, may I call a police officer to the stand.
. . .
DA: Officer Smith, was there any announcement of the shooting of Officer Tippit.
Officer Smith: No, there wasn’t. The media was not informed. There is no way such an announcement could have been made.
. . .
DA: You said you did not shoot the officer yourself. But if this is true, how did you know a police officer was killed? How did you know that he was not only killed, but murdered? How did you know that he was not only murdered but shot to death?
Mr. Brewer: As I said, I heard it over the radio.
DA: But we already know that no such announcement could have been made. Do you have a recording of this alleged radio broadcast?