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Author Topic: The Dale Myers Blog  (Read 18680 times)

Offline Jerry Freeman

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The Dale Myers Blog
« on: July 25, 2020, 04:39:53 AM »
Forum trolls

One visit to any Kennedy assassination forum (take your pick) where discussions about the case continue ad nauseam tells you all you need to know about the state of affairs fifty-plus-years after the fact:

    The same questions asked over and over again (and answered over and over again).
    Discussions that begin innocently enough; then quickly disintegrate into name-calling.
    A *wasteland of supposition, innuendo, and myth that is accepted as fact
    A demonstrative left-leaning bias that excludes any individual person or thought that dares to challenge the left-leaning status quo

And perhaps the most important observation:

    Not one single, verifiable new fact about the assassination has ever been revealed on one of these forums. Not one!

That fact, and that fact alone, has kept me from participating in most of those forums. Simply put, there’s nothing new to learn; and as such, for serious researchers (perhaps more old-school than new), those forums are a colossal waste of time.
Now, of course, there are a few exceptions – forums where logic and reason tend to rule and where an honest effort is made to disseminate true facts – but these forums are far and few between.
"A demonstrative left-leaning bias that excludes any individual person or thought that dares to challenge the left-leaning status quo"

That was a surprising line to me. I have viewed the Trump Supporters thread and it looks to me like it is the liberal lefties who support the official story and the conservatives who vote for a cover up. Of course there are exceptions.
Dale...if you ever find this thread---Not all questions are answered, several are just ignored.
Not one single, verifiable new fact about the assassination has ever been revealed on one of these forums. Not one!
That is absolutely not true.
This thread...,2264.0.html demonstrates that Johnny Brewer and Julia Postal were lying and Dale Myers failed to research these lies.
The *wasteland are the apologetic rags that purport that the Warren Commission got it right when they rubber stamped the Dallas Police comedy of errors. Automatically ruled out in the assault on JFK were Johnson, Hoover, the military brass who wanted him out.. & the southern big business guys who wished to do without him.
A wasteland of supposition, innuendo, and myth that is accepted as fact
Accepted as fact is because Oswald did it... a single bullet blew through two people and was miraculously found in amazingly near perfect condition. Because Oswald did it all alone---it just had to be.
The Warren Commission Report wished to demonstrate that Oswald was a murderous cad so they set out to blast him as a wife beater
Read this thread and see that it was staged...,907.0.html
It has been demonstrated on this forum that it was doubtful that Oswald even had a rifle so how could he have shot into General Walkers house with a rifle he didn't even have?,1189.0.html
forums where logic and reason tend to rule and where an honest effort is made to disseminate true facts –
However if someone claims---cover up...well, they are just not being logical or reasonable.

JFK Assassination Forum

The Dale Myers Blog
« on: July 25, 2020, 04:39:53 AM »

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: The Dale Myers Blog
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2020, 12:04:17 PM »
That was a surprising line to me. I have viewed the Trump Supporters thread and it looks to me like it is the liberal lefties who support the official story and the conservatives who vote for a cover up. Of course there are exceptions.
Dale...if you ever find this thread---Not all questions are answered, several are just ignored. That is absolutely not true.
This thread...,2264.0.html demonstrates that Johnny Brewer and Julia Postal were lying and Dale Myers failed to research these lies.
The *wasteland are the apologetic rags that purport that the Warren Commission got it right when they rubber stamped the Dallas Police comedy of errors. Automatically ruled out in the assault on JFK were Johnson, Hoover, the military brass who wanted him out.. & the southern big business guys who wished to do without him.Accepted as fact is because Oswald did it... a single bullet blew through two people and was miraculously found in amazingly near perfect condition. Because Oswald did it all alone---it just had to be.
The Warren Commission Report wished to demonstrate that Oswald was a murderous cad so they set out to blast him as a wife beater
Read this thread and see that it was staged...,907.0.html
It has been demonstrated on this forum that it was doubtful that Oswald even had a rifle so how could he have shot into General Walkers house with a rifle he didn't even have?,1189.0.htmlHowever if someone claims---cover up...well, they are just not being logical or reasonable.

Jerry why don’t you conduct a poll?

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: The Dale Myers Blog
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2020, 05:11:42 PM »
A quote from the original post on “Back to the movies with Julia Postal”,2264.0.html

. . .
Second..Postal said that her boss [John Callahan] jumped into his car and chases the police ???
I have noted in the past that it was never reported that Mr Callahan ever returned to his theater that was invaded by law enforcement authorities from all over Dallas. Does that strike anyone else as odd? At least extremely curious? What ever happened to Mr Callahan?
. . .

Yes, this is very strange. A theater manager drives off after the police. Then the police come and swarm over the theater. But the theater manager doesn’t immediately return. How could this be? How could a theater manager run a theater without strong psychic powers? Even if he was blocks away, he would know the police and arrived at his theater and he should return immediately. Very strange.

Mrs. Postal never mention Mr. Callahan ever returning to the theater. And never mentioned that he never returned, either. I guess we should assume he never did, at least, not on that day.

And Mr. Callahan went after the police without Mrs. Postal telling him a man snuck into his theater. Or maybe she did tell him but she did not mention this to the commission. She was not asked so we really don’t know if she told him or not. Or maybe Mr. Callahan also saw a man sneak into his theater and in the wake of the Presidential assassination decided not to confront to man himself but on his own initiative decided to fetch the police himself. There are multiple innocent explanations.

But why should these other explanations even be considered when the truth is obvious? The shoe salesmen, the theater managers and their employees of Dallas were all in on the conspiracy. It didn’t matter where Oswald ran to, he was trapped by lying enemies everywhere. How can Dale Myers be so blind to the obvious truth?

Mr. Freeman, I can assure you that Dale Myers would learn nothing new from reading your post. It would only confirm his opinion about most of the posts on these forums.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Dale Myers Blog
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2020, 05:11:42 PM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: The Dale Myers Blog
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2020, 08:16:10 PM »
Mr. Freeman, I can assure you that Dale Myers would learn nothing new from reading your post. It would only confirm his opinion about most of the posts on these forums.
It is nice that you are a spokesperson for Dale Myers.
What about the statement in that Movies thread,2264.0.html  [read ALL the posts]..that Johnny Brewer claimed to have heard that a policeman was shot in Central Oak Cliff on the radio and then saw Oswald cowering by his store as police cars were racing around---but it is demonstrated with all the Dallas radio tapes of that afternoon that no such announcement of a shooting was made until [almost] 2 PM---10 minutes after Oswald was arrested in that theater. Some of the guys here don't even have Tippit shot until "about 1:30" ---the same time it was announced on the radio? A time warp? 20 minutes of time was crammed into a 5 minute bag?
Brewer had a chance to be a hero. Someone must have pointed the way for him and he fetched like a dog....the only scenario I can think of. Who else was in that shoe store with Johnny Brewer?   

Offline Gerry Down

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Re: The Dale Myers Blog
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2020, 08:27:47 PM »
It is nice that you are a spokesperson for Dale Myers.
What about the statement in that Movies thread,2264.0.html  [read ALL the posts]..that Johnny Brewer claimed to have heard that a policeman was shot in Central Oak Cliff on the radio and then saw Oswald cowering by his store as police cars were racing around---but it is demonstrated with all the Dallas radio tapes of that afternoon that no such announcement of a shooting was made until [almost] 2 PM---10 minutes after Oswald was arrested in that theater. Some of the guys here don't even have Tippit shot until "about 1:30" ---the same time it was announced on the radio? A time warp? 20 minutes of time was crammed into a 5 minute bag?
Brewer had a chance to be a hero. Someone must have pointed the way for him and he fetched like a dog....the only scenario I can think of. Who else was in that shoe store with Johnny Brewer?

Could have been a pirate radio. Or maybe he misremembered and it was a person who said it passing his store and not the radio. Brewer seems like a genuine person, i don't think he'd lie intentionally.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Dale Myers Blog
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2020, 08:27:47 PM »

Offline John Tonkovich

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Re: The Dale Myers Blog
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2020, 09:26:14 PM »
Could have been a pirate radio. Or maybe he misremembered and it was a person who said it passing his store and not the radio. Brewer seems like a genuine person, i don't think he'd lie intentionally.
Mr Down: do you have any evidence of a "pirate radio" station operating in Dallas at that time?

More importantly, why did Dale Myers ever investigate who was in the store with  Brewer when he "spotted " Oswald? That's a research failure on his part.

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: The Dale Myers Blog
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2020, 01:41:52 AM »

It is nice that you are a spokesperson for Dale Myers.

I am not a spokesperson for Dale Myers, just a fan of his.

What about the statement in that Movies thread,2264.0.html  [read ALL the posts]..that Johnny Brewer claimed to have heard that a policeman was shot in Central Oak Cliff on the radio and then saw Oswald cowering by his store as police cars were racing around---but it is demonstrated with all the Dallas radio tapes of that afternoon that no such announcement of a shooting was made until [almost] 2 PM---10 minutes after Oswald was arrested in that theater. Some of the guys here don't even have Tippit shot until "about 1:30" ---the same time it was announced on the radio? A time warp? 20 minutes of time was crammed into a 5 minute bag?

You are ignoring the common problems with people’s memories. The most probable explanation is that the actual order of events in time are:

1.   Mr. Brewer hears over the radio that the President was shot while in Dealey Plaza.
2.   Mr. Brewer sees a man behaving in a suspicious manner, ducking into his shoe store briefly, with loud police cars passing by.
3.   Mr. Brewer sees the same man ducking into a theater, again with loud police cars approaching.
4.   He soon heard that a policeman was shot within the last hour and within a mile of the theater.

And by several months later, by March of 1964, confused “Hearing about the President being shot or shot at” with “Hearing that a Policeman was shot”. Honest witnesses make mistakes like this all the time.

Dealey Plaza was, by road, just within 3 miles of the Texas Theater, and the shoe store. Plenty close enough to rise the suspicions of a casual witness to anyone acting suspiciously just over an hour after the Dealey Plaza shooting.

How many honest mistakes do we have in this case?

How many shots were there? Two? Three? Four?

What directions were the shots from? Some say all from the front? Others all from the back?

What did the limousine do during the shooting? Slow down? Stop? Maintain a steady pace?

Do we have to assume that many of these witnesses are lying? Many witnesses are simply mistaken.

If there is one lesson a student of this event should know, and there is no excuse for not knowing, is how unreliable witness’s memories are. You can’t just lump all witness’s who remember some detail wrong as liars, members of the conspiracy to murder or cover up the murder of the President.

You reach out for the wild explanations, “time warp”, “all liars who were part of the conspiracy or coverup”, and ignore the simplest and most probable explanation, honest witness error.

I still think that Dale Myers has nothing to learn from your posts.

Brewer had a chance to be a hero. Someone must have pointed the way for him and he fetched like a dog....the only scenario I can think of. Who else was in that shoe store with Johnny Brewer?

Who else was in the store with Mr. Brewer? No doubt fellow conspirators, who would support his story. 😊

Mr. Brewer is a hero of these events. Not as big a hero as Officer Tippit or Officer McDonald, but a hero never-the-less. Of course, some CTers hate the true heroes because they besmirch the reputation of their true hero, Oswald.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2020, 01:52:01 AM by Joe Elliott »

Offline John Tonkovich

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Re: The Dale Myers Blog
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2020, 05:48:12 AM »
Mr Elliot: who were the people with Brewer in the shoe store?
Also, the radio broadcast story is patently false, but still promulgated by Mr Brewer.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Dale Myers Blog
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2020, 05:48:12 AM »