MR.CHAPMAN: There you go again: Ignoring the wailing cop-cars, news of the assassination, a guy observed by Brewer to be attempting to hide, and then conclude that Brewer had no reason to suspect anything.
MR.IACOLETTI: Strawman. I made no such argument.
MR.CHAPMAN: Reply #8 July 31, 2020, 03:25:47 AM (
"to justify why he was suspicious of this man")
MR.CHAPMAN: Now show us where Brewer claimed to be doubting his reasons for following Oswald. Seems to me that's nothing but Iacoletti conjecture.
MR.IACOLETTI: When did I ever ever claim he did?
Mr.CHAPMAN: Reply #8 July 31, 2020, 03:25:47 AM (
"to justify why he was suspicious of this man")
MR.IACOLETTI: Brewer never said “attempting to hide'.

You and your semantics. 'Attempting to hide': Same difference as stepping into the foyer at the sudden approach of cop cars, turning his back, glancing over his shoulder, then leaving immediately after the cop cars disappear. But I guess Oswald was just shy. Btw, Brewer did
not say the man was 'standing in front of his shop' as you claim (Reply #8 July 31, 2020, 03:25:47 AM)
"to justify why he was suspicious of this man standing in front of his shop"