Why do you keep making this assertion? KBOX was recording during the motorcade. The tapes went "missing".
Or was never recorded. Yes, during important events, like the motorcade, they made recordings. And stopped recording when they thought the main public event was over. WFAA did exactly the same.
Any why would these tapes go missing? Were KBOX and WFAA transmitting coded messages to the shooters?
Coulda, woulda, shoulda.

It is speculation for me to say that Mr. Brewer could have heard an early (with errors) broadcast about the death of a police officer. Like from listening to KBOX at 1:36. But it is not speculation to state that it was impossible for Mr. Brewer to have heard such a broadcast.
Why aren’t both claims considered “speculation”? And Martin’s claim an unreasonable speculation because we do have a recording of such a broadcast at 1:36, which could form the basis of Mr. Brewer’s memory of events two weeks later.