DPD Dispatch
Otto is right. You really suck at this....
The times mentioned in those two dispatcher calls on channel 2 are not the times that Tippit was shot and was declared DOA.
Those calls were made by the dispatcher to document the time of broadcast, but those recordings/transcripts are likely not correct, according to J.C. Bowles, the man in charge of the DPD dispatchers;
A master clock on the telephone room wall was connected to the City Hall system. This clock reported "official" time. Within the dispatcher's office there were numerous other time giving and time recording devices, both in the telephone room and in the radio room. Telephone operators and radio operators were furnished "Simplex" clocks. Because the hands often worked loose, they indicated the incorrect time. However, their purpose was to stamp the time, day and date on incoming calls. While they were reliable at this, they were not synchronized as stated in the Committee report. Therefore, it was not uncommon for the time stamped on calls to be a minute to two ahead or behind the "official" time shown on the master clock. Accordingly, at "exactly" 10:10, various clocks could be stamping from 10:08 to 10:12, for example. When clocks were as much as a minute or so out of synchronization it was normal procedure to make the needed adjustments. During busy periods this was not readily done.
In addition to the times stamped on calls by telephone operators, the radio operators stamped the "time" as calls were dispatched, and the "time" that officers completed an assignment and returned to service. Radio operators were also furnished with 12-hour digital clocks to facilitate their time references when they were not using call sheets containing stamped time. These digital clocks were not synchronized with any time standard. Therefore, the time "actual" and time "broadcast" could easily be a minute or so apart. <>
It is, however, important to remember that
1. No exact record of "time" exists;
2. The several clocks were not synchronized;
3. The radio operators were not exact with regard to "time statements" on either radio;https://www.jfk-online.com/bowles1.html#setA master clock on the telephone room wall was connected to the City Hall system. This clock reported "official" time. Nowhere does it say that "official" time is the same as real time!
Besides, if the shooting happened at 1.15, the only people who actually used a watch or a clock would have to be wrong. Helen Markham must have needed 9 minutes to walk one block from 9th to 10th street, T.F. Bowley must have been at least 5 minutes late in picking up his daughter from school and never noticed it and the clock used at Methodist Hospital used to declare Tippit D.O.A. at 1.15 must also have been wrong by at least 13 minutes.
One final comment; Tippit's murder was a local matter, not a federal one. Yet, FBI agents were pestering Methodist Hospital and Hughes funeral home about the time that Tippit was declared DOA and the time the ambulance was called/dispatched. On several FBI reports times were subsequently altered. Now, why in the world would they do that? When a Justice of the Peace writes on an official document that Tippit was declared DOA, why would the FBI be so desperate to (1) involve itself in a murder for which it had no jurisdiction and (2) question that time of death?
There is IMO only one answer; they understood early on that the time of 1.15 for Tippit's DOA (and thus being shot between 1.06 and 1.10) did to fit the "Oswald did it" scenario, as he couldn't have been at 10th/Patton any time earlier than 1.14, and so the time of DOA needed to be later than 1.15.
Now, how's that for a circumstantial case based on actual evidence? What, you don't know what a circumstantial case is..... uh, forget I mentioned it.