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Author Topic: Power cut important clarification required  (Read 40418 times)

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Power cut important clarification required
« Reply #136 on: December 28, 2019, 03:51:09 AM »
When “Richard” says “misconstrued” he means what she said differs from what he wants to believe happened. She said the lights all went out, and also that the phones became dead because no one was calling. That doesn’t mean that the lights she was talking about were phone lights. ”Richard” is applying his own biased interpretation and stating it as a fact, just like he always does.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Power cut important clarification required
« Reply #136 on: December 28, 2019, 03:51:09 AM »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: Power cut important clarification required
« Reply #137 on: December 28, 2019, 04:14:13 AM »
Arguably, the power was not "cut" or otherwise interrupted, to ALL accounts "wired to the grid," at that particular location.

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: Power cut important clarification required
« Reply #138 on: December 28, 2019, 06:48:07 AM »

That's a good video and explains the intricacies of operating the doors on the Elevator, I guarantee that without previous knowledge that 0% of the CT's here would be able to operate the Elevator in your video and I bet that 100% of LNers would figure it out because that's what we do!


Likely explains the operation of the east elevator not the west. One was a double gate one a single. The east could not be "called" but was solely manually operated. The west required shut gates to be "called". Mooney tried to use the west elevator. Interesting the speed mentioned in the video of 80 feet per minute, seems close to that for the TSBD.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Power cut important clarification required
« Reply #138 on: December 28, 2019, 06:48:07 AM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Power cut important clarification required
« Reply #139 on: December 28, 2019, 06:28:33 PM »
Arguably, the power was not "cut" or otherwise interrupted, to ALL accounts "wired to the grid," at that particular location.
Back earlier in the thread.. that Hertz sign was mentioned. It was on a completely different circuit than the power to the offices and elevators.
Notice that there were some storage spaces on the roof---could have been a nice cubby hole to hide in until the coast was clear-----

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Power cut important clarification required
« Reply #140 on: December 30, 2019, 04:20:10 PM »
Hine never indicated the power was cut-off.  That is a myth that CTers contrived from misconstruing her testimony in which she explained why she was able to go to window and look at the motorcade.  Her job was to answer the phone.   There were no incoming calls at that moment (i.e. the "lights" on the phone).  So she could walk away from her desk and look out the window.

Mr. BALL. Did you stay at your desk?
Miss HINE. Yes, sir: I was alone until the lights all went out and the phones became dead because the motorcade was coming near us and no one was calling so I got up and thought I could see it from the east window in our office.

It's apparent what Hine meant.  First, look at the question she is being asked. "Did you stay at your desk?"  Her job was to answer the phone at her desk.  She had volunteered to stay behind and answer the telephone so some others could go out to see the motorcade.  Her response explains why she didn't stay at her desk to answer the phone (i.e. there were no calls to be answered).  The lights going out in the building would have nothing to do with her ability to leave her desk.  LOL.  If there were any doubt about this, she confirms the "lights all went out and phones became dead because"  "no one was calling."  No one was calling!  Not that the power was out but that "no one was calling."  She attributes this - rightly or wrongly - to the fact that "the motorcade was coming near us."  Why would she have any cause to believe a motorcade nearing them would cause a power outage?   What she is conveying is that because most everyone was outside watching the motorcade that there were no calls at that moment (i.e. there were no lights on the phone because "no one was calling") which allowed her to leave her desk because she had no calls to answer.  Good grief. 

BUT AGAIN what point would there be in a conspiracy scenario to turn the power and phones off for a brief instant while the motorcade passed the building?  I've never seen anyone articulate a reasonable basis for the conspirators to do this.  And if these CTers are to be believed the power came back on, but then a few minutes later was turned off again to explain why a couple of elevators didn't work!  Again why would the conspirators bother with this risky and seemingly pointless undertaking of turning the power on and off more than once for brief instant?  If the point, however, is simply that the power may have gone off for some reason unrelated to a conspiracy or the assassination, it seemingly makes little difference whether it went off or not.  It would be like arguing about the temperature that day.  The implication being made by some CTers is that a power outage suggests something more sinister but they can't or won't articulate what.  It's a where there is smoke, there is fire argument that is based on a false premise and then makes no narrative sense if given more than a seconds thought.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Power cut important clarification required
« Reply #140 on: December 30, 2019, 04:20:10 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Power cut important clarification required
« Reply #141 on: December 30, 2019, 07:58:19 PM »
The lights going out in the building would have nothing to do with her ability to leave her desk.  LOL. 

I suppose she could have stumbled around in the dark. LOL.

If there were any doubt about this, she confirms the "lights all went out and phones became dead because"  "no one was calling."

The only thing that confirms is your bias. That could just as easily be read as (the lights all went out) AND (the phones became dead because no one was calling).

And your argument might carry more weight if other people hadn’t also reported power outages. Which you also brush off as mistakes. Why are you so attached to the idea that the power didn’t go out?

What she is conveying is that because most everyone was outside watching the motorcade that there were no calls at that moment

Why would people all over Texas needing textbooks stop calling just because a motorcade was coming down the street at the Book Depository building? Good grief indeed.

BUT AGAIN what point would there be in a conspiracy scenario to turn the power and phones off for a brief instant while the motorcade passed the building? 

Who said it had to be a conspiracy scenario? But if you’re calling for speculation, it could be in order to aid the shooters in getting away. Which was articulated the last time you asked the question.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2019, 08:03:17 PM by John Iacoletti »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Power cut important clarification required
« Reply #142 on: December 30, 2019, 08:24:31 PM »
Turning the lights out on a sunny day in a building with numerous windows and cutting the phones in the TSBD would not assist the killer.  Hine's testimony relates to the moment of the assassination.  Baker and Truly take the elevator with no problem just a few minutes later.  Why would the power be cut again later when Mooney takes his elevator ride?   The power is obviously back on when he rides from the first to second floor but then gets cut again at that point?  How are conspirators coordinating these multiple power cuts with real time events in the days before cell phones?  Why would Hine attribute the approach of the motorcade with causing a power outage?   

So no one here is alleging the power outage was part of a conspiracy scenario?  Great! That's the standard response when attempting to prove a conspiracy by implication.  It allows for a suggestion of conspiracy without any actual proof or explanation as to the objective of the conspirators because there is none.  Then why are we discussing it?  Let's assume the power went out for a few seconds around the time of the assassination but that it had nothing whatsoever to do with the assassination or a conspiracy.  Why would it matter?   If someone wants to believe that the power/phones went out but that this was not part of a conspiracy, then knock yourself out.  That's incorrect but fine with me.  I only take issue with those that attempt to use the alleged power outage as a way to imply there was a conspiracy.  And that is clearly the intent for most CTers who raise the issue.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Power cut important clarification required
« Reply #143 on: December 30, 2019, 11:58:37 PM »
Turning the lights out on a sunny day in a building with numerous windows and cutting the phones in the TSBD would not assist the killer.

There aren’t many windows on the north side of the building, particularly in the area of the freight elevators and staircase on the first floor. And Hine’s office area had no windows. She would have been acutely aware of lights going out.

Hine's testimony relates to the moment of the assassination.  Baker and Truly take the elevator with no problem just a few minutes later.  Why would the power be cut again later when Mooney takes his elevator ride?   The power is obviously back on when he rides from the first to second floor but then gets cut again at that point?  How are conspirators coordinating these multiple power cuts with real time events in the days before cell phones?  Why would Hine attribute the approach of the motorcade with causing a power outage?

This is a classic argument from ignorance. You can’t imagine how such a thing could be done, therefore it couldn’t have been done. And it’s another example of your usual strawman “vast conspiracy that would have to have been perfectly executed” argument.

If someone wants to believe that the power/phones went out but that this was not part of a conspiracy, then knock yourself out.  That's incorrect but fine with me. 

How arrogant.

I only take issue with those that attempt to use the alleged power outage as a way to imply there was a conspiracy.  And that is clearly the intent for most CTers who raise the issue.

There are two ways to approach something unusual like reports of power going out near the time of the assassination. One is to say “hmm...that’s odd and merits additional investigation or examination”. Another is to say “we already know Oswald did this by himself, so it must be a coincidence, unimportant, or they are mistaken”.

Guess which one reflects a genuine search for the truth and which one reflects a biased, predetermined outcome?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Power cut important clarification required
« Reply #143 on: December 30, 2019, 11:58:37 PM »