Well, who am I to question the reliability of a witness’s memory? 
From Tague's testimony:
Mr. LIEBELER. Do you have any idea which bullet might have made that mark [on his face]?
Mr. TAGUE. I would guess it was either the second or third. I wouldn't say definitely on which one.
Mr. LIEBELER. Did you hear any more shots after you felt yourself get hit in the face?
Mr. TAGUE. I believe I did.
Mr. LIEBELER. You think you did?
Mr. TAGUE. I believe I did.
Mr. LIEBELER. How many?
Mr. TAGUE. I believe that it was the second shot, so I heard the third shot afterwards.
Mr. LIEBELER. Did you hear three shots?
Mr. TAGUE. I heard three shots; yes sir. And I did notice the time on the Hertz clock. It was 12:29.
"I believe", "I believe", "I believe."
If JFK was shot from the front - and the bullet exited the back of his head - I am perplexed as to how Tague could be hit by a fragment. Okay, I admit it: I'm not really perplexed <g>.
Full testimony here: