It didn’t require Carnac the Magnificent to have this premonition. Oswald was very widely hated and the police were very nervous about this transfer. But did not do the one thing that would make it work. Ban the press from the building and tell no one about the transfer. But reporters convinced them that the police had to be open about everything involving Oswald.
Mr Elliott: it's the fault of the press that Oswald was shot?
Really now, that's pretty rich. Please explain further.
So, the headline should have read:
"Police Chief, Sherrif, Powerless To Face Down Overwhelming Press Hordes; Oswald Murdered".
Ok. Got it.
Silly me. I thought the police and sherrif allowed the press unfettered access
all weekend, so they could show off their capture of the " suspect" in record time, and perhaps take the focus off of the pathetic, failed efforts to protect..the
godd@&n President of the United States.
And, there is the small matter of how Ruby got into the basement on Sunday morning, as well as into the Friday night Press ( that's the operative word there) conference, seeing as Jack was ...a reporter, you say?