Michael Griffith hits me with a blizzard of arguments which are too many for me to deal with. Not because each of these arguments are so irrefutable, but just from the sheer number of them. It gives me the impression that he is trying to make up for the lack of quality of these arguments with quantity.
Michael Griffith also cannot resist mentioning how ignorant I am about the case. There is some truth to this. I doubt I have spent a fraction of the time reading on this case as he has. I try to broaden my reading to cover a lot of subjects, science, particularly geology, plate tectonics, ancient life, evolution. And history, and mostly history not involving the Kennedy assassination. Yes, a strong interest in the past, and not speculating about the future. The past seems more real to me. Who knows what’s going to happen in the next thousand years?
And besides, I think it’s hard for a LNer to put as much passion into the case as a CTer who hopes to be the first to make the truth clear to all. Or maybe the 153rd. But what good is spending so much time researching the Kennedy assassination, when you already have your conclusions. What Pro Conspiracy argument does Mr. Griffith not believe in? I suspect only ones that contradict a more favored pro conspiracy theory.
But even here, not always. I saw he wrote an article back in 1996 about maybe Officer McLain could not have been the motorcycle officer who trailed behind the Presidential limousine by 120 to 160 feet. Maybe it was Officer Hargis who in the perfect position to record the sounds of the shots that match the 1978 testing. This is curious for three reasons. One the Zapruder film shows him right where he is supposed to be, about even with the rear bumper of the Presidential limousine. This can be explained away because the Zapruder film is faked, right? And maybe the Altgens photograph at z255 was faked as well, why not? But he also argues that Hargis was right behind the President when his head exploded from the headshot. How could Hargis be splattered with blood while 120 to 160 feet behind the President? So, it seems that Mr. Griffith is quite capable of believing in two different Pro conspiracy arguments that contradict each other. Officer Hargis was both right behind the President and 120 feet behind at the same time. It may have something to do with Quantum Physics. I’ll leave Mr. Griffith to explain it.
In any case, let’s deal with a few of the points Mr. Griffith made.
* When you calculate the speed of the dictabelt motorcycle based on the echo correlations with the test-firing impulses, you get a speed that is almost identical to the average speed of JFK’s limo. The distance from the first matching microphone to the last was 143 feet. The time between the first and last gunshot impulse on the dictabelt is 8.3 seconds. In order for the motorcycle with the stuck mike to cover 143 feet in 8.3 seconds, it would have had to travel at a speed of right around 11.7 mph. This speed fits almost perfectly with the FBI's conclusion that Kennedy’s limo averaged 11.3 mph on Elm Street. If this is a “coincidence,” it is an amazing, stunning coincidence.
No, I don’t see this as any sort of coincidence at all. The Warren Commission’s Report stated that the average speed of the motorcade was 11 mph. So, going into this, the acoustic experts were looking for results that are consistent with a motorcycle going 11 mph. They know a correlation consistent of a motorcycle going 2 mph, or 30 mph, or 10 mph backwards is not going to do them any good.
Seek and you shall find. If they found a correlation between one location and the first shot, where would they check for the second shot 1.6 seconds later? Elementary. It would have to be 16.1 feet (11 mph is about 16.1 feet per second) times 1.6 seconds or 25 feet down the road. And then go check the next appropriate spot.
As an aside, I think this point shows the big difference between Mr. Griffith and myself. Mr. Griffith values taking in as much information as possible. To read voraciously to amass as many new facts as possible, so long as they are facts that support the Pro conspiracy side, of course. I don’t do nearly as much as that. But I am critical to the hypotheses I consider adopting. I don’t see this in Mr. Griffith. A little reflection would have told them that whether the 1978 acoustic study was valid or not, either way, they were going to find a result consistent with a motorcycle driving alongside the motorcade.
* Acoustical experts Weiss and Aschkenasy determined that the odds that the correlations between the dictabelt grassy knoll shot impulse and the test-firing grassy knoll impulse were a coincidence were “less than 1 in 20” (8 HSCA 32).
Yes, but there are lots of places they might look for a correlation.
Maybe starting with the stretch of road starting at the corner of Main and Houston and the next 143 feet.
And the stretch starting from 20 feet from Houston for the next 143 feet (that stretch would have been a jackpot).
And the stretch starting from 40 feet from Houston for the next 143 feet.
And so on, ending with the stretch starting 180 feet down Elm for the next 143 feet.
Now, it may have been true, that they found a stretch of road, that the acoustic tests found matched the patterns found on the Dictabelt recording, and the odds of this happening are 20 to 1. But if they tested 20 stretches of road, that would really not be that amazing a coincidence.
And in any case, regardless of the odds, if a motorcycle is not where they predicted it must be, their odds go from 95% to zero.
Incidentally, Weiss and Aschkenasy said that before they began their research, they did not believe there were any shots on the dictabelt, much less four or more.
Yes, they said a lot of things. But I don’t believe everything I hear. Sometimes people tell themselves stories going into a case, like, it really doesn’t matter to them if they make the discovery of the century or not. It’s all the same to them. Yes, that all sounds perfectly plausible to me.

In limiting the test firings to two locations, Blakey ruled out the possibility that any of the unmatched sounds on the dictabelt could be matched with impulses of shots fired from other locations, such as from the nearby Dal-Tex Building or the County Records Building, both of which would have provided logical sniper positions. (Interestingly, Mafia man Eugene Brading was arrested in the Dal-Tex Building shortly after the assassination. Just a "coincidence", right?)
Again, I wonder if Mr. Griffith questions his beliefs.
The Dal-Tex Building. Yes, that gives some excellent angles for firing down Elm Street. The Court Records Building? Not so much. A shooter from this building will be dealing with a target on Elm Street moving at a high angular velocity. An unnecessary complication, when a location in the TSBD or the Dal-Tex Building gives a pretty much straight shot down Elm Street with the limousine moving almost directly away. But I don’t suppose Mr. Griffith thinks about this very much. Any location other than the TSBD makes a logical sniper position. Heck, even the Grassy Knoll, firing almost at right angles to the motion of the limousine is a logical firing position.