There are compelling arguments for the stuck open mic being at the Trade Mart, not at the Plaza, like
Worth a read:
Otto has a good point. I wish Mr. Griffith would drop everything else and deal with this issue:’s go over the timeline of the 5.5-minute period when the microphone was stuck:
12:31:13 Impulse from what BBN claimed was made by the last shot in Dealey Plaza.
12:31:56 Someone whistling a tune in the background
12:32:42 Someone whistling again.
12:33:01 Sound of sirens can be heard, faintly, but increasing in loudness.
12:33:03 Sire sounds continue.
12:33:18 Sire sounds continue.
12:33:26 Sire sounds continue.
12:33:34 Sire sounds continue.
12:33:55 Someone whistling again.
12:33:38 DSO? Attention all units, all units . . .
12:34:19 Microphone closed.
So, this is recorded either by a motorcycle, initially escorting the motorcade, then escorting the limousine to Parkland hospital. The Trade Mart Center was two miles from Dealey Plaza, but just 200 yards from Harry Hines Blvd. along which the limousine with escorting motorcycles with sirens blaring passed by.
There are several things that clearly indicate that the motorcycle with the stuck microphone was at the Trade Mart Center and not with the motorcade in Dealey Plaza during the shooting.
1. The sound of the sirens does not come on suddenly and loud and stay loud for five minutes. Instead, there is the sound of no sirens. Then distance sirens. Then the sirens gradually get louder, stay loud for several seconds, then gradually fade away.
2. After the shooting, while, supposedly being recorded by a motorcycle speeding on the freeway to Parkland, we often hear no sirens but the sound of whistling.
3. The crosstalk “Attention all units, all units . . .”, the sound of a Dispatcher alerting all units. But this could not have been the Dallas Police Dispatcher, since nothing like this was recorded on Channel 2. It could only have been a dispatcher with another organization, like the County Sheriff Department. And none of there vehicles were escorting the motorcade but some of them where at the Trade Mart Center.
Question for Michael Griffith:
On each of these three points, can you, just using what is recorded on the Dictabelt, explain how this fits a motorcycle escorting the limousine to Parkland Hospital better than a motorcycle waiting at the Trade Mart Center? Just stick to what’s on the tape and just address these points. Yes, I know when the evidence goes against them, CTers cherry pick some witness. Like the Police Dispatcher who broadcast:
“Unknown motorcycle - up on Stemmons with his mike stuck open on Channel 1. Could you send someone up there to tell him to shut it off?
which is ambiguous anyway because the Trade Mart Center is right by the Stemmons freeway.