Hi Walt,
I agree, Oswald would not have all the answers, that was an oversimplification on my part, an unintended mistake. But he could have cleared up many of the issues we discuss today, for instance the curtain rod story, why he decided to goo to the movies and change seats all the time, did he hire people to pose as Secret Service agents on the knoll and behind the TSBD. Etc.
Some say the FBI was instrumental in the cover up, the way they changed witness statements and all. Others think Hoover knew what was about to happen and did nothing to stop it. There is this FBI teletype warning of an assassination attempt and nothing was done about it:

What was this "militant revolutionary group?"
About the involvement of LBJ....I am not sure. Of course he benefited the most, but he got sucked into the Vietnam war and it unnerved him so much he didn't seek reelection. And he asked Hoover: were any shots directed at me? That pretty much rules him out, unless he was pretending not to know anything.
Hi Joffrey ..... Oh Boy!!... You seem to revel in opening these "cans of worms."

LOOK at this " Official FBI Teletype".... o you actually believe that this was sent from the "DIRECTOR" ( Hoover) in FBI Headquarters in Washington DC ??
It seems obvious to me that this telex was created by a person who had trouble spelling. ( Do you know someone involved in this that was a poor speller?)