Did you really think people were going to be fooled by your fuzzy soft-focus screen grab? Come on. The figures on the side of the road are blobs.
And why did you want people to believe that it was easy to track through the foliage and that JFK came out in the clear at Z190? A search for the truth. Hmmm, nope. You want things to fit your Theory's requirement for a shot fired about Z200-ish.
Look at page 101 of the Warren Report.

You can't see hardly any features of the car in the approaching foliage.
I don't have any difficulty seeing the car and occupants passing under the tree. All Oswald had to do was aim down the street and shoot when JFK came into view. My point is that JFK is clear well before z207.
Croft said no such thing. An FBI AirTel characterized the exposure that didn't turn out as "taken simultaneously with the shot which killed the President."
Croft was interviewed not long after:

"Croft told the Powell Tribune for a story published Nov. 26, 1963,
that he was 30 feet from JFK’s limousine when the shots rang out
at around 12:30 p.m. Central Time."
That also doesn't say he was taking a photo that corresponded with a first shot.
Trask interviewed Croft and he said his photo (taken at z163) was taken before the first shot. He also said he wound his camera and pressed the shutter at the time of the first shot. I think we have gone over this before. Perhaps your memory is becoming as bad as your etiquette.
Kennedy emerges from the foliage and into the clear about Z200.

No one could have tracked Kenndy through that foliage. You don't know know better than the FBI.
First of all, the FBI did their reenactment in May 1964 after the new spring foliage and branches had appeared. The tree in November 1963 did not look like that, as we see in the Secret Service film from early December 1963.
I notice that you just say he appeared clear of the tree at z200 but you don't provide any analysis to support that. The film you have used does not show the full street. JFK was opposite the Thornton Freeway sign at z200. You can see that he is well clear of the tree by that time in the frame I showed in my earlier post with the yellow lines.