This is moving beyond unreasonable into embarrassing.
Why are you embarrassed? The only thing that we do not agree on is whether the head shot was the third and last shot. I say that the evidence is rather persuasive that it was and you think there was a shot after Oswald had obviously hit his target. If I am right, then you would have to agree that there was a second shot around z270.
Remember, the foliage was much more dense at the time of the assassination.
On what basis do you suggest that the leaves were more dense on November 22, 1963 than on December 3, 1963?
The shot did not happen at this time.
To suggest the assassin began shooting whilst trying to track his target through dense foliage is ridiculous.
I disagree. To suggest that he didn't, without evidence, would be the odd thing.
A first shot at z223 avoids all this nonsense as the limo is well clear of the tree and the shooter has had time to acquire his target.
Bugliosi and the WC thought he was hit around z210 and the HSCA thought he was reacting to an external stimulus before disappearing behind the Stemmons sign. It is only relatively recently that the z223 SBT has become fashionable.
It is also noteworthy that in your last reply to my post you avoided mentioning the very uncomfortable fact that JBC's wrist position is clearly above the right nipple. In your scenario it is impossible for the bullet to exit JBC's chest and strike his wrist.
How do you account for this glaring error in your model?
I don't like to repeat myself (we have gone over this before) but since you insist: Where do you think the bullet exited? Where do you think his right nipple is? It struck the jacket sleeve a good half an inch from the end of his jacket cuff which is pressed against his chest at the level of his right nipple in z271:

Using this image of a baby to represent the same movement of a large middle-aged man is embarrassing.
Embarrassing to whom? The baby?
Jerry's graphic amply demonstrates the impossibility of the bullet path you are proposing, a radical deflection occurring against the momentum of the bullet (not to mention the impossible wrist-strike)
The bullet would not deflect much but it definitely would have deflected some because it depressed the rib enough to cause a fracture near the spine. But the path from the armpit to the right nipple did not require much deflection. Since it occurred when he was turned to the right (as Nellie told Dr. Shaw and Dr. Shires) his right nipple moved to the right. Just sit in a chair and keeping your hips facing forward twist your torso around to the right and you will see what I mean. The right nipple moves right so that it is practically on the side. The path from the rear along the fifth rib from the entry point to the right nipple is practically a straight line.
You are being shown that Hickey could not see the 'hair flutter' that you are proposing he did.
I did not propose that he saw the hair flutter. Hickey did - he said he saw it (Hickey CE1024 statement 30Nov63 18H762):
- "At the moment he was almost sitting erect I heard two reports which I thought were shots and that appeared to me completely different in sound than the first report and were in such rapid succession that there seemed to be practically no time element between them. It looked to me as if the President was struck in the right upper rear of his head. The first shot of the second two seemed as if it missed because the hair on the right side of his head flew forward and there didn't seem to be any impact against his head. The last shot seemed to hit his head and cause a noise at the point of impact which made him fall forward and to his left again."
He could not see it.
The only reasonable conclusion is that Hickey is mistaken in the way he describes the head shot and that the hair flying up is the head strike itself.
Hickey is a single unsupported witness who could not have seen what you attribute to him.
Hickey is supported by the zfilm. Hickey was turned around to the rear still at z255 (Altgens #6) but he said he turned forward and heard the last two shots while looking at the President. So that means the last two shots occurred after z255. The only time that JFK's hair lifts up during the period z255-z312 is from z273-z276. I don't like to use terms like "ridiculous" but if it is to be used, I would say that would be better used to describe your suggestion that Hickey imagined but did not see JFK's hair fly up in those 3 seconds between z255 and z312 and then by some miracle coincidence JFK's hair actually did fly up then just as he described.
It's time to let go
Maybe it is time to let go thinking that the head shot was the second shot.