John Connally, Altgens and Hill only heard two shots.
That is true for Connally and Hill, but not Altgens. In any event not recalling hearing three shots doesn't mean that they did not provide clear evidence that there was no shot after the head shot.
Connally (4H141):
Governor CONNALLY. Yes, I do; I do have doubt, Congressman. I am not at all sure he was shooting at me. I think I could with some logic argue either way. The logic in favor of him, of the position that he was shooting at me, is simply borne out by the fact that
the man fired three shots, and he hit each of the three times he fired. He obviously was a pretty good marksman, so you have to assume to some extent at least that he was hitting what he was shooting at.
On the other hand, I think I could argue with equal logic that obviously his prime target, and I think really his sole target, was President Kennedy. His first shot, at least to him, he could not have but known the effect that it might have on the President.
His second shot showed that he had clearly missed the President, and his result to him, as the result of the first shot, the President slumped and changed his position in the back seat just enough to expose my back. I haven’t seen all of the various positions, but again I think from where he was shooting I was in the direct line of fire immediately in front of the President, so any movement on the part of the President would expose me.
Altgens: (7H518)
I could vouch for No. 1, and I can vouch for the last shot, but I cannot tell you how many shots were in between.
There was not another shot fired after the President was struck in the head. That was the last shot-that much I will say with a great degree of certainty.
Hill recalled hearing only two shots but the last shot he heard was the head shot. This fits with what Greer said and what is shown in the zfilm, that the shot after JBC fell back and as Greer was turned rearward the second time, there was a third and final shot which we can see was the head shot.
The total statements of Hickey, Greer and Woodward support a shot after the head shot. Hickey and Woodward's statements have been dealt with a few posts back which you mustn't have read.
I strongly disagree. How you can ignore Hickey's clear statement that the second shot did not appear to strike JFK but the third did is a remarkable example of confirmation bias: trying to fit the evidence to a theory. I have no idea how you think Greer provides evidence of a shot after the head shot. Neither of his statements prior to his WC testimony mention three shots but make it clear that he saw Gov. Connally start to fall when he looked back after the second shot. We can see him turn to look back from z280 or so to z292 as JBC begins to fall back onto his wife. Woodward did not describe the head shot in her Dallas Morning News report but that does not mean she did not see it or recall which of the shots it was. She gave several interviews later. Here is one from 1993 where she describes the headshot being the third and last shot (beginning at 2:00):
Again, it is clear you've not read the post I am referring to. In it I post a statement from Harry Holmes:
"Anyway, about the first or second crack, I wouldn’t know which, there was just a cone of blood and corruption that went up right in the back of his head and neck. I thought it was red paper or a firecracker. It looked like a firecracker lit up which looks like little bits of red paper as it goes up. But in reality it was skull and brains and everything else that went up perhaps as much as six or eight feet. Just like that. Then just a minute later another crack..."
He is clearly describing a shot after the head shot
Where does this statement come from? Do you have a cite with a date? His WC statement is very different (7H291):
I had my binoculars on this car, on the Presidential car all the time. I realized something was wrong, but I thought they were dodging somebody throwing things at the car like firecrackers or something, but I did see dust fly up like a firecracker had burst up in the air.
Mr. BELIN. Where did you see the dust?
Mr. HOLMES. Off of President Kennedy and
I couldn’t tell you which one of the cracks of the firecracker resulted in this.As demonstrated above, this is not true. Off the top of my head I know Brehm and Templin also state unequivocally there was a shot after the head shot.
Brehm said he saw hair fly up on the right side of JFK's head on the second shot. Driver SA Kinney reported seeing the same thing. This is interesting because this could be used to support Hickey's recollection that the hair on the right side of JFK's head flew up on the second shot
but did not appear to hit him. Now, you might say that would be an odd thing to recall seeing and not describe seeing the head explode. But that assumes that they were focused on the President at the time of the third shot. Maybe they weren't. Unfortunately, they were never questioned.
As far as Templin is concerned, there are no statements taken from him at any time remotely close to the events in question. Do you have a cite for any statement of his that you think fits the third shot miss scenario?