So to summarize your post there is no proof. Nothing new there.
It turns out overwhelming evidence is really no evidence at all, just your opinion. No evidence at all that there ever was a third shot. The video of the assassination only exhibits evidence of two shots. You have not proven otherwise or even created a question about the possible existence of a third shot. A shot at Z270+ is just a pipe dream. Belief in a third shot at all is just fantasy.
Again, and I cannot stress this enough, the report you believe to be overwhelming evidence was compiled by the HSCA who then dismissed it by stating the witnesses were influenced by the media into inflating the number of shots. The WC gave the same assessment of the witness statements.
The question of the possibility of there being a third shot totally relies on the statements of earwitnesses, influenced by the media, into inflating the number of shots. The large majority of eye witnesses stated there was just two shots.
The fact you cannot prove otherwise should be a clue, but with your history of promoting this nonsense, I am sure you will not come to reality.
"No evidence at all that there ever was a third shot."Not quite, there are a couple of early reports that a bullet was found near the concrete part of a manhole cover that had been hit by a bullet which ricocheted into the grass nearby.
William Allen and Jim Murray took a series of photographs which appear to show Buddy Walthers and an unknown "agent" searching this area. The following is taken from an article entitled, "Mysterious Bullet Found on the Infield in Dealey Plaza?":
"Author Richard Dudman, writing in the December 21, 1963 New Republic (p. 18), reported:
On the day the President was shot, I happened to learn of a possible fifth [bullet]. A group of police officers were examining the area at the side of the street where the President was hit, and a police inspector told me they had just found another bullet in the grass."
The following is taken from Pat Speer's website:
"(As quoted in Red Roses from Texas, by Nerin Gun, published February 1964) "Buddy Walthers, the policeman from the Sheriff's office, states for his part that the shots—or at least one shot--came from the balustrade of the motorway bridge. He ran towards it; that was when, with a Secret Service man, he found a rifle bullet in the grass near the bridge--the "fourth bullet"? (Later) "Why is the existence of a fourth rifle bullet denied? Detective Bill Walthers declares that he found it. He described to me himself how he found the bullet and a picture taken immediately after the shooting by a Dallas Times photographer shows this detective and a Secret Service man in the act of retrieving a bullet from the turf at the roadside."
Dudman reports a police inspector (who can only have been Walthers), personally telling him a bullet had been found by the men examining the area. Gun reports Walthers personally describing how he found the bullet. He also describes the unknown "Secret Service man" who was pictured multiple times with Walthers at the area by the manhole cover. Walthers must have been aware of the two photographers stood close by taking pictures of him discovering the bullet so why wouldn't he feel free to report it. However, by the time of his WC testimony he has changed his tune completely.
The photos show Walthers reaching to the ground then standing with his hand clenched as if he has picked something up. He still has his hand clenched as the unknown Agent crouches to search the same area. Then we see Walthers with his hand open but the Agent has his hand closed shut as if Walthers has passed what he has found over to him. The Agent is then seen apparently putting something in his back pocket.

Photos - Unger gallery and Baylor university