The point of the Willis photo being at z202 is that it must have been a response to a shot in the late z190's, a time when JFK is travelling behind the oak tree. The re-enactment may not be accurate by a frame or two but you would have to clearly demonstrate the gross inaccuracies you are suggesting. I would suggest the re-enactment is not so faulty as to have JFK clear of the tree by z200.
Even the faulty re-enactment shows the back of the car behind JFK to be quite visible at z207. You seem hung up on using the May 24, 1964 foliage. It was materially different in November 63 as we see in the 1963 film. It shows that the JFK stand-in was clear of the tree when he was opposite or perhaps a few feet past the lampost and the front of the stand-in car (about 10 feet in front of the JFK stand-in) was even with the Thornton Freeway sign. Plot that on a scale map of Dealey Plaza and tell me what frame that corresponds to. I say the lamppost was at z190 and the sign at z200:
And Rosemary Willis? Really? The little girl who stops running because she hears a gunshot that a car full of specially trained SS agents just a few feet away are completely oblivious to, including those who testified to reacting immediately to the 'ear-splitting', 'explosive' noise. Credulity is being stretched to breaking point.
There is not much activity but it is hard to see. SA Jack Ready on the right front running board of the QM has his right hand securely placed on the front handhold up to z198. By z207 is it down by his right side and he has turned noticeably toward the right. That is half a second. He said he immediately turned to his right after hearing the first shot. But we don't see Ready or any other agents after z207 except SA Landis and SA Hill. Landis on the left rear running board is looking down and to the left at z223 if not before. He said he did this after the first shot to check to see if a tire had blown. Hill said he was looking at the President after the first shot, which is consistent with what we see until he disappears from the sproket image.
It appears Pat has addressed this issue but I would like to add that the Chisms describe the first shot as happening directly in front of them, certainly not in accordance with a shot at z190-z200 and certainly more in line with a shot at z223.
JFK was on a line perpendicular to the north curb at the position of the Chisms at about z235. John Chism said (19H471):
"And just as he got just about in front of me, he turned and waved at the crowd on this side of the street, the right side; at this point I heard what sounded like one shot, and I saw him, "The President," sit back in his seat and lean his head to his left side."
We can see that JFK turned and waved to the right side of the street at around z180. So John Chism is actually saying the first shot was at about that point, z180. z195-200 is a better fit than z223 to John Chism's statement.
Governor Connally, after viewing the Z-film, was convinced he was shot in the early z230's, another of your own witnesses refuting your model.
Correct. He was giving his opinion of the frames when the second shot hit him. He was not questioned, however, on where he did his turn around to see JFK before that. That is unfortunate.
It appears credulity has reached beyond it's limits.
Ok. Tell us where the medical evidence shows that the bullet went through the lung or even the pleural cavity.
In the above pic ( a close-up of z272) we see JBC has turned at least 90 degrees in his seat from a forward facing position (I feel he is turned even further).
At that point the car is pointing 30 degrees to a line from Zapruder and it appears to me that JBC's chest is more or less facing Zapruder, probably about the 2 o'clock position relative to car forward (Zapruder is a 1 o'clock=30 degrees). So that would make the turn about 60 degrees from forward, not 90.
To suggest that a shot from the TSBD, or anywhere near it, could strike JBC at the armpit, make at least a 90 degree turn, and exit through his chest under his right nipple seems fairly outlandish to say the least. It is certainly not a notion I would like to have to defend as it relies on the complete absence of logic and common sense.
It works quite well if you look at the geometry:

Look at the pic. Is his right wrist pressed against the right side of his jacket? The answer is clearly no.
??. Where do you think the right wrist is? The bullet caught the end of his jacket cuff. The end of his jacket cuff is right over his right breast pocket in z271 as far as I can tell.
Your model is falling apart at the seams, the video evidence refutes it as does the re-enactment as do many of your own witnesses. Dragging Greer into it is a further sign of desperation. And Tague isn't that sure if he was hit by the second or third shot.
Other than that...
Initially Tague, when asked, was not sure. But on reflection he said there was a shot after he was hit. Check his testimony:
James Tague 7H555:
Mr. LIEBELER. Do you have any idea which bullet might have made that mark?
Mr. TAGUE. I would guess it was either the second or third. I wouldn’t say definitely on which one.
Mr. LIEBELER. Did you hear any more shots after you felt yourself get hit in the face?
Mr. TAGUE. I believe I did.
Mr. LIEBELER. You think you did?
Mr. TAGUE. I believe I did.
Mr. LIEBELER. How many?
Mr. TAGUE. I believe that it was the second shot, so I heard the third shot afterwards.
As far as Greer is concerned, it would surprise me if he did not hear some kind of impact noise from the damage caused to the windshield frame which was about 12 inches from his right ear.