Many times, I have directed users to Robert West.
Q: Are there any reasons why this plat is an incomplete drawing?
A: This is what the FBI agent instructed me to show on this plat, these features.
Q: Mr. West, I direct your attention -- no, I will ask you something prior to that. Would you please step down from the witness stand and come over here?
A: Yes.
MR. SCIAMBRA: Your Honor, for the sake of convenience, provided I speak in a loud voice and provided Mr. West speaks in a loud voice, can I ask him questions from here?
THE COURT: Yes, but speak up.
Q: I notice in the center lane of that which you have depicted as Elm Street there are numerals close to small dots. Can you please tell the Gentlemen of the Jury what those numbers represent and what the dots represent?
A: The number represents the frame number of the Zapruder film. The dot represents the location of President Kennedy in the limousine when the particular frame was shot.
MR. DYMOND: We object to that unless this gentlemen can testify to that of his own knowledge, Your Honor. Unless he measured where the President was each time it would be based purely on hearsay.
MR. SCIAMBRA: I am asking the question.
Q: Why did you place the dot in the frame number in a particular location which is shown on this plat?
A: On the instructions of the FBI agent.
MR. DYMOND: We object to it and ask the Jury be instructed to disregard it.
THE COURT: I so instruct the Jury. Disregard the last remark.
So John, exactly why do you direct people to a map that the FBI had control of creating?