I think I've missed that, could you point me to it.
I posted this 3D image. (I don't know why you are not getting them - use a computer not your phone):

I'm not sure what you're saying here.
That the bullet passed through JFK and JBC without any deflection from JFK's neck to JBC's left thigh?
That seems to be the trajectory and it fits the thigh wound characteristics of being struck by the butt end of an intact bullet.
You seem to be suggesting a shot that passes through JFK's neck the hits JBC's thigh without passing through his torso.
I can't be reading that right, surely?
I'm getting a bit confused.
You have not been paying attention to my posts or to Jerry's mocking of them!
The bullet gets "tangled in the drape of the jacket"? What a clumsy bullet.
?? The bullet was likely tumbling after exiting JFK's neck and striking the tie knot.
"...striking the wall"? What wall? Did JBC get shot at home?
Do you not see the partition or "wall" in front of the jump seats?
The idea that CE399 was stuck in JBC's thigh then fell out, as if the entry wound left a cylinder-shaped hole in his leg, has surely been debunked. If not, it should be.?
That is the general consensus - that CE399 caused the thigh wound and fell out onto JBC's stretcher at some point. When it fell out of the wound is not known, of course.
How can it be evidence if you've assumed z313 was the last shot?
??I haven't "assumed" it as a hypothetical. There IS evidence that the head shot was the last shot.
Hickey saw hair move from a position he could not have possibly seen the slight ruffle of JFK's fringe line. The two shots he heard are described as being almost simultaneous. How can a reference to a hair ruffle in the z270's and the headshot at z313 be described as almost simultaneous? The hair flying up is a reference to the headshot,
Stop using Greer, he's been totally discredited (and the way you phrase your sentence you imply Greer provided evidence for the first shot hitting JFK. Hmmm...)
Greer has not been discredited. He was obviously wrong in suggesting that he did not slow down. But that does not mean he was wrong on other details. His turn is corroborated by the zfilm: he said he turned and saw JBC falling back onto his wife. We can see that is what JBC is doing from z280-285, which is when he is turned around.
Connally describes shouting "Oh. no, no, no" immediately after being hit. He can actually be seen in the Z-film doing this and it's long before the z270's
Nellie said that her husband uttered "Oh, no, no, no" BEFORE the second shot:
Nellie Connally (4H147)
Then very soon there was the second shot that hit John. As the first shot
was hit, and I turned to look at the same time, I recall John saying, “Oh, no,
no, no.” Then there was a second shot, and it hit John, and as he recoiled to
the right, just crumpled like a wounded animal to the right, he said, “My God,
they are going to kill us all.”
The Governor, at least in 1978, was not sure when he was hit (1 HSCA 43):
When I was hit, or shortly before I was hit-no, I guess it was
after I was hit-I said first, just almost in despair, I said, "no, no,
no," just thinking how tragic it was that we had gone through this
24 hours, it had all been so wonderful and so beautifully executed.
The President had been so marvelously received and then here,
at the last moment, this great tragedy. I just said, "no, no, no, no."
Then I said right after I was hit, I said, "My God, they are going to
kill us all."
Gov. Connally was quoted in
Life magazine Nov. 25, 1966 at p. 48 as saying:
"Between the time I heard the first shot and felt the impact of the other bullet that obviously hit me, I sensed something was wrong and said, 'Oh,no, no, no.' After I felt the impact I glanced down and saw that my whole chest was covered with blood."
How do you explain his truly extreme reaction from z225 to z230?
He is responding to the first shot about a second or so before, after he has determined that it was a rifle shot and an assassination was occurring. He said he turned around to try to see the President. That is exactly what he does from z230-270. When do you see him turn around trying to see JFK before then?
PS: I get the impression you're posting images and Gifs but they're not coming up on the pages I'm getting.
Can you see them when you look at the forum pages because I can't?
Where are you located and what are you using to view pages?