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Author Topic: The First Shot  (Read 148656 times)

Online Charles Collins

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #512 on: January 02, 2021, 10:53:46 PM »
I expect there were some who were unable to hear that "horrible, ear-shattering noise", but it would have more likely been due to deafness than the shot sound being buried in background noise.

Hearing it is one thing. Recognizing it as a shot is another thing.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The First Shot
« Reply #512 on: January 02, 2021, 10:53:46 PM »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #513 on: January 03, 2021, 01:21:44 AM »
When you suggest that someone is incompetent because you think they have missed something, it can backfire.  You risk having that term used against you when it turns out that you are wrong. That, as well as basic principles of good advocacy and civility in debate, are good reasons to avoid this kind of approach in your arguments.

It would be helpful if you could direct us all to William McIntyre WC testimony. It appears that the WC did not include it in their 26 volumes.

You are absolutely correct and I totally apologise for getting personal.
As you also point out, it has back-fired and I deserve it for losing my cool.
McIntyre made an intial report about the assassination but, as you correctly point out, did not testify before the WC.

Online Andrew Mason

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #514 on: January 03, 2021, 02:32:03 AM »
You are absolutely correct and I totally apologise for getting personal.
As you also point out, it has back-fired and I deserve it for losing my cool.
McIntyre made an intial report about the assassination but, as you correctly point out, did not testify before the WC.
We all make mistakes. For what it is worth,  I think you are far from incompetent. Apology accepted.

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #514 on: January 03, 2021, 02:32:03 AM »

Offline Jerry Organ

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #515 on: January 03, 2021, 03:21:28 AM »
Well it is good to see you take witnesses into account even if they were 150-200 feet away, had an obstructed view and did not provide a statement at the time, giving their statement 25 years later.  Presumably, you would find the recollections of people who had an unobstructed view from much closer - some only 20 feet away, many of whom gave their statements within hours of the events to be almost as compelling:
  • T.E. Moore (24 H 534, "President KENNEDY had reached the Thornton Freeway sign, a shot was fired and Mr. MOORE observed the President slumping forward in the Presidential car.") (heard 3 shots)

I'll review a few.

Wasn't like Moore was side-to the President and the sign.

Nellie Connally (4 H 147. "I turned over my right shoulder and looked back, and saw the President as he had both hands at his neck.") (heard 3 shots)

More often than not, Nellie said she saw Kennedy before he reached for his throat. She also said there was less pause between the first and second shots than the last two.

One way to reconcile the disparity in shot-spanning accounts is to think the shots were relatively even-spaced. The Z150-to-Z223-to-Z312 span is 1....2.....3. Studies show that when people have additional major elements to process, time spans seem shorter. The latter span had the added elements of two shots having been heard (harder to dismiss as a mere firecracker or backfire), some people looking around, and some seeing the President and the Governor reacting.

David Powers (7 H 473: "I noticed then that the President moved quite far to his left after the shot from the extreme right hand side where he had been sitting. There was a second shot and Governor Connally disappeared from sight and then there was a third shot which took off the top of the President’s head") (heard 3 shots)

How does Powers work for a Z190s first shot if he said the President moved left right away? Almost two second gap between Z195 and Z228.

Bobby Hargis (heard 3 shots) (6 H 294):
“….I was next to Mrs. Kennedy when I heard the first shot, and at that time the President bent over, and Governor Connally turned around. He was sitting directly in front of him, and a real shocked and surprised expression on his face.
Mr. STERN. On Governor Connally’s?
Mr. HARGIS. Yes; that is why I thought Governor Connally had been shot first, but it looked like the President was bending over to hear what he had to say, and I thought to myself then that Governor Connally, the Governor had been hit, and then as the President raised back up like that (indicating) the shot that killed him hit him. I don’t know whether it was the second or the third shot. Everything happened so fast.

Hargis' account of who got struck on which shot is inconclusive. I think he meant Connally was hit on the shot before the head shot:

    "About ten seconds after we made that left-hand turn, that first shot
     rung out. It sounded like a firecracker. First thing that came to my
     mind was, it was a firecracker. I was kind of hoping it would be a
     firecracker, but it wasn't. I thought Connally was the first one shot
     because he turn[ed] around and looking at the president like, you
     know, he'd been shot. And I remember Kennedy leaned forward to
     listen to what he had to say. And then when he raised back up,
     that second shot hit him in the head.

        -- Texas Monthly, 1988

Kennedy "leaning forward" toward Connally probably means Kennedy was hit at the same moment. (Hargis goes on to describe the SBT as what happened).

Gayle Newman (19 H 488: "President Kennedy kind of jumped like he was startled and covered his head with his hands and then raised up. After I heard the first shot, another shot sounded and Governor grabbed his chest and lay back on the seat of the car") (heard 3 shots)
William Newman (19 H 490 "The President jumped up in his seat, and it looked like what I thought was a firecracker had went off and I thought he had realized it.") (first (22Nov63) described only 2 shots and later (24Nov63) 3 shots)

At the Shaw Trial, Bill Newman testified:

    "I heard two shots — BOOM, BOOM — and when the first shot was
     fired the President throwed his hands up like this (demonstrating),
     and at the time what we thought had happened, somebody throwed
     firecrackers or something under the automobile and he was protecting
     his face. At the time of the first shot Governor Connally turned in his
     seat in this manner (demonstrating), to look back at the President
     I suppose."

Sounds like both men hit by the same bullet, the one fired prior to the head shot.

John Chism (19 H 472 “When I saw the motorcade round the corner, the President was standing and waving to the crowd. And just as he got just about in front of me, he turned and waved at the crowd on this side of the street, the right side; at this point I heard what sounded like one shot, and I saw him, "The President," sit back in his seat and lean his head to his left side.” (described 2 shots but not asked how many there were).
Faye Chism (19 H 471 “As the President was coming through, I heard this first shot, and the President fell to his left.”) (described 2 shots but not asked how many there were)

Here Mason says the Chisms were "not asked how many there were". That's so he can claim they're describing the President hit on the "first shot", that they must have not noticed or lost track of Mason's "second shot" at Z271, and that the head shot was what they termed the "second shot".

But it doesn't help that there's almost two seconds between Mason's mythical Z195-ish (or whatever it is these days) "first shot" and the President slumping about Z228ff. On the other hand, the Chisms didn't say the President reacted immediately.

James Altgens (7 H 520. He said his z255 shot was after first shot and before any other. It shows JFK reacting.) (more than 2 shots-not sure)
Abraham Zapruder (TV interview at 2:00 pm Nov. 22/63: - " I heard a shot, and he slumped to the side, like this. Then I heard another shot or two, I couldn't say it was one or two) (2 or 3 shots, not sure)
SA Clint Hill (2 H 138, Recalled only two shots. After the first: "I saw President Kennedy grab at himself and lurch forward and to the left". CE1024, 18 H 742: "I saw the President hunch forward and then slump to his left."). (2 shots recalled)
Linda Willis (7 H 498. “ Yes; I heard one. Then there was a little bit of time, and then there were two real fast bullets together. When the first one hit, well, the President turned from waving to the people, and he grabbed his throat, and he kind of slumped forward, and then I couldn’t tell where the second shot went.) (heard 3 shots)

The Zapruder film shows Linda Willis can't see Kennedy at all during the time of your first shot.

She can't see Kennedy grab his throat in the Z220s. Linda said the President was between her and a sign (Stemmons, she said). I think she might have meant the Thornton Frwy sign. At least she can see to the President and the Thornton sign, whereas it's doubtful she can see the President in line with the Stemmons sign. As for the slump:

(Clearer frames on right side)
« Last Edit: November 07, 2021, 12:05:30 AM by Jerry Organ »

Online Andrew Mason

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #516 on: January 03, 2021, 03:57:27 PM »
I'll review a few.
Not enough.  You need witnesses who said that JFK reacted to the first shot as seen in frames z150 to z193 - by smiling and waving.  Not a single witness said that.  We have dozens who said he did not. 

The witnesses said that he reacted in ways that are consistent with what we see after z193 beginning perhaps as he passes behind the sign and certainly by the time he reappears in z224.  Not only that, some of these witnesses said that in response to the first shot Gov. Connally turned around with a concerned look as if to say something to the president and the president leaned forward as if to hear what he was saying. That fits only what we see after z230 until about z270.

You need evidence that conflicts with their recollections.  In my view, without any evidence that JFK continued to smile and wave for seconds after the first shot we are left only with witnesses who said otherwise, however weak you may think that evidence may be. 

Dan O'meara started this thread by simply pointing out "This is clear evidence the first shot did not take place before z207."  Now I disagree with him by a tiny bit on that point.  I say that the reactions of Hickey, Ready in particular (they both described a right rearward turn in response to the first shot) begin several frames before z207.  But the evidence is really very consistent and extensive that the first shot was around then.  This is established not only by the witnesses who placed the shot after z186 (Hughes, Betzner, Phil Willis, Linda Willis, TE Moore, the occupants of the VP car, VP security car, Cabell car, press cars etc) but by the 40+ witnesses who said that the last two shots were close together.  Those 1......2...3 witnesses can only be reconciled with a first shot striking JFK.

Wasn't like Moore was side-to the President and the sign.
Moore was near the SE corner of Houston and Elm. He could see the Thornton sign without obstruction. His evidence is that the first shot occurred when the President was opposite that sign.  I am not suggesting that this evidence in itself is conclusive. But it is quite consistent with the location of the President provided by all the others.

More often than not, Nellie said she saw Kennedy before he reached for his throat.
Do you mean when she said "Mr. President, you can't say Dallas doesn't love you"?   Yes I agree.  But she also said that was before the first shot.

She also said there was less pause between the first and second shots than the last two.
Well, she said it "seemed" to her that there was (4H149):
  • "Mr. SPECTER. What is your best estimate on the time that passed from the first
    to the last shot?
    Mrs. CONNALLY. Very short. It seemed to me that there was less time between
    the first and the second than between the second and the third."

which DULLES noted was different than a good many others:
  • "Mr. DULLES. I just have one question. Mrs. Connally, on one point your testimony
    differs from a good many others as to the timing of the shots. I think
    you said that there seemed to be more time between the second and third
    than between the first and the second ; is that your recollection?
    Mrs. CONNALLY. Yes.
    Mr. DULLES. That is, the space between the first and the second was less
    than between the second and the third? You realize I just wanted to get, whether
    I had heard you correctly on that.
    Mrs. CONNALLY. You did."

How does Powers work for a Z190s first shot if he said the President moved left right away? Almost two second gap between Z195 and Z228.
He didn't say how long after the first shot that JFK started to move away from the far right.  He just described what JFK did after the first shot and before the second. We don't know when JFK's reaction began but he stops leaning on the right side of the car sometime after z195 and before he emerged on the other side of the Stemmons sign at z224. You seem to be arguing that the first shot was later than z195.

Hargis' account of who got struck on which shot is inconclusive.
Of course it is inconclusive by itself.  It is the fit with the other evidence that allows conclusions to be drawn.

I think he meant Connally was hit on the shot before the head shot:

    "About ten seconds after we made that left-hand turn, that first shot
     rung out. It sounded like a firecracker. First thing that came to my
     mind was, it was a firecracker. I was kind of hoping it would be a
     firecracker, but it wasn't. I thought Connally was the first one shot
     because he turn[ed] around and looking at the president like, you
     know, he'd been shot. And I remember Kennedy leaned forward to
     listen to what he had to say. And then when he raised back up,
     that second shot hit him in the head.

        -- Texas Monthly, 1988

Kennedy "leaning forward" toward Connally probably means Kennedy was hit at the same moment. (Hargis goes on to describe the SBT as what happened).
Ok. But this still means that the first shot was the one we see JFK and JBC reacting to after they emerge from behind the Stemmons sign.

At the Shaw Trial, Bill Newman testified:

    "I heard two shots — BOOM, BOOM — and when the first shot was
     fired the President throwed his hands up like this (demonstrating),
     and at the time what we thought had happened, somebody throwed
     firecrackers or something under the automobile and he was protecting
     his face. At the time of the first shot Governor Connally turned in his
     seat in this manner (demonstrating), to look back at the President
     I suppose."

Sounds like both men hit by the same bullet, the one fired prior to the head shot.
It sounds like he is describing the same thing Hargis described except that he does not say that he thought Governor Connally was hit - he turned to look back at the President.  Where do you see him doing that?

But it doesn't help that there's almost two seconds between Mason's mythical Z195-ish (or whatever it is these days) "first shot" and the President slumping about Z228ff. On the other hand, the Chisms didn't say the President reacted immediately.
The President had a hole in his windpipe.  His reaction began before z228 but that does not necessarily mean he realized he could not breathe immediately.  He would realize that when he tried to take his next breath. I don't know about you, but I don't inhale in every second.

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #516 on: January 03, 2021, 03:57:27 PM »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #517 on: January 04, 2021, 12:53:08 AM »

But it doesn't help that there's almost two seconds between Mason's mythical Z195-ish (or whatever it is these days) "first shot" and the President slumping about Z228ff. On the other hand, the Chisms didn't say the President reacted immediately.

Elsewhere in this thread I've demonstrated that JFK's first genuine reaction to being hit occurs at z225
To imagine that it would take over one and a half seconds to react to such a trauma is beyond unrealistic.
It is an insurmountable problem for a hit at z195

Offline John Tonkovich

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #518 on: January 04, 2021, 01:31:29 AM »
Once you understand that Connaly acted in total self preservation mode - and, yes, I would have too-  then you should realize he had a log of "splainin" to do.

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #519 on: January 04, 2021, 01:58:03 AM »
Once you understand that Connaly acted in total self preservation mode - and, yes, I would have too-  then you should realize he had a log of "splainin" to do.

 a log of "splainin"

Yet another absolutely classic contribution to the debate.
Anyone shot through the abdomen goes into self-preservation mode. What else are they supposed to do?
Just for kicks, can you explain what your comment has to do with the debate at the moment?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The First Shot
« Reply #519 on: January 04, 2021, 01:58:03 AM »