Look at the images of Connally Gerry has posted above.
His wrist is at such an unusual, almost unnatural angle because it has been shattered.
His wrist can no longer support his hand.
The probability of damage to the nerves running to his fingers is incredibly high.
Note that Connally's fingers are curled except for the index finger, which is straight.
This is indicative of damage to the Ulnar nerve, possibly from the fragment of bullet that exited the underside of his wrist.
IMO, Connally couldn't have let go of his hat if he'd wanted to.
We have two very different approaches.
Me:I place no weight on opinions that conflict with the evidence. I stick to the evidence.
You: Sometimes you base conclusions on evidence (ie. first shot struck JFK and shot pattern) but sometimes you disregard evidence in favour of your own opinion and theory.
Opinions still have to be based on evidence. Even if you had expertise in how the body reacts to bullet wounds, you still need evidence to support your conclusions. For example, according to the medical reports there was no damage to the ulnar nerve in the wrist. The damage was on the radial side (Dr. Gregory, 4H124):
"Dr. GREGORY. There is one additional piece of information that is of pertinence
but I don’t know how effectively it can be applied to the nature of the missile.
That is the fact that dorsal branch of the radial nerve, a sensory nerve in
this immediate vicinity was partially transected together with one tendon
leading to the thumb, which was totally transected.
This could hare been produced by a missile entering in the ordinary fashion,
undisturbed, undistorted. But again it is more in keeping with an irregular
surface which would tend to catch and tear a structure rather than push it
No other nerve damage was found (again, Dr. Gregory 4H127):
"The wound on the volar surface or the palmar side of his wrist was enlarged.
The purpose in enlarging it was an uncertainty as to the condition of the major
nerves in the volar side of the wrist, and so these nerves were identified and
explored and found to be intact, as were adjacent tendons. So that that wound
was then sutured, closed."
Moreover, the radius was shattered about 2 inches above the wrist joint (Gregory, 4H118):
"The right wrist was the site of a perforating wound, which by assumption
began on a dorsal lateral surface. In lay terms this is the back of the hand on
the thumb side at a point approximately 5 centimeters above the wrist joint.
There is a second wound presumed to be the wound of exit which lay in the
midline of the wrist on its palmar surface about 2 centimeters, something less
than 1 inch above the wrist crease, the most distal wrist crease."
CE 399 [worshiped as that single bullet] was most likely fired by the sixth floor rifle into a giant bowl of jelly in advance of the Dallas visit.
Again, you are injecting opinion based on no evidence and ignoring the evidence that we have.