So, then I don't know why you can't answer it. You can't see the difference in his hand positions between z200 and z224, including his left hand?
Answer what?
That JFK's right hand is moving between z200 and z224?
Of course it is, I've never said it's not. I've made it specifically clear I was talking about his left arm but you started going on about his right hand waving because you don't know what else to do.
Experts have to persuade non-experts, like judges. Your model and theory is not persuasive for a number of reasons. A recognized ballistics expert, Vincent DiMaio's (Gunshot Wounds, Practical Aspects of Firearms, Ballistics and Forensic Techniques, 1999 at Ch. 3) says:
"The size of both the temporary and the permanent cavities is determined not only by the amount of kinetic energy deposited in the tissue but also by the density and elastic cohesiveness of the tissue."
DiMaio shows that the temporary cavity of a jacketed bullet starts being confined to the matter very close to the bullet path and increases with bullet yaw. A non-jacketed bullet that expands on impact transfers more energy on entry than a jacketed bullet. He provides a profile of the temporary cavities from different bullets:

"A full metal jacketed rifle bullet will produce a cylindrical cavity until it begins to yaw. At this time, the bullet’s cross-sectional area will become larger, and the drag force will be increased. The result is an increase in kinetic energy loss and thus an increase in the diameter of the temporary cavity (Figure 3.2A). "
You neglected to mention this paragraph which you must have read as it's just before the ones you've posted:
"The picture is radically different in the case of a high-velocity rifle bullet.
As the bullet enters the body, there is a “tail splash,” or backward hurling of
injured tissue. This material may be ejected from the entrance. The bullet
passes through the target,
creating a large temporary cavity whose maximum
diameter is up to 11 to 12.5 times the diameter of the projectile."Every diagram Di Maio has drawn shows cavitation many times wider than the path of the bullet.
Thank you for providing evidence to support my argument.
You want us to believe that your video of a bullet passing through ballistic gel represents the path of a 6.5 mm jacketed bullet would do when passing near JFK's thoracic spine about an inch after entering. Your video looks nothing like the path of a jacketed rifle bullet in the first profile in DiMaio's drawing Fig. 3.2
Your theory seems to be that the bullet created enormous lateral force between the bullet path and the nerves exiting the spine at T1-T2, which is maybe an inch into the body at that point. The 6.5 mm round nose bullet is very stable and the entry wound shows no signs of yaw. You need to show that the lateral force near the bullet entry point would displace the spinal nerves located about an inch away.
What nerves exiting the spine between T2 and T2?
Who mentioned nerves exiting the spine between T1 and T2?
"...which is maybe an inch into the body at that point."What ??
As I said, this is all good theory. It just needs some empirical evidence to support it.
Would empirical evidence include the position of the wound on JFK's upper back/lower neck?
Would it include the fact the bullet traversed his body through the Brachial Plexus?
Would it include the fact the nerves of the Brachial Plexus supply the motor functions of the arms/hands?
Would it include the fact that cavitation occurs?
Would it include the extreme and unbelievably rapid of JFK's reactions as captured in the Z-film?
If not, what kind of empirical evidence are you after?