This is actually pathetic.
Chism. ---Great example of a witness being influenced by the media reporting. The amazing part is time and time again with these witnesses changing their statements and adding a shot and you still don't get it at all.
11/22 two shots. 12/18 a possible third shot added.
Do you not understand what the WC and HSCA committees meant by media influence? Do you actually think they included the language in their conclusions, about the media influencing the witnesses into inflating the number of shots, for grins and giggles?
The best you can say about Chism is that he was not sure whether there were two or three shots.
It is a bit of a stretch to assume that all 132 witnesses who said there were exactly three shots, many describing the shot pattern, were all influenced by the media reports of three shots. First of all, the witnesses who were deposed on 22Nov63 at the Dallas Police headquarters would not have had an opportunity to receive detailed media reports. Second, there were no media reports that I am aware of that provided any details of the shot pattern.
Here is a clip of Jay Watson of WFAA TV interviewing William Newman. Mr. Newman recalled hearing only two shots. He was asked by Jay Watson about hearing a third shot at about 1:00 of this clip:
Newman: I didn't hear a third... I don't recall a third shot. There may have been. We, my family hit the ground and I don't recall a third shot.
Watson: I heard three. I know that.
Newman: Well.... I don't recall a third shot, there may have been."
Even when Watson stated that he was there and he heard three shots, Newman does not change his recollection.
William Newman was not even influenced by his wife, Gayle's, clear recollection of 3 shots - the first causing JFK to react, the second causing Gov. Connally to grab his stomach and fall back on his wife and the third striking JFK in the head. See this clip beginning at 2:30:
Frazier. First Nicol was your go to guy. Now it is Frazier? A little bit phony?
It did not take you long to give up on Nicol. It probably was the part where Nicol was testifying about the exact same thing only Eisenberg asked Nicol about dryfiring and he agreed. Nobody took the time to ask Frazier about dryfiring or it would have been the same result.
Nicol was clear that his conclusion that all three shells had been fired in the MC was based not only on the firing pin impressions but also on the breech-block markings as well as the ejector and extractor marks (3H505):
Mr. EISENBERG. And what was your conclusion?
Mr. NICOL. Based upon the similarity of the firing-pin impressions and the
breech-block markings, as well as ejector and extractor marks, it is my opinion
that all three of the exhibits, 545, 543, and 544, were fired in the same weapon
as fired Exhibit 557.
Nicol also provided the microscope views of the breech-face impressions (CE619-621). The breech-face impressions are not possible from dry-firing. Nicol also said that CE543 had been put through the load/unload sequence 3 times because of the ejector and extractor marks on it (3H509):
"Mr. NICOL. ... Associated with this is another mark that occurs on all three of the positions, however not in any particular relationship to the group of lines, and perhaps not as definitive. And it was on the basis of the match of these patterns that I would conclude that this cartridge had been introduced into a chamber at least three times prior to its final firing. So that this would represent, you might say, a practice or dry-run loading the gun and unloading it for purpose of either determining its-how it functions, or whether it was in proper function, or just for practice."
You ignore the fact that the five people around him all state there was two shots. His own recollection of there being only two shots and his reaction to being shot indicate he was hit by the first shot. Ignore Jackie and Nellie stating he was hit by the same shot as hit JFK.
I don't know who you are referring to. The people closest were Jackie, Gov. Connally, Nellie Connally, SA Greer and SAIC Kellerman.
Jackie Kennedy. This from her WC testimony (5H180):
Mr. RANKIN. Do you have any recollection of whether there were one or more shots?
Mrs. KENNEDY. Well, there must have been two because the one that made me turn around was Governor Connally yelling. And it used to confuse me
because first I remembered there were three and I used to think my husband didn’t make any sound when he was shot. And Governor Connally screamed.
Gov. Connally: 3 shots. He heard the first and did not feel it in his back. He recognized it as a shot, realized that an assassination was unfolding and turned to see how JFK was before he felt the impact of the second shot. He heard and felt the effects of the third.
Nellie Connally: 3 shots. First hit JFK and he reacted. Second hit her Husband. She heard and felt the effect of the third.
William Greer: 3 shots. He turned immediately after the second and saw JBC falling back. He turned around to the front and then back again when the third shot hit.
Roy Kellerman: (18H724-5): "I turned around to find out what happened when
two additional shots rang out, and the President slumped into Mrs. Kennedy's lap and Governor Connally fell into Mrs. Connally's lap." It was also reported
in this FBI report of 22Nov63 that Kellerman said as follows: "He stated he
distinctly heard three shots. He advised he did not see the Governor get hit, nor did he observe the second bullet hit the President."
Those are the five witnesses. All five reported (only initially, in the case of Jackie) observing 3 shots. At least two (Connallys) reported that all three struck in the car and no one said the three did not all strike in the car.
You completely ignore the part where JBC thought he was wounded by a second shot he never heard at Z235. A direct contradiction to this oddball theory you are constantly promoting. That would put the first shot at Z190 or earlier. That would be a direct contradiction to your assessment that JFK would not continue to smile and wave after having been struck in the throat by a bullet.
That is true. Both Connallys thought that the second shot struck JBC around z235 after looking at the frames of the zfilm. However, Nellie told Dr. Shires a few hours after the events that JBC was turned around to the right when hit. All the Connallys were doing is looking at the frames and trying to figure out when it looked like he had been hit in the chest.
The biggest contradiction to your bizarre theory would be that JBC being wounded at Z235 would be the shot pattern you are always promoting of the last two shots being closer together is now no longer possible. The first two would now be closer together. A complete reversal of your theory because you are certain JBC was wounded by a separate shot and JBC believed it was at Z235. Maybe it would be better to believe the other five witnesses, in or on the car, that there was only two shots.
If you are not able to figure it out is very obvious there is nothing I can do to help you. Good luck with it.
When did I ever suggest that JBC was hit in the chest at z235. I have always maintained he was shot just after z270, likely between z271 and z272.