I agree that any explanation as to how an echo would cause people to perceive an extra shot at least a second after the actual shot would be difficult to explain. But difficultly in explaining, which you seem to be experiencing, is not the same as complexity.

Is the wait for your overwhelming evidence of three shots going to be a long one?
You don't believe the HSCA Sound analysis conclusion. Instead, have advanced your own personal analysis of one lone echo. Absolutely brilliant.
"The buildings around the Plaza caused strong reverberations
or echoes that followed the initial sound by from 0.5 to 1.5 sec.
While these reflections caused no confusion to our listeners
who were prepared and expected to hear them they may well
inflated the number of shots reported by the suprised witnesses
during the assassination" HSCA Earwitness Analysis Report, pgs 135-137
You don't believe the HSCA witness statement assessment and subsequent conclusion, but you do believe what was compiled in the report. Any real reason why?
HSCA Conclusion
"'While recognizing the substantial number
of people who reported shots originating from the knoll the committee
also believed the process of collecting witness testimony was such
that it would be unwise to place substantial reliance upon it. The
witnesses were interviewed over a substantial period of time some of
them several days even weeks after the assassination By that time
numerous accounts of the number and direction of the shots had been
published. The committee believed that the witnesses memories and
testimony on the number, direction, and timing of the shots may have
been substantially influenced by the intervening publicity concern
ing the events of November 22 1963" HSCA Final Report- pg 87
It looks like you have it all figured out anyway despite these shortcomings. Go get em Tiger, make them believe.