This thread is about when the first shot occurred.
That's it.
If you have a contribution to make towards that, go for it.
I have presented a very strong case for this happening at z222/z223 using all kinds of evidence to support it.
If you want a discussion about how many shots there were, start your own thread.
I can't recall a single contribution you've made regarding the topic of this thread.
This thread is about when the first shot occurred.This thread went off the rails within 6 hours of its beginning. Apparently proving there ever actually was a third shot is a little frightening
I can't recall a single contribution you've made regarding the topic of this thread.
Au contraire. Again, the witnesses tell the story as to the exact location of the first shot, it only requires that you believe them.
2 and ½ years later and 134 pages of repetitious postings and basically it still is still the same worn- out story, trying to see what unseeable event transpired behind the sign. Somehow you have convinced yourself you know the exact location of the first shot based on the Zapruder film itself.
Here are the witness statements again as to the exact location of the first shot.
It is best to just read the witness statements. They give the location of the car in relationship to where they were standing when they heard the first shot. Jean Newman states it was just after it had passed her and the Chisms state it was just before them. Mary Woodward states it was when JFK looks forward again which is after Z204. The four secretaries state it happened in front of them.
Mary Woodward: After acknowledging our cheers, he [JFK] faced forward again and suddenly there was a horrible, ear-splitting noise coming from behind us and a little to the right. My first reaction, and also my friends', was that as a joke someone had backfired their car. Apparently, the driver and occupants of the President's car had the same impression, because instead of speeding up, the car came almost to a halt...I don't believe anyone was hit with the first bullet. The President and Mrs. Kennedy turned and looked around, as if they, too, didn't believe the noise was really coming from a gun...Then after a moment's pause, there was another shot and I saw the President start slumping in the car. This was followed rapidly by another shot. Mrs. Kennedy stood up in the car, turned halfway around, then fell on top of her husband’s body…
Ann Donaldson (11-22-63 first person account published in the Washington Evening Star, Second Extra Edition. Note: this article was apparently picked up from a Jackson, Mississippi paper.) "I was standing 70 feet from President Kennedy when he was assassinated today and saw him fall under the bullet that killed him. Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy threw herself over his body as the President's car speeded up as soon as the driver realized what had happened. The crowd began to scream and wail and people standing nearby began to throw their children on the ground for safety. I heard two shots. The first shot sounded like a firecracker and the President heard it. He turned to look, as did everyone else, and then the second shot sounded.
Chisms, Newman, and Secretaries
John Chism : "And just as he got just about in front of me, he turned and waved at the crowd on this side of the street, the right side; at this point I heard what sounded like one shot,"
Jean Newman : "The motorcade had just passed me when I heard that I thought was a firecracker at first, and the President had just passed me, because after he had just passed, there was a loud report"
Gloria Calvery : "The car he was in was almost directly in front of where I was Standing when I heard the first shot."
Karan Hicks : "The car he was in was almost directly in front of where I was standing when I heard the first explosion. I did not immediately recognize this sound as a gunshot"
Karen Westbrook : "The car he was in was almost directly in front of where I was standing when I heard the first explosion. I did not immediately recognize this sound as a gun shot ."
JBC describes his location in his WC statement:
The only children on the right side of the street was first the Chisms and then the Newmans.
Mr. SPECTER. When you turned to your right. Governor Connally, immediately after you heard the first shot. what did you see on that occasion?
Governor CONNALLY. Nothing of any significance except just people out on the grass slope. I didn't see anything that was out of the ordinary, just saw men, women, and children.
Where is the doubt about SBT?
In Nellies WC Statement she references JBC cried out Oh No No No after being struck by the first shot. The same as what Jackie stated.
Mrs. CONNALLY. …….Then I don't know how soon, it seems to me it was very soon, that I heard a noise, and not being an expert rifleman, I was not aware that it was a rifle. It was just a frightening noise, and it came from the right.
I turned over my right shoulder and looked back, and saw the President as he had both hands at his neck.
Mrs. CONNALLY. -----------------------------------As the first shot was hit, and I turned to look at the same time, I recall John saying, "Oh, no, no, no."
Again and again and again it is stated there were only two shots. How about actually proving there were three shots, other than presenting a selected few dubious statements.