Your explanation doesn't make any sense to me. Also, the lower green line appears to be at about the mid-point of the side glass pane, not the top rear corner.
The issue appears to me to probably be with the scaled drawing. I will check it closer tomorrow. The view of Jerry's model at Z223 matches up well with the actual Zapruder frame 223. I overlaid one of the two images over the other and when sliding the opaque setting from 0% to 100% all the pertinent points match up.
I will check it closer tomorrow.Okay, I printed the drawing at 100% (not scaled to fit to page). The title of the drawing says it is 3/4"=1'-0". But, using an architectural scale ruler and the overall dimensions of the limo, I determined that it only printed at about 0.736 that size. So the pdf appears to be inaccurate to begin with. However, I began to measure the different dimensions shown with that architectural scale ruler. I figure that if the dimensions shown are reasonably accurate, they should all be at the same relative size relative to my actual measurements of the drawing. Sadly, for Andrew, there are a couple of dimensions that are way the heck off. Here is an image in which I circled the two wayward dimensions:

The measurements that I made for the above two red-circled dimensions are about 1.5 and 1.25 times larger than the dimensions shown. This causes the drawing to be inaccurate.
I then measured the dimensions that are located inside the outline of the limo. The measurements are all about the same relative size (as compared to the dimensions shown). However, there are a few measurements that are unreadable or are confusing. Based on an overlay of this drawing with Jerry's overhead view of his model (and the image that Jerry posted comparing his model with another photo of the limo, it appears to me that the passenger compartment was built close to these dimensions that are located inside the outline of the limo. However, due to the two dimensions that I circled which are significantly out of the scale of the drawing, I believe that the overall length of the drawing is exaggerated a bit compared with the actual limo. Therefore, Andrew's image (that appears to have the overall length of the limo drawing matched with the overall length of Jerry's model) does not appear to be accurate.