I am presenting a method by which the location and timing of the first shot can be pin-pointed with a large degree of accuracy:
No – this is presenting an opinion. The Thorburn Flex, ITEK Auditory Assessment, and Cranor- and the Jiggle Analysis are all interesting but unless you have a starting point and can determine where the shot actually took place they are just conjecture. Zapruder is a two shot witness which is exactly what was determined by jiglle analysis. The witnesses provide the rough location but that would be it. JFK and JBC are not reacting to the same wounds. There are people who are shot and do not know it. President Reagan when shot by Hinkle was one of them.
Then why are you disputing that the first shot occurred at z222/z223?
Because I think it was a little earlier because you can use the Zapruder film with the aid of a few pieces of information and the witness statements to clarify where it actually took place. In my mind there is no real difference between Z214 and Z222. It is understanding that the shot took place here at this point and not that ridiculous early missed shot theory, thit is what is important.
If it is important, I just used the Zapruder film to locate JFK and the people standing on the side of the road. In Willis no 5 (Z202), JFK is about even with Jean Newman. In Z207 he is past Jean Newman and almost even with the secretaries. Again, every Z frame is approximately 1 foot of travel. Again, the car is 21 feet long, it can be used to estimate distances in the pictures. By Z214 he is even with the secretaries. You can use the sign to estimate his movement and location. The sign is 21 feet long using the car as a scale. Definitely not perfect but functional enough.
Reaction time extends to witness statements. If they are stating, he was just past them when they heard the shot, they too a have reaction times to having heard the sound. JFK had a reaction time. Jean Newman’s “just past her” means what? Same with the secretaries in front of them? The Chisms’, before them instead of even with them? Don’t like 10 Z frames, use 6 frames. 6 feet. The whole reaction time is nothing but a guess. JFK was in a brace. JBC is not thought to have reacted until he takes his first breath. There is no telling if they immediately knew they had been shot.
Once again, what does Roberdeau base this on?
Because you can visibly see that they are reacting to having been shot.
What about the witnesses who state there was a shot after the head-shot?
You mean the missed shot that either occurred before, during, or after that no one can pinpoint but forever is discussed? The only question that should be asked is what did the eyewitnesses initially state. There is evidence of two shots but not three. A large group of eyewitnesses state there were two shots. There is evidence on the shells that only two of them were fired but not all three. The rifle could be examined tomorrow and determine if there is an anomaly in the chamber that caused the indentation on the side of the shells but not on CE543. Maybe that is not necessary, because the FBI already determined that the indentations came from the chamber of the rifle. The indentation exists on CE141 the unfired cartridge found in the chamber of the rifle. That is the biggest piece of information of all.
The immediate eyewitness statements are a wealth of information. No hidden agendas. By the end of the day, the media’s influence had changed all that.
No – this is presenting an opinion.I am not presenting an opinion.
The witness statements regarding whether or not JFK had passed them at the time of the first shot is
not my opinion.
The irony is that, as we shall see, all you do is offer your own hugely biased opinion without a scrap of evidence to back it up.

The statements of the witnesses pictured show, unanimously, that JFK had passed their position at the time of the first shot [as usual, statements lifted from Pat Speer's website]:
JUNE DISHONG: [taken from a letter written on the day of the assassination]
"His arm in the air waving… He drops his arm as they go by, possibly 20 feet. Suddenly--a sound. Gun shots? So hard to tell above the clamor of the crowd. The president bent forward into his wife’s lap as his arm slipped off the side of the car. Jackie circled him with her arm. Another shot. Panic among the people. Woman with children. Parents pushing them to the ground. No one knows where the shots are coming from. A cry. The President has been shot. A third shot, people scatter. I can't believe what I have seen. Dishong specifically states that JFK had passed her position at the time of the first shot - this is
not my opinion.
PEGGY BURNEY: [A first person account published in the Dallas Times-Heraldthe day after the assassination]
"When the President's car made the curve around the corner, he was smiling and waving...he was happy and Jackie was happy and smiling as they passed. The car had passed about 15 feet beyond me when I heard the first shot. I did not realize it was a shot; I thought it was a backfire. The President ducked; instinctively I told myself 'something is happening,' but nobody knew what."
Burney could not be any more specific - the Presidential limo was 15ft beyond her position when she heard the first shot - this is
not my opinion.
JEAN NEWMAN: [ From a statement to the Dallas Sheriff’s Department on the day of the assassination]
"I was standing right on this side of the Stemmons Freeway sign, about halfway between the sign and the edge of the building on the corner… The motorcade had just passed me when I heard something that I thought was a firecracker at first, and the President had just passed me, because after he had just passed, there was a loud report, it just scared me, and I noticed that the President jumped, he sort of ducked his head down, and I thought at the time that it probably scared him too."Newman is certain JFK had passed her position at the time of the first shot - this is
not my opinion.
ERNEST BRANDT: [Oral History interview performed for the Sixth Floor Museum, 5-12-94]
"He was kind of casually smiling…acknowledging the crowd and waving casually. Nothing had happened by the time the limo was exactly opposite us, from the curb straight out to the street. Nothing had happened. But I was still watching Kennedy from the back...And of course, all I could see above the back seat was his shoulders, his neck, and head…I think the limousine was probably about 60 or 70 feet past us, three or four seconds I guess from the time. It wasn't moving real slow but yet not real fast either, y'know. And--60 or 70 feet past us, then BAM! the first shot was fired and boy it just reverberated around Dealey Plaza something terrible."[11-22-95 article in the Dallas Morning News]
"Ernest Brandt, a salesman, watched from the curb as President John F Kennedy's motorcade turned down the Elm Street slope toward Stemmons Freeway... "Kennedy's limo was about 15 to 20 feet past us when the first shot was fired. I was still looking at him and I saw his arms come up." [July 2000 hand-written, 3-page letter from Brandt to researcher Don Roberdeau published in part on Roberdeau's Men of Courage website and posted in total on the alt.assassination.JFK newsgroup in 2009]
"President Kennedy was about 15 feet from me when the FIRST SHOT WAS FIRED!!! He was SLIGHTLY PAST ME at a "ONE O'CLOCK POSITION" in relation to my location on the NORTH SIDE of the Elm street curb.
Brandt could not be more explicit - he was looking at JFK from behind at the time of the first shot - this is
not my opinion.
JOHN TEMPLIN: [7-28-95 Oral History interview for the Sixth Floor Museum]
"Well, as the limo drew even with us, well, the president was waving and, of course, grinning. He had just a great big smile on his face...And just about, I would say, thirty feet past us, we heard what I personally thought was a motorcycle backfire, and I... the president kind of threw his shoulders up a little bit and kind of laid his head back on the back of the seat, and I thought, well, he’s just playing and playing the crowd and acting silly, you know.Templin is certain JFK had passed his position at the time of the first shot - this is
not my opinion.
All five witnesses are unequivocal that JFK had passed their position at the time of the first shot.
The best representation of where these witnesses were stood in relation to where the limo was at specific Z-frames is Don Roberdeau's map.
As I have already posted, when we map their positions in Dealey Plaza compared to the limo position at various Z-frames it becomes apparent that the first shot cannot have taken place any earlier than z222/z223.
Again, this is
not my opinion.
Unlike your own various proclamations, that are completely unsupported and often appear to be figments of your imagination.
Here's a few of unsupported claims:
A better location for the first shot would be Z210 to Z214 based on Zapruder Frames.This will be the
third time I've asked you to support this claim.
Why will you not support your claims?
Because I think it was a little earlier because you can use the Zapruder film with the aid of a few pieces of information and the witness statements to clarify where it actually took place. What in Zapruder makes you think this? What pieces of information? What witness statements?
Why won't you provide any support for your claims?
In Willis no 5 (Z202), JFK is about even with Jean Newman. In Z207 he is past Jean Newman and almost even with the secretaries. What are you basing this on?
Is it just a case of 'that's what it looks like to you'?
Because you can visibly see that they are reacting to having been shot.You previously made a statement that you could see JFK reacting to a shot in z223 -
when JFK isn't even visible!!How can you make such a statement?
What is it you're seeing that makes you think JFK is reacting as he emerges from behind the Stemmons sign?
If you believe all five witnesses were wrong when they said JFK had passed their position at the time of the first shot, that's up to you.
If you believe there is something wrong with the method I'm using above to locate the position of the first shot, let's hear it.
But try and support your arguments with something a little more solid than 'that's what it looks like to me'.