So your whole “common sense” argument boils down to you believing Dishong’s “family” (who weren’t there) in identifying June from the rear over Westbrook’s (who was there) identification of herself. That and your presumption that going to see the motorcade together somehow requires standing in a line shoulder-to-shoulder with each other with nobody in between.
But even if you could somehow prove that is Dishong and that the other woman is not Calvery, it tells you nothing about who the blue scarf lady is.
My "common sense" argument boils down to demonstrating that Westbrook's identification of those around her, and thus herself, is wrong. Completely wrong.
The woman stood next to Blue Headscarf is clearly not Gloria Calvery. She does not have flame-red hair and is the wrong height and the wrong body-type. It's not a question of somehow proving it is not Gloria Calvery, that's been done. It is not Gloria Calvery stood next to Blue Headscarf and this was something Westbrook was absolutely sure of in her interview. Westbrook's recollection has been demonstrated to be incorrect
This must feel problematic for yourself as your "common sense" argument is solely based on Westbrook's recollection of a headscarf she once owned!
That's it!
Westbrook's clearly faulty recollection about a long-lost headscarf!
That's good enough for you, is it?
It's slightly grating to compare the impossible standard of proof you hold others to, against what you are willing to accept as convincing.
When comparing the Darnell trio against the Z-film trio it must be noted that there is not a single physical difference between any of them -
One wearing a headscarf, the other two not.
The same relative shade of hair colour between the other two.
The same hairstyles of the other two.
The same clothing type of all three.
The same relative shade of clothing between all three.
All three captured in images taken in the same general location.
Any physical comparison that can be made between the three women in each image reveals they are identical in every way. There are no differences.
In the seconds after the assassination Harry Cabluck took this pic:

This is a crop from the same pic:

On the left Stella Jacob comforts Gloria Holt who, as we see in Darnell, is clearly distraught. On the right June Dishong looks on and behind her is the woman stood next to her in the Z-film, presumably Dishong's work colleague, Peggy Burney. Apart from not being able to see Dishong's coat held in her arms in the Z-film, there is not a single physical difference between the women shown in this pic and the women in the Z-film. Every single detail that can be described is identical.
This pic is taken in the immediate aftermath of the assassination and is in the same general location as where these women are seen in the Z-film.
I also have to note your weak attempt to bring Judy Johnson into the debate in an earlier post.
In her CE 1381 Johnson states that she leaves the TSBD building with Holt and Jacob and that they are joined by Betty Dragoo, Carolyn Arnold and Bonnie Richey.
In their 1381's Dragoo, Arnold and Richey consistently mention being stood with each other and Johnson, but not one of them mentions Holt or Jacob. We can conclude from this that, although Holt and Jacob left the TSBD with Johnson, they did not stand with this group while watching the motorcade.
And this is confirmed by the 1381's of those in question:
Stella Mae Jacob - "I left the Depository building & walked down toward the Stemmons underpass west of the building approximately fifty yards."
Gloria Holt - "I left the Depository building & walked down toward the Stemmons underpass west of the building approximately fifty yards."
Sharon Simmons - "At the time President Kennedy was shot I was standing on the sidewalk on Elm Street about midway between the Texas School Book Depository and the underpass on Elm Street.
Each woman confirms that they were with the other two. Simmons confirms they were stood on the sidewalk. Each woman confirms that their location was well down Elm street - fifty yards/midway between the TSBD building and the underpass.
The only three women shown in the Z-film who are stood together in the approximate positions described are the three who happen to be identical in every measurable detail to the three women you accept are Simmons, Holt and Jacob in Darnell.
On the other hand, Westbrook remembers she was wearing a headscarf.