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Author Topic: The HSCA Acoustical Evidence: Proof of a Second Gunman in the JFK Assassination  (Read 13750 times)

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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I can pick any cross talk I like as a reference so your repeated nonsense claim tells me you don't even understand what cross talk is, which comes as no surprise.

LOL! Yeah, uh-huh. Shall we list your many comical gaffes that prove you have no clue what you're talking about? Do you remember when you were scoffing at the idea of time offsets? Do you remember when you said you could not understand Herb Blenner's research? Do you remember when you and Elliott claimed that human speech can cause N-waves? (Simple common sense should have told you that since speech does not exceed the speed of sound, there is no way speech can cause N-waves.) Remember? These are just a few examples.

BTW, there's no Fisher cross talk, I already linked to a rebuttal of that claim.

And I cited sources that prove your amateurish link is bogus. Even if we ignore facts and assume for the sake of argument that there is no Fisher crosstalk, what about the four other time indicators: the time notation on Channel 1, the time notation on Channel 2, Curry's "triple underpass" transmission, and Curry's "to the hospital" transmission? The gunshot impulses occur smack dab among these transmissions. But, nah, you ignore all this and cling for dear life to Decker's anomalous crosstalk.

By the way, Dr. Thompson's upcoming book Last Second in Dallas will confirm that Fisher's transmission is crosstalk.

So once again we're stuck with your fantasy needle-jump, which you refuse to back up with facts, which also comes as no surprise.

Uh-huh. You STILL have not explained why you ignore the five time indicators that put the gunshot impulses during the assassination but instead choose Decker's crosstalk as your time indicator. Talk about "fantasy."

I notice you avoided the point that even the NRC panel conceded that there is only a 7% probability that chance caused the locational correlations in the acoustical evidence. That means there's a 93% probability that those correlations exist because the police tape was recorded by a moving microphone in Dealey Plaza.

You see, as the HSCA acoustical experts pointed out, anyone who claims that the dictabelt's suspect impulse patterns were not recorded in Dealey Plaza during the assassination must explain the numerous intricate correlations between the tape's impulse patterns and the Dealey Plaza test-firing impulse patterns.

« Last Edit: October 25, 2020, 01:46:12 PM by Michael T. Griffith »

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Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Kicking and screaming, polluting the thread with your canned trash over and over.

Your bluff was called and now you're on your own, panicking.

Oh, yes, I'm in full panic mode! Who, pray tell, called my "bluff"? When? How? You guys blunder all over yourselves, write evasive replies when your errors are noted, and then declare yourselves the winners anyway.

Come on, Applied Science Genius, show us that dicta-belt dancing needle YOU claimed could "misplace" cross talk -- ROFL

Uh, hold on, Mr. I Can't Understand Herb Blenner. YOU are saying that the five time indicators that I've cited must be misplaced, because the gunshot impulse patterns occur among them. But you claim that those impulse patterns actually occur at least 60 seconds after the assassination--because, because, because you use Decker's anomalous crosstalk as your time indicator, even though it has the largest time offset of any of the crosstalk events.

I have asked you at least a dozen times to explain why you pick one time indicator over five time indicators, two of which are time notations. You continue to duck that question.

SOMETHING caused the time offsets (you know, the time offsets that you didn't know existed until I proved they did), and SOMETHING caused Decker's crosstalk to occur to occur within seconds of the 12:30 Channel 2 time notation and within seconds of Curry's two Dealey Plaza transmissions, i.e., at least 60 seconds too early on Channel 1. SOMETHING caused those things, whether it was needle displacement or time-warping caused by copying or splicing.

YOUR explanation requires us to believe that all the intricate correlations between the police tape impulse patterns and the test-firing impulse patterns are somehow, someway just an incredible coincidence, when even the NRC panel admitted that the odds of chance causing just the locational correlations are only 7 in 100.

YOUR explanation requires us to ignore the calculation that there is only a 1 in 100,000 chance that the grassy knoll correlations are a coincidence. We all saw what happened when I repeatedly asked Joe Elliott to refute Dr. Thomas's calculation. Whiff. Whiff. Whiff. After making the already-obvious point that the calculation involves assigning values, he then declined to explain why the values that Dr. Thomas chooses are invalid. Yeah, duh, of course the calculation is not just math but math based on selected values. Ok, WHY are the values that Dr. Thomas assigned wrong? In fact, they are absolutely reasonable and irrefutable.

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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FYI, the release date for Josiah Thompson's long-awaited book Last Second in Dallas has been pushed back by at least one month. Amazon says it will be published on January 7, but the University Press of Kansas website says it'll be published in February. It is not unusual for a publication date to get pushed back once or twice, especially for a highly anticipated book.

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