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Author Topic: The HSCA Acoustical Evidence: Proof of a Second Gunman in the JFK Assassination  (Read 13783 times)

Offline Jerry Freeman

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REX-So, I want to fast forward back to your work, I mean, that HSCA acoustics evidence was reportedly debunked, first by a FBI report, then by the Ramsey Panel appointed by the National Academy of Sciences in the early eighties.
Thomas -On the recording itself, what you hear on the police recording - for about five and a half minutes - you can hear the sound of a motorcycle motor. So what had happened, on the police channel - which was used for normal communications, for five and a half minutes you're essentially jammed, by - somewhere in Dallas - a microphone on a motorcycle cop's radio has jammed open, so you hear the sound of a motorcycle motor.

You also hear - on the recording - you also hear sirens. And this is the clue that led people to think that this was the assassination - that this was the motorcycle that was with the motorcade at the time of the assassination because the one event that was happening, the one emergency that would require sirens was the fact that the President's motorcade was on its way to Parkland Hospital immediately after the assassination. 
When I first heard the police tapes...I came to the conclusion that the "stuck microphone" was a deliberate act to confuse the activities in Dealey Plaza. I still think so.

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Offline Joe Elliott

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And I see Mr. Elliott has apparently decided to stop trying to deal directly with the windshield-distortion correlations and is once again demanding answers to his irrelevant, error-based questions. Just to recap, the three TSBD shots contain windshield distortion because the patrolman's microphone was in a position where the gunshot sound waves would have encountered his windshield before reaching the microphone. But, for the grassy knoll shot, where the motorcycle was in a position where the windshield did not intervene between the gunshot sound waves and the microphone, there is no windshield distortion. Think about the number of factors that would have to come together to make these correlations possible. Here are just some of them:

* The motorcycle would have had to be in the correction positions on Houston Street and at the very beginning of Elm Street after turning off Houston Street for the windshield to be able to cause any distortion.

* The motorcycle would have had to be at point on Elm Street where the grassy knoll gunshot sound waves could have reached the microphone without being affected by the windshield in any measurable way.

* To get to the correct locations on Houston and Elm Streets in the first place, the motorcycle would have had to be moving at an average speed almost identical to that of the motorcade. 

* The motorcycle would have had to be far enough back in the motorcade to begin with in order to reach the required locations at the correct average speed.

You bring up so many low-quality arguments that I don’t bother to respond to most of them.

Well, I could deal with this windshield-distortion issue the same way Dr. Barger deals with these sorts of problems. The windshield-distortion correlations should be considered “false alarms”, that is “false positives”, so I don’t have to account for them.

The fact that the BBN found correlations, for 3 of the 5 shots, for both the TSBD and the Grassy Knoll, outweigh any consideration of windshield-distortion. What is windshield-distortion compared to misestimating the position of the shooter, with some of the correlations by over 200 feet.

But now, on to handling the windshield-distortion issue. You claim that windshield-distortion did occur with the first three shots from the TSBD (I assume 137.70, 139.27 and 140.32) but did not occur with the Grassy Knoll shot at 145.15. Now, the question I have, is:

Who determined this?

I don’t recall reading where Dr. Barger or any report from BBN discussed this windshield-distortion in their reports to the HSCA.

And it couldn’t have been Weiss and Aschkenasy because, as I understand it, they only looked at the grassy knoll shot of 145.15. They did not look at the earlier shots at all, because of a lack of time. So, they might have said there was no windshield-distortion for the grassy knoll shot, but they couldn’t have had an opinion on the 3 earlier shots.

So, I would guess it would be our Insect expert, Dr. Thomas, who determined, from his analysis, that the first three shots had no windshield-distortion, but the grassy knoll shot did.


Is this right? The determination of the first 3 shots had windshield-distortion, but the grassy knoll shot did not, was not made by Dr. Barger. Was not made by BBN. Was not made by Weiss and Aschkenasy, but was instead made by Dr. Thomas?

Offline Joe Elliott

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When I first heard the police tapes...I came to the conclusion that the "stuck microphone" was a deliberate act to confuse the activities in Dealey Plaza. I still think so.

How exactly would a stuck microphone confuse the activities in Dealey Plaza?

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Offline Joe Elliott

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And I see Mr. Elliott has apparently decided to stop trying to deal directly with the windshield-distortion correlations and is once again demanding answers to his irrelevant, error-based questions. Just to recap, the three TSBD shots contain windshield distortion because the patrolman's microphone was in a position where the gunshot sound waves would have encountered his windshield before reaching the microphone. But, for the grassy knoll shot, where the motorcycle was in a position where the windshield did not intervene between the gunshot sound waves and the microphone, there is no windshield distortion. Think about the number of factors that would have to come together to make these correlations possible. Here are just some of them:

* The motorcycle would have had to be in the correction positions on Houston Street and at the very beginning of Elm Street after turning off Houston Street for the windshield to be able to cause any distortion.

* The motorcycle would have had to be at point on Elm Street where the grassy knoll gunshot sound waves could have reached the microphone without being affected by the windshield in any measurable way.

* To get to the correct locations on Houston and Elm Streets in the first place, the motorcycle would have had to be moving at an average speed almost identical to that of the motorcade. 

* The motorcycle would have had to be far enough back in the motorcade to begin with in order to reach the required locations at the correct average speed.

I have one more point to make about this grassy-knoll-shot / no-windshield-distortion issue.

Now, the grassy knoll shot was the fourth of the five shots (if one accepts the 140.32 as a shot).

The following map shows where the motorcycle was for this shot, the fourth green circle.


Shouldn’t we expect to have windshield-distortion from the grassy knoll for this shot?

Either from the “Badgeman” position, or the “Grassy Knoll Gunsmoke” position, either position is almost directly ahead of the motorcycle, while in this fourth circle.

True, from the limousine’s point of view, it is up far enough Elm Street for the Grassy Knoll to be off to the side. But the BBN did not say the gunshots were recorded from the limousine. They said the gunshots were recorded from the motorcycle trailing behind by 150 feet.

Is this an issue you forgot about, the recording made not from the limousine but from the motorcycle, so the grassy knoll would not be off to the side?

It will be interesting to see if it is Mr. Griffith who “decides to stop trying to deal directly with the windshield-distortion correlations” issue.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2020, 04:01:14 AM by Joe Elliott »

Offline Joe Elliott

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From the quote Mr. Griffith provided:

Weiss and Aschkenasy also considered the distortion that a windshield might cause to the sound impulses received by a motorcycle microphone. They reasoned that the noise from the initial muzzle blast of a shot would be somewhat muted on the tape if it traveled through the windshield to the microphone. Test firings conducted under the auspices of the New York City Police Department confirmed this hypothesis. Further, an examination of the dispatch tape reflected similar distortions on shots one, two, and three, when the indicated positions of the motorcycle would have placed the windshield between the shooter and the microphone.11 On shot four, Weiss and Aschkenasy found no such distortion.(55) The analysts' ability to predict the effect of the windshield on the impulses found on the dispatch tape, and having their predictions confirmed by the tape, indicated further that the microphone was mounted on a motorcycle in Dealey Plaza and that it had transmitted the sounds of the shots fired during the assassination.

It appears to me, that the source of this “No Windshield-Distortion” for the grassy knoll shot is:

Jason A. Perdue

In his book:

People in High Places – An Investigation of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

This book has zero customer reviews. It appears not too many people have read it, besides Mr. Griffith.

So, Mr. Griffith might consider giving this book a one-star customer rating.

By the way, this book is available at Amazon for $ 39.50 but you might be able to get it cheaper from Mt. Griffith.

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Offline Michael T. Griffith

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You bring up so many low-quality arguments that I don’t bother to respond to most of them.

LOL! "Low-quality arguments"?! You mean like when you made the comical claim that the HSCA acoustical experts found N-waves "scattered throughout" the dictabelt tape? You mean like when you made erroneous claims about what was and was not done in the preliminary analysis because you clearly did not know the basic timeline of the HSCA acoustical analysis, did not know what was done in the preliminary analysis vs. what was done later? You mean like when you gave the wrong time that the HSCA acoustical experts gave for when the first shot occurred (because you were relying on Bowles' bogus transcript)? You mean like when you spent weeks making the false claim that the 4-second impulse pattern was rejected only because it was too short, when in fact it was rejected because it failed two--not just one--of the initial screening tests and showed no N-wave or muzzle-blast patterns? You mean like when you somehow, someway mistook Barger's testimony for the BBN report? You mean like when you initially pretended that windshield distortion is not a known phenomenon in acoustical science? And on and on I could go.

You have proved yourself to be a total joke on the acoustical evidence. But, every time you are caught in an egregious gaffe, you brush it off and post more endlessly long replies based on your misreading and/or mischaracterization of the HSCA materials. You never quote any scholars. You run to pro-WC propaganda sites and often copy and paste their bogus arguments but present them as your own. 

My "low-quality arguments" are based on the research done by the only six acoustical experts to ever analyze the dictabelt tape (Barger, Robinson, Schmidt, Wolf, Weiss, Aschkenasy), by an internationally recognized expert in shock physics (Chambers), by a scholar with a PhD in mathematics from MIT (Scheim), by a research scientist whose work on the acoustical evidence has been published in a peer-reviewed criminal science journal (Thomas), by a scientist with a degree in mathematics and another degree in applied mathematics (Charnin), by a physicist who's authored books on physics and astronomy (Stahl), among other scholars. And I have quoted from most of these scientists' analyses.

Well, I could deal with this windshield-distortion issue the same way Dr. Barger deals with these sorts of problems. The windshield-distortion correlations should be considered “false alarms”, that is “false positives”, so I don’t have to account for them.

This is too ignorant, too comical to waste time answering. But, I will duly add this claim to your ever-growing list of howlers.

The fact that the BBN found correlations, for 3 of the 5 shots, for both the TSBD and the Grassy Knoll, outweigh any consideration of windshield-distortion. What is windshield-distortion compared to misestimating the position of the shooter, with some of the correlations by over 200 feet.

This is more raw, comical ignorance. 200 feet?! This goofiness is based on your continued misreading of the HSCA materials. You realize that nearly instantaneous echoes caused some of the individual matches but that these were recognized as false positives by time-distance analysis of the motorcycle's movements, right? You realize that any rational doubt about the grassy-knoll-shot matches was removed by the WA sonar analysis, right?

But now, on to handling the windshield-distortion issue. You claim that windshield-distortion did occur with the first three shots from the TSBD (I assume 137.70, 139.27 and 140.32) but did not occur with the Grassy Knoll shot at 145.15. Now, the question I have, is:

Who determined this?

I don’t recall reading where Dr. Barger or any report from BBN discussed this windshield-distortion in their reports to the HSCA.

And it couldn’t have been Weiss and Aschkenasy because, as I understand it, they only looked at the grassy knoll shot of 145.15. They did not look at the earlier shots at all, because of a lack of time. So, they might have said there was no windshield-distortion for the grassy knoll shot, but they couldn’t have had an opinion on the 3 earlier shots.

So, I would guess it would be our Insect expert, Dr. Thomas, who determined, from his analysis, that the first three shots had no windshield-distortion, but the grassy knoll shot did.


Is this right? The determination of the first 3 shots had windshield-distortion, but the grassy knoll shot did not, was not made by Dr. Barger. Was not made by BBN. Was not made by Weiss and Aschkenasy, but was instead made by Dr. Thomas?

It appears to me, that the source of this “No Windshield-Distortion” for the grassy knoll shot is: Jason A. Perdue

In his book:

People in High Places – An Investigation of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

So "it couldn’t have been Weiss and Aschkenasy," hey? Weiss and Aschkenasy could not have discussed the windshield-distortion evidence, hey? This gaffe proves you still have not bothered to read their testimony. Dr. Weiss talked about windshield distortion extensively in his testimony. He explained how windshield distortion accounted for some of the patterns seen in the graphical representation (oscillogram/spectrogram) of the dictabelt gunshot impulse patterns:

The second thing is, if you look at these patterns in somewhat more expanded detail than perhaps is visible here, you will see in the case of the muzzle blast there is a very sharp, short, initial, positive, upward going spike or peak, then it goes strongly down, and then it comes up again, and so on.

Now, in fact, as recorded through a high-fidelity system and an open microphone, it really does this, it is very sharply upward first, then it goes down and so on.

Well, something must have happened to this upward, strong one to make it seem much smaller. It now is just a little bitty one over here. It goes down, and now it comes up afterwards, and does that sort of thing. And we considered why that is so, and thought that it is probable that if this is a microphone on the motorcycle, and the motorcycle, in fact, is over here in Dealey Plaza, facing in this direction, and if there is a rifle over here, that the windshield of the motorcycle is sort of between the sound that comes directly at it from the muzzle blast and the microphone, so the windshield is screening the microphone to some degree.

Well, the effect of that can be predicted. But to confirm our understanding of this, we arranged with the New York City Police Department to perform some experiments at their shooting range in the Bronx. We went out there, and they trotted out an old Harley-Davidson motorcycle and put a transmitter on it, vintage 1963 or 1964, and an old microphone pretty much the same kind as was used by the Dallas Police Department, and we performed some experiments with people firing rifles at various locations, sometimes with the motorcycle facing the shooter, sometimes with the motorcycle crosswise to the shooter. At the same time we made recordings using high fidelity equipment of the sounds of the shots.

Now there were two kinds of recordings made. The first, as I say, was high fidelity equipment, good microphone, good recorder on the spot. The second was through the microphone which was on the motorbike, which was a microphone of the type used in Dallas, through the transmitter, and recorded downtown at the police communications laboratory. And we compared the results of these two recordings, and what we found was exactly what we had thought we would find, that is, that in the case of the high fidelity recording, we got that kind of big, first spike upward and downward, and so on. In the case of the recording made through the police microphone, that first spike was greatly attenuated [weakened] and it went negative and came back up and so on. This was true, however, only in the case where the motorcycle was facing the rifle.

When the motorcycle was crosswise to the rifle, the recording made by the police microphone fairly closely matched, looks, looked pretty much like, with some distortions, but looked pretty much like the recording made using the high fidelity equipment. So it was essentially confirmed that the windshield really does have this effect on reducing the strength of that initial, very sharp spike received, and, of course, this is what we have over here. It is consistent with the assumption that this is a microphone behind the windshield facing a rifle. (5 HSCA 581-582)
« Last Edit: September 29, 2020, 02:14:38 PM by Michael T. Griffith »

Offline Joe Elliott

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And I see Mr. Elliott has apparently decided to stop trying to deal directly with the windshield-distortion correlations and is once again demanding answers to his irrelevant, error-based questions. Just to recap, the three TSBD shots contain windshield distortion because the patrolman's microphone was in a position where the gunshot sound waves would have encountered his windshield before reaching the microphone. But, for the grassy knoll shot, where the motorcycle was in a position where the windshield did not intervene between the gunshot sound waves and the microphone, there is no windshield distortion. Think about the number of factors that would have to come together to make these correlations possible. Here are just some of them:

It now appears that it is Mr. Griffith who is running away from the windshield-distortion correlation issue. So, let me repeat the point I made yesterday.

The grassy knoll shot was the fourth of the five shots (if one accepts the 140.32 as a shot).

The following map shows where the motorcycle was for this shot, the fourth green circle.


1.   Shouldn’t we expect to have windshield-distortion from the grassy knoll for this shot?

2.   What do you mean that the windshield would not intervene with the grassy knoll shot?

Of course, it would have. The motorcycle would have been almost pointed directly at the grassy knoll, while in the fourth circle.

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Mr. Elliott's surprising claim that the windshield-distortion correlations originated with Jason Perdue's book People in High Places deserves further comment. Anyone who has read the HSCA materials knows that not only did Weiss and Aschkenasy note these correlations in their testimony and in their report, but that the HSCA report noted them as well.

But now, on to handling the windshield-distortion issue. You claim that windshield-distortion did occur with the first three shots from the TSBD (I assume 137.70, 139.27 and 140.32) but did not occur with the Grassy Knoll shot at 145.15. Now, the question I have, is:

Who determined this?

I don’t recall reading where Dr. Barger or any report from BBN discussed this windshield-distortion in their reports to the HSCA.

And it couldn’t have been Weiss and Aschkenasy because, as I understand it, they only looked at the grassy knoll shot of 145.15. They did not look at the earlier shots at all, because of a lack of time. So, they might have said there was no windshield-distortion for the grassy knoll shot, but they couldn’t have had an opinion on the 3 earlier shots.

So, I would guess it would be our Insect expert, Dr. Thomas, who determined, from his analysis, that the first three shots had no windshield-distortion, but the grassy knoll shot did.


Is this right? The determination of the first 3 shots had windshield-distortion, but the grassy knoll shot did not, was not made by Dr. Barger. Was not made by BBN. Was not made by Weiss and Aschkenasy, but was instead made by Dr. Thomas?

It appears to me, that the source of this “No Windshield-Distortion” for the grassy knoll shot is: Jason A. Perdue

In his book:

People in High Places – An Investigation of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

I had never heard of Perdue's book until I read this reply. I tracked down an online copy of the book (2nd edition). Perdue does not say the grassy knoll shot had no windshield distortion. He correctly observes that the final shot was the one that was found to have no windshield distortion, not the grassy knoll shot (pp. 69-70).

Coincidentally, just before I looked up Perdue's book, I realized that the fourth shot was the no-windshield-distortion shot after I went back and re-read the HSCA report's section on the acoustical evidence. I have revised my article on the acoustical evidence accordingly.

When you look at the position of the motorcycle for the third shot and the fourth shot, it makes perfect sense that the fourth shot does not contain any windshield distortion. For the grassy knoll shot, as with the two previous shots, the windshield was still between the rifle and the microphone, but this was not the case for the fourth shot. This is an astonishing coincidence if the dictabelt tape does not contain JFK assassination gunfire.

Several folks who have read Weiss's testimony on this subject have inferred that he was implying that the grassy knoll shot was the shot with no windshield distortion. This is how I had read his testimony as well. This is even how Dr. Chambers read his testimony. With tongue in cheek, I blame Dr. Weiss for not specifying by number the shots with windshield distortion ala the HSCA report! The HSCA report sets the matter straight:

Weiss and Aschkenasy also considered the distortion that a windshield might cause to the sound impulses received by a motorcycle microphone. They reasoned that the noise from the initial muzzle blast of a shot would be somewhat muted on the tape if it traveled through the windshield to the microphone. Test firings conducted under the auspices of the New York City Police Department confirmed this hypothesis. Further, an examination of the dispatch tape reflected similar distortions on shots one, two, and three, when the indicated positions of the motorcycle would have placed the windshield between the shooter and the microphone. On shot four, Weiss and Aschkenasy found no such distortion.(55) The analysts' ability to predict the effect of the windshield on the impulses found on the dispatch tape, and having their predictions confirmed by the tape, indicated further that the microphone was mounted on a motorcycle in Dealey Plaza and that it had transmitted the sounds of the shots fired during the assassination. (HSCA report, pp. 74-75)

So, now that we have cleared up the confusion about which shots were and were not found to contain windshield distortion, we see that the windshield-distortion correlations are powerful, convincing evidence that the police tape contains at least four gunshots. Again, if these correlations are all just a coincidence, they are an astounding, astronomically improbable coincidence. When you think about the number of factors that would have to align by pure chance to make it theoretically possible for these correlations to be mere coincidence, you realize that the only rational conclusion is that they are not a coincidence but are hard evidence that the HSCA acoustical experts were correct.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2020, 09:18:20 PM by Michael T. Griffith »

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