The Altgens testimony is clearly referring to the headshot at z312.
The reason the headshot is 'made up' is because you've made it up with no corroborating evidence. At z349 Jackie Kennedy is blocking Altgen's view of Kennedy's head.

Just wanted to make this last point Michael but you're right, time to get back to the theme of this thread.
Mr O: in Z344 we see Altgens with the camera " almost up to my eye", which he mentions in his testimony. Correlates with his refocusing to 15 feet.
Once you understand:
The West survey, which locates a third hit at 4+95, based on information provided by, yes, both the FBI and SS. ( that info was still published in the Warren Report)
The Warren Commission's initial choice
not to call Mr Altgens as a witness.
The motivations of LBJ, who created the Warren Commission.
The motivations of the SS, who - except for Clint Hill - failed miserably in their task.
The nonconformity of the Nix film vs Zapruder film.
and many other things to numerous to mention, you might actually " get it".
But as Vincent Salandria said, later in life, early critics of the Warren Report focused too much on the minutae of the assassination, and failed to see the big picture. Mr S included himself in this critique.