Debunking the Magic BulletMy contention is that there isn't a trajectory from the 6th floor of the TSBD that enters JFK’s back at the T1 vertebrae and exits his throat at the C7 vertebrae then enters Connally at the right 5th rib. That's what makes the bullet magical.
Here is an overhead of the magic bullet’s trajectory thru JFK relative to the TSBD.

Note that the magic bullet struck the T1 vertebrae yet LNers claim it did not hit any bones as it passed thru JFK’s body.

Take the 2 laser challenge and be the 1st to prove that the magic bullet was possible, if not feasible. Get in between 2 lasers aimed at each other at a 17 deg angle and note where each laser strikes your body.

Can you make them match the autopsy photos?

When I took the 2 laser challenge I held a mirror in the photo to show where the front laser struck me as the corresponding back laser struck me on the back of the neck. The only way to match the autopsy wounds was to bend forward with my head almost between my legs, however, JFK was never in that position and slouching didn’t help.

Needless to say, I failed the 2 laser challenge and unless someone else can make it work, checkmate MB. QED.