I am curious what makes the film image in the cog area come and go. Thanks for explanation Jerry. The car appears to be slowing down before Z313 as you can see the motorcycle front tire is gaining on the car which matches Nix film. There is also interesting imagery in that area during the first shot. Is that image a reflection from back of polished sign or are you seeing someone below the sign in the upper image?
I still await opinion on what I consider editing on Z337. Anyone offer a solution? To me,
it looked like sloppy editing caught. That is one frame I can pick it out on. If one is modified that I can find, how many others that I can't have been modified to support the LNer narrative and falsify information. Take it one step further, who would purchase the film for a large sum of money and then only release slides to support a one sided argument? As I said, the characters in the film have had their faces "smudged and smeared". Unlike the moving car, the images (body images are well definedand yet no detail on the faces which defy logic.
On Z337, you can see his ear and hair and you can see a line going through his face and you see her shoulder on the other side of line and her arm and flowers down below on that same side. The case of the disappearing head was a sloppy cut and paste when they recreated the film in my opinion. They had to get it done in a hurry, likely 12 hours!

The validity of the film would have to be verified and matched up with Zapruder's family pictures on the other side to know if it was same film or was spliced together and then reimaged. You could also then compare resolution of those pictures to see if resolution was being lost due to recreation. Obviously one side grainy and other side clearer, would validate film. It would be interesting to note the markers on the film in the cogs, the letter c appears at Z303 and again at Z370. One would have to look at the original film markers and see if the length matches. The letter c is 67 frames apart. I am sure the sequence would be repetitive. This is the second side of the film we are told so it would be good to examine the Zapruder recording on the other side and see if it also contains markers that would match! What markers did an unexposed film of the day have? Did the film get marked on both sides and what frequency of repetition of markers?
By rights, the film should have been entered in as evidence but I guess there was not trial but a WC instead!