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Author Topic: The Nix Illusion  (Read 15954 times)

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: The Nix Illusion
« Reply #56 on: October 20, 2020, 06:14:21 PM »
The limo certainly slowed down in the region of Z330.   If you follow the white marker in the grass, you can see the marker slow down when SS agent jumps on car.   It hangs in the cogs for a long time!  Also, I want to see someone catch a car at 8 mph and jump on.  You have to be a super athlete!   Even Jean Hill in her first interview said the car momentarily halted.   If it didn't halt, it came to a very slow pace to allow the SS agent to leave the perch on the car behind and run up and jump on.   Can you dispute that?  The film should be called the Zapruder Illusion as you see evidence of cleverly hidden cut and paste lines.  If frames are all there, they have been modified to paint a particular picture and obscure identities and support the LNer narrative.  In 3 frames, SS agent is even with the policeman on the bike!  So he moved 3 ft conservatively in 3 frames.   A car speed constant at 8 mph speed and a film speed of 16 fps, we get the SS agent speed of 16 feet/s (11 mph!) Sure!!!!

Again, no idea how advanced editing techniques were in the day but I am sure they were quite remarkable and that they edited the film in such a short time is truly amazing.  Again no one wants to comment on frame Z337 and their sloppy editing.  So I will present another.  They were masters at using the light and cutting film at just the right interface between sunlight and darkness.  Besides that, the image from the camera is way more blurry on one side of the cut than the other on Z334.  We get better focus in the cogs or generally on the left hand side of the image!    I guess I am the only one that can see that.  The SS agent in the cogs is not affected by camera jiggle!!   

I would like to see someone use photo recognition software and compare the one morgue slab picture of the president in Wikipedia with  a regular photo to see if they could actually get a match.  I think it is ridiculous to have the President's head missing on the Zapruder Film (front blown off) and then see a picture of him laying on the table with eyes wide open (uhuh) and stating they used an existing wound to do a tracheotomy.  Can you imagine the risk of a side tracheotomy with veins and arteries (jugular and otherwise) and associated nerve damage to bore a hole into the windpipe from the side?  Give me a break!

How some people can get off on saying that there is a "bone" laying in the spot where the ear is on the photo is incredible.  No evidence of an ear shaped bone with scalp folded over in Ida Dox's drawings!   Why is everyone avoiding the reality of what you can obviously see below in these frame which compare nice to each other if it was left unedited - I haven't a clue!  Ear is present in both photos but one has photoshopping!  Even suit jacket/collar ruffle matches!

« Last Edit: October 20, 2020, 07:02:12 PM by Allan Fritzke »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Nix Illusion
« Reply #56 on: October 20, 2020, 06:14:21 PM »

Offline John Tonkovich

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Re: The Nix Illusion
« Reply #57 on: October 20, 2020, 06:39:47 PM »
Lets say the limo slowed to 2 mph. The Z film has it slowing to 8 mph. To make the limo appear to go 8 mph they would need to remove 3 out of every 4 frames. That would mean through that part of the film the people in the limo and Miss Foster would all speed up x4. By around frame 350 they may have been doing 4mph so they would need to take out every other frame at that point. So we would see Malcom Summers thrust himself to the ground at twice the natural speed.
 This would have been a complicated process using matte shots for the background and for the occupants of the limo to keep their action from doubling and maybe quadrupling in speed which would be obvious compared to their movement prior to and after the limo stop.
 The only alteration that would have been fairly straight forward would have been masking the hole in the back of the head and the debris that came from it. People claim that they would have had to do that on the tiny 8mm film itself but that is not true.  The 8 mm film strip is magnified 60 times when projected onto a screen at 3 feet wide so you have room to work without causing it to look all blurry. So you photograph a frame in 50mm then edit the actual photograph and then re film it through the original camera one frame at a time. That would allow the film to show the 8mm film grain it should have.
"Let's say the limo slowed to 2 mph."
Why 2 mph?
" Let's ". Let us. Who is this "us "? The royal "we"?
The Nix film differs greatly from the Zapruder film.
Look at the Zapruder frames I referenced. Clint Hill sure moves a lot in 1/18th of a second.

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: The Nix Illusion
« Reply #58 on: October 20, 2020, 07:00:38 PM »
The limo certainly slowed down in the region of Z330.   If you follow the white marker in the grass, you can see the marker slow down when SS agent jumps on car.   It hangs in the cogs for a long time!  Also, I want to see someone catch a car at 8 mph and jump on.  You have to be a super athlete!   Even Jean Hill in her first interview said the car momentarily halted.   If it didn't halt, it came to a very slow pace to allow the SS agent to leave the perch on the car behind and run up and jump on.   Can you dispute that?  The film should be called the Zapruder Illusion as you see evidence of cleverly hidden cut and paste lines.  If frames are all there, they have been modified to paint a particular picture and obscure identities and support the LNer narrative.  In 3 frames, SS agent is even with the policeman on the bike!  So he moved 2 ft conservatively in 3 frames.   A car speed constant at 8 mph speed and a film speed of 16 fps, we get the SS agent speed of 16 feet/s (11 mph!) Sure!!!!

Again, no idea how advanced editing techniques were in the day but I am sure they were quite remarkable and that they edited the film in such a short time is truly amazing.  Again no one wants to comment on frame Z337 and their sloppy editing.  So I will present another.  They were masters at using the light and cutting film at just the right interface between sunlight and darkness.  Besides that, the image from the camera is way more blurry on one side of the cut than the other on Z334.  We get better focus in the cogs or generally on the left hand side of the image!    I guess I am the only one that can see that.  The SS agent in the cogs is not affected by camera jiggle!!   

I would like to see someone use photo recognition software and compare the one morgue slab picture of the president in Wikipedia with  a regular photo to see if they could actually get a match.  I think it is ridiculous to have the President's head missing on the Zapruder Film (front blown off) and then see a picture of him laying on the table with eyes wide open (uhuh) and stating they used an existing wound to do a tracheotomy.  Can you imagine the risk of a side tracheotomy with veins and arteries (jugular and otherwise) and associated nerve damage to bore a hole into the windpipe from the side?  Give me a break!

How some people can get off on saying that there is a "bone" laying in the spot where the ear is on the photo is incredible.  No evidence of an ear shaped bone with scalp folded over in Ida Dox's drawings!   Why is everyone avoiding the reality of what you can obviously see below in these frame which compare nice to each other if it was left unedited - I haven't a clue!  Ear is present in both photos but one has photoshopping!  Even suit jacket/collar ruffle matches!

Allan, the problem with responding to one of your posts is that there is way too much in them - tracheotomies, Ida Dox drawings, ear-shaped bones etc. etc.
One point I do agree on is the speed of the limo when it slows down. Where people are getting 8mph from I don't know but in the version of the Z-film I posted above the limo slows down to almost walking pace just before the headshot and Clint Hill comes crashing into the back of it.
Where you get the idea JFK's face is blown off I don't know.
As for why Hill is in focus in z234 and others are out of focus it's pretty straight-forward. The bikes are moving at a different speed than the limo, Hill is moving at a different speed than the bikes and the limo, it's just that he is moving at the same relative speed to the 'pan' of the camera. If everything was moving at the same speed they would be equally in/out of focus.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Nix Illusion
« Reply #58 on: October 20, 2020, 07:00:38 PM »

Offline John Tonkovich

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Re: The Nix Illusion
« Reply #59 on: October 20, 2020, 07:27:50 PM »
I am of the firm belief that the Zapruder film is unaltered, certainly in any meaningful way. One apparent 'proof' of alteration are the so-called inconsistencies between the Zapruder and Nix films. This is dealt with in the following article by Millicent Cranor at the Who.What.Why website

The inconsistency in question revolves around the following frames:

In the Zapruder frame above there appears to be a sizeable gap between Jackie Kennedy and Clint Hill. In the Nix frame below their heads are more or less touching. How could this possibly be?

The only mystery here is how this easily explained 'illusion' ever gained any traction. It is caused by Jackie leaning diagonally across the trunk. I tried to write down what was happening but found it easier to make my own vid. The upturned baking tray represents the trunk of the limo, the spoon represents Jackie, the lighter represents Clint Hill (the point of this video is just to show the 'illusion').
It starts off with an overview then moves to the left (Nix position) where we see the spoon appears to be touching the lighter. It then moves to the right (Zapruder position) where it reveals a sizeable gap between the two items:

That the Nix and Zapruder films are perfectly synchronised is ably demonstrated in this following Gif

The original Ant Davison clip:
Just a reminder: your angle is about 45 degrees.
Nix, at most, is 20 degrees, or less.
The "illusion" is yours.

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: The Nix Illusion
« Reply #60 on: October 20, 2020, 07:30:49 PM »
So would you agree the head shot came in about Z330 when you can see the white marker in the grass appear to slow down in the frames?    My point about focus is that a lot of people attribute "out of focus" to camera jitter/shock.  I can see your point about pan speed vs. movementand that it is in play.  I will try to "slow down" my arguments! :'(

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Nix Illusion
« Reply #60 on: October 20, 2020, 07:30:49 PM »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: The Nix Illusion
« Reply #61 on: October 20, 2020, 07:50:50 PM »
So would you agree the head shot came in about Z330 when you can see the white marker in the grass appear to slow down in the frames?    My point about focus is that a lot of people attribute "out of focus" to camera jitter/shock.  I can see your point about pan speed vs. movementand that it is in play.  I will try to "slow down" my arguments! :'(

JFK's head definitely explodes at z313 when the white blur on the grass comes into view (not z330).
As I've said, in the version of the Z-film I posted the limo really slows down to what looks not much more than walking pace. At that precise moment JFK is shot in the head. The car was being driven by an expert driver who put his foot on the brakes. It was a deliberate act. Whether it was to make the headshot easier is impossible to say but I understand why people would look at it that way.

Offline Chris Bristow

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Re: The Nix Illusion
« Reply #62 on: October 21, 2020, 02:36:56 AM »
I said 2mph as a general example because it was an even number which was easier to divide from 8 mph. But thje basic point is valid. you can take out frames and keep the limo speed consistent. If you didn't have an even number the the edit would be slightly off.

To Allen, The piece of skull flap I mentioned is part of the 'official' record. There are drawings and photographs of it from the autopsy. I am not saying there really was a flap, I am saying the flap they claim is,I think, visible in the Z frame. If it is fake it is fake and the one we see in the Z film was added. But either that bright spot is supposed to be it.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Nix Illusion
« Reply #62 on: October 21, 2020, 02:36:56 AM »

Offline Chris Bristow

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Re: The Nix Illusion
« Reply #63 on: October 21, 2020, 02:47:07 AM »
This is an interesting clip of Hargis claiming the "limo slowed down almost to a stop". He prefaces his statement by saying "This is not for the public but that car came almost to a stop". So the question it raises is why does he need to say is not for the public when the Z film had been public for years. I can only think that it is because his version contradicts what we see in the Z film. If he agreed with the Z film he would have no reason to want to keep his opinion from public view.
He does assume he slowed to let Hill onboard which is fine but 8mph is not almost a stop. The whole point is why he did not want to let that statement out to the public if he agreed with the Z film.