"...this thing was made up by these guys..."
Is there any evidence or testimony that backs this up?
Or is it just something you're throwing out there?
"Also, ask yourself, why would ANY conspirators trust someone like her with any of this stuff beforehand?"
I don't imagine Cherami was integral to any kind of plan involving the assassination. I don't think she was entrusted with anything sensitive. I get the impression there were some guys involved in a very large, very lucrative drug deal and, rather than be in the room themselves when the deal went down, they used a very desperate (I can't think of a better word with out cursing) person and kidnapped her child, using threats of violence against the child to get Rose to cooperate. The story reveals Rose was in a hostage situation and was probably viewed as less than nothing to those using her. I'm assuming she was off her face a lot of the time and overheard talk about the assassination coming from those who viewed her as insignificant.
What appears to be confirmed is that the info she offered concerning the drug deal turned out to be on the money unless the whole deal thing was just another lie by Fruge (a lie in which he includes the Louisiana Police Department, specifically including Colonel Morgan and Nathan Durham, Chief Customs officer for the Galveston region)
"...this thing was made up by these guys..."
Is there any evidence or testimony that backs this up?
Or is it just something you're throwing out there?
If it's backup you require, consider that there is nothing backing up the idea that Cherami mentioned Dallas before the assassination. No reports were ever filed. In 1967, Weiss even told investigator Frank Meloche that he wasn't even certain whether or not Cherami spoke of Dallas before or after the assassination.
Cherami most likely made statements to Lt. Fruge (Louisiana State Police) AFTER Ruby shot Oswald saying that Ruby and Oswald knew each other. I believe she even went as far as saying they were "bed partners". In my opinion (and I dove hard into this about ten years ago), after Oswald was killed, Cherami claimed to Fruge that Ruby and Oswald knew each other, i.e. Oswald was inside Ruby's nightclub. In my opinion, this is all that was said by Cherami regarding anything assassination-related; nothing beforehand.
In 1967, preparing for the Shaw trial, Garrison investigators interviewed hospital personnel at the East Louisiana State Hospital and not one person remembers hearing any talk of Cherami ever warning of or speaking of an upcoming assassination in Dallas before it happened.