Oi Fred, if Fred is your real name? Are you an American? I don't know many Americans named Fred.
Anyway, you might want to amend your details about the three tramps.
- It emerged in 1993 that the three tramps were exactly that - the Dallas City Council released its JFK assassination files. Arrest records were found for the three tramps - their names were Harold Doyle, John Gedney, and Gus Abrams. Two of the tramps were still alive and they confirmed that they were the ones pictured.
You might not have been closely following thing's around here lately. I noticed you drop a bomb and leave. Anyway, I have shown that the three tramps (photographed) were actually released on the day of the assassination. Lets just say that. Rather than start a debate about if these
suspects were released within an hour of being detained at his majesty Decker's pleasure.

That document above is the FBI interview conducted with Marvin Wise, one of the arresting officers, and one of the photographed Dallas cops. He CLEARLY states that the tramps he arrested were released, on the day. Like I said, I wont get into a debate of exactly when on the 22nd they were allowed to walk out of the [doors]. But they did.
Below is Doyle's FBI statement where he says they (him and his tramp buddies) were released after two or three nights. Their arrest sheet says they were actually released on the 24th, I believe.

I too got the tramp documents from Denis Morissette's website. I presume you just got his name wrong?
Also, where did you read about Doyle stating he was one of the three tramps photographed. Please give the source as I must have missed this. This would be crucial, I think.
Hey Fred, I nearly forgot, did you know that one of the other cops that detained the three tramps William Chambers, he stated that at one point the three tramps were actually facing legit questioning as to which one of them shot the president? I spombleprofglidnoctobuns you not Fred.
Look below Fred

Those are FBI interview notes with Chambers in 92.
Seems a real pity these three tramps were released
presumably minutes or even hours after being found hiding in a box car behind the grassy knoll. Just a few hundred feet from where the president was shot.
Be honest Fred, are you curious? are you now burning this internal curiosity to find out what the hell happened to these three mysterious tramps that appear to have just got away without anyone really knowing their true identities. Or should we just be curious to find out if 'the supposed cop' that told Marvin Wise the tramps had been released was actually a legit cop. Or maybe Wise was going senile and his statements 30 years later are not worth jackspombleprofglidnoctobuns. Weird Innit! Fred!
What do you think about that, Fred?