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Author Topic: On The Trail Of Delusion  (Read 93836 times)

Offline Fred Litwin

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Re: Alecia Long's New Book: Cruising for Conspirators
« Reply #240 on: September 03, 2021, 05:34:16 PM »
I am not hawking the book.

I believe that ANY new book on the JFK assassination is worthy of discussion. In this case, I was fortunate enough to
be able to read a manuscript before publication. This is an excellent book, and I heartily recommend everybody buy a copy.

The scholarship in this book is first-rate.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Alecia Long's New Book: Cruising for Conspirators
« Reply #240 on: September 03, 2021, 05:34:16 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Alecia Long's New Book: Cruising for Conspirators
« Reply #241 on: September 03, 2021, 05:44:59 PM »
I am not hawking the book.

I believe that ANY new book on the JFK assassination is worthy of discussion. In this case, I was fortunate enough to
be able to read a manuscript before publication. This is an excellent book, and I heartily recommend everybody buy a copy.

The scholarship in this book is first-rate.


OK, Fred, You had me fooled, ......  Your posts sound like "hawking"

Offline Fred Litwin

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Re: Alecia Long's New Book: Cruising for Conspirators
« Reply #242 on: September 03, 2021, 05:47:41 PM »
I do hope that you and others keep replying to this message so that it stays on top of the board.

This book is very important.

Here are some of the reviews:

“This shocking narrative uncovers how decades of police surveillance in New Orleans created a vast paper trail that set the stage for a corrupt district attorney to frame the only man to face prosecution for John F. Kennedy’s assassination, creating a lasting homophobic conspiracy theory in the process. With keen historical sensitivity, Alecia Long reveals the longer patterns and plots that frame this must-read story.”— Jim Downs, author of Stand by Me: The Forgotten History of Gay Liberation

"Exposing the corrupt world of New Orleans policing and the complex gay subculture that thrived in the city’s shadow, Long’s book features an intriguing cast of characters, including ambitious prosecutor Jim Garrison and closeted businessman Clay Shaw. More importantly, it uncovers how cultural notions of gay men as criminal sexual psychopaths came to permeate JFK conspiracy theories and American culture more generally."— David K. Johnson, author of The Lavender Scare: The Cold War Persecution of Gays and Lesbians in the Federal Government

In Cruising for Conspirators Alecia Long offers us a fresh new perspective on an endlessly enthralling subject—the alleged conspiracy behind the assassination of John F. Kennedy—revealing how a pervasive cultural and institutional homophobia shaped the prosecution of the only person ever tried in the affair. This is an engrossing and important book, meticulously researched and profoundly relevant to our country’s ongoing attempts to grapple with the deep-rooted inequities of its past.”—Gary Krist, author of The Mirage Factory and Empire of Sin

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Alecia Long's New Book: Cruising for Conspirators
« Reply #242 on: September 03, 2021, 05:47:41 PM »

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Alecia Long's New Book: Cruising for Conspirators
« Reply #243 on: September 03, 2021, 06:05:58 PM »
Alecia Long's New Book: Cruising for Conspirators
I finally received my copy yesterday. I strongly urge everybody to buy a copy of this very important book. A terrific addition to the literature on the so-called Garrison investigation.
Fred: Didn't Garrison totally abandon the homosexual angle - the "thrill kill" claim about Shaw, Ferrie and Oswald - pretty early in his investigation? At least the public one. If I have the timeline right, the story first broke in the New Orleans newspapers that Garrison was investigating the assassination on February 17, 1967.

Clay Shaw was arrested about two weeks later on March 1, 1967. I believe it was then that Garrison for first time publicly claimed that the motive was a "homosexual thrill kill." Correct? However, about two weeks later on March 16 Richard Billings, who covered the investigation for Life magazine, wrote in his diary that:

"Garrison now interested [my emphasis] in possible connections between Shaw and the CIA. . . . Article in March issue Humanities [l’Humanité, the organ of the French Communist Party] supposedly mentions Shaw’s company [CIA] work in Italy."

Six days later, Billings’s wrote that Garrison had an article from the Humanite claiming a Shaw/CIA connection.  "Story about Shaw and CIA appears in Humanite, probably March 8 . . . [Garrison] has copy date-lined Rome, March 7th, from la presse Italien....

It appears that by mid to late March, Garrison had moved on from the homosexual angle to the CIA one. So I don't think the homosexual motive claim was anything more than a brief smear - a terrible one to be sure - but I don't think it was anything more than Garrison's twisted mindset.

Other than that March 1 comment did Garrison ever publicly repeat the "thrill kill" claim? Especially after roughly March 16?

Most of this is given greater detail by Max Holland in this piece:

Offline Fred Litwin

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Re: Alecia Long's New Book: Cruising for Conspirators
« Reply #244 on: September 03, 2021, 06:10:53 PM »
Garrison did move beyond the homosexual thrill killing angle. But, i do believe, in the back of his mind, he
always thought it was relevant. For instance, you see memo after memo discussing homosexuality. When he submitted
questions to the HSCA to ask Thomas Beckham, he suggested asking them about whether Beckham had
slept with Fred Crisman.

You can see some of this here:

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Alecia Long's New Book: Cruising for Conspirators
« Reply #244 on: September 03, 2021, 06:10:53 PM »

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Alecia Long's New Book: Cruising for Conspirators
« Reply #245 on: September 03, 2021, 06:43:49 PM »
Garrison did move beyond the homosexual thrill killing angle. But, i do believe, in the back of his mind, he
always thought it was relevant. For instance, you see memo after memo discussing homosexuality. When he submitted
questions to the HSCA to ask Thomas Beckham, he suggested asking them about whether Beckham had
slept with Fred Crisman.

You can see some of this here:
Obviously he did move on from the "homosexual thrill kill" claim - I don't think he repeated it after the arrest of Shaw; or certainly after mid-to-late March. He may have been paranoid - he was - but he was a smart and well read one (paranoids often are). Nowhere in the Shaw trial was homosexuality ever mentioned. In fact, if I recall no motive at all was mentioned (it wasn't legally necessary to do so).

If his theory as to what happened - multiple shooters firing from different locations - was to make any sense it had to involve more than Shaw, Ferrie and Oswald. And getting others to go along required more than joining a "homosexual thrill kill." I think he recognized that quite early in his investigation. So the "thrill kill" claim was just a typical off-the-cuff smear; one of a long list that he issued.

Offline Fred Litwin

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Re: Alecia Long's New Book: Cruising for Conspirators
« Reply #246 on: September 03, 2021, 07:10:39 PM »
Homosexuality was mentioned in the Shaw trial. There were several questions to witnesses about wearing "tight pants."

In addition, the Sciambra memorandum was read out lout in court.

You could say that Garrison didn't make a big deal out of homosexuality at trial.
But why was that?

James Kirkwood interviewed Irvin Dymond for his book. He asked him why garrison did not
make a big deal out of homosexuality. Dymond said he had a "secret weapon," and that he
was prepared to use it. Kirkwood asked him what it was, and Dymond told him to turn off the
tape recorder. He said "he didn't want to put it on tape."

I suspect he knew something about Garrison.


Offline Robert Reeves

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Re: Was Edgar Eugene Bradley One of the Three Tramps?
« Reply #247 on: September 11, 2021, 12:56:41 AM »
“I wrote this book to expose the full truth about Jim Garrison and the danger of conspiracy thinking. Several authors have tried to rehabilitate Garrison, and I wanted to use primary documents to show just how deluded he was.”

I've been reading your website Fred. I had a look to see what else you are utterly convinced are facts about the assassination of JFK. I'm most fascinated by the three tramp photos, so I've almost gobbled up every little detail I can find. I'm trying to figure out who those people in the photos are. Also, what they were doing actually on the day. You know, trying to picture what those tramps would be really like in real life (I know all we have are 7 photos).

For instance, the tallest tramp, some say is Charles Harrelson. I picture in my mind why he's dressed like a scruffy sort of looking guy, how he got to be a tramp, a hobo. His outfit, it looks contrived. His hair though kinda longish, isn't really all that wild and unlike what most guys hair was back then when they didn't try. The thing that sticks out the most to me are his clothes, the look contrived, to me. Like someone went and picked some random outfit for a guy they knew was 6'2" and over 200lbs. It's like they got his outfit from a wardrobe dept. So what would a fit, and tall looking guy, someone with obviously a lot of swagger (remember the picture where the tallest tramp is smirking just after the so-called Lansdale character passes by)

Smirking guy just strolling along without a care in the world (btw I'd say tallest tramp is late 20's/early 30's). Surely one of those arresting officers explained to the three tramps ''president Kennedy has just been shot in the head and as you are hiding in the train carriages not far from where several witnesses claimed to see a shooter, you are now being arrested as suspects for his murder''. Am I wrong to think these cops might have just hit the bloody jackpot and possibly just solved who shot JFK? Because how were those arresting cops to know that one, or all, these 'tramps' were not the assassin?

Surely the Tramp's were arrested on the assumption they'd committed a crime? Surely those 3 individuals were warned they might be in some serious spombleprofglidnoctobuns if they haven't got their story straight? I'm failing to not see in my mind very motivated bunch of police officers stumbling across three suspicious looking characters hiding in a box car just behind the grassy knoll in the railway yard literary hundreds of feet away from where JFK's brains just got blown out. These cops would have been all over these guys. Making sure they'd got every single detail written down and kept to solve the most famous murder case in U.S history! Heroes for life! Eternity!

The reason I know they would be busy trying to solve the murder mystery at this point is: Oswald hasn't been arrested at this point. Word hasn't got to these arresting officers.

Lets say it's possibly an hour after the murder? Well Wise knew JFK was possibly dead, because he stated in 1992 (full document below)

So we know officer Wise is already thinking about the assassination of character he'll face if these suspects escape from his custody, right? that and how his bank balance is going to swell. BTW Wise admitted he was friendly with Jack Ruby before becoming a cop. That he regularly danced at Ruby's night club with. The same cop who was friends with Ruby was there when Ruby shot Oswald dead. Yes he was also in the basement. And guess what? Wise was then sent to Parkland to guard Oswald. Yeah weird innit! He was everywhere, but yet nowhere. When he escorted the three tramps across dealey plaza he was so sure they weren't potential dangerous murderers (of the president of the United States) or why else did he let them all walk to Decker's without handcuffs. Yeah yeah there's a lot of pictures of people arrested that day not being handcuffed. But these guys were seen running from the back of the fence area onto the train tracks and getting into carriage. How comes when Wise was asked by the HSCA he never gave as much detail about the three tramps as he did in the 1992 interviews with the FBI? Wise knew something big was coming (Stone's movie) and the three tramps were going to be several central characters paraded on the big screen to appear as 'the conspirators'. Wise admitted to the HSCA the last time he saw the piece of paper with the three tramps names written on it was in 1966. That was the last time he recollected their names. It wasn't until that Doyle tv character appeared on some tv show and the three tramps names scrolled along at the bottom of the screen he remembered all of their names. Hallelujah

So this takes me back to the tallest tramp swaggering around dealey plaza like his shiit don't stink. Where the hell did he get the confidence to feel so safe and secure?

What type of person could feel very secure and smirk for the cameras in probably the most stressful moments of your entire life?

A lot of people say that smirk is kinda reminiscent of Woody's old man smirking during the judge John Wood trial.

I think the tall Tramp (I actually sub-consciously typed Trump lol and had to delete it) he smirks because he knows soon as his ass gets through Decker's doors he on the way to walking back out again without anyone EVER! really knowing the identity (at least officially). It's like the tallest tramp knows he's got the people covering his ass. People with the expertise to produce cover-stories and make them stick. He's protected by a world of deniability? Worst case scenario, he'll up and die, and get posted to some place in south America with a few hundred K

It turns out the tallest tramp has every reason to feel confident nothing is going to happen to him in the future. Marvin Wise admitted in 1992 that the three tramps he arrested and escorted across dealey plaza were released, on the same day they were detained! But yet we're supposed to believe some character called Doyle is the smallest tramp.  He admits to being released some 2 or three days later. The arrest sheet with his name on says the 24th November. So how can he be the cop arrested by Wise & co?

Wise says the three tramps were released almost immediately. Released on the afternoon of the assassination.

His FBI statement is there to read.

The tramps were released on the day of the assassination. Facts. Or is the cop lying?! Or senile!?

Were there more than one group of tramps arrested? possibly. A.J. Weberman claims the three tramps were being escorted through dealey plaza in the Mentesana film. I think he's right, some people are being escorted through the plaza by what looks like a cop with a white cap and several others. There's a large crowd.

I don't agree with who A.J Weberman believes are the three tramps. But I think he was right, these are possibly some of the tramps being moved from the train yard across the plaza.

The idea a group of tramps were arrested quite close to the shooting fits with what DPD discovered three tramps arrest sheets that state -- they were arrested 'right after JFK shot' below

I've seen an interview with Doyle where he says they were arrested right away and the crowd were baying for them (when I find it i'll post it). That reminds me, Where's Fred's documents to back up his assertion Doyle and other surviving tramp alive (at the time) confessed they were actually the tramps in the photos?

The area around the TSBDB was roped off. The were no great crowds of people in the three tramp photos. It was a very controlled situation to which they were walking from behind the grassy knoll area. There was a very select group of people there. Possibly all of them on the same page.

You've got the 3 strangers photographed, firstly, at the trade mart.

Look at that guys poster and his flag, says ''Vote right, Vote White, Anyone but the NAACP's Kennedy's''. I think this might be some racist folks. And these three are in the shizznit location with em and captured on camera.

Could be journalists just covering the drama?

But why she always covering her friggin' face!?!?!?!

She's probably a 9/10. Why is she covering her face? very annoying! I can't find a clear shot of her face anywhere!

Dude, the way she avoids the camera is like a fricken pro!

Dude she was everywhere! like totally in all the right places! I spombleprofglidnoctobunst you not!

So, 1. you got her, and the two gringos she came with. 2, you got these tramps ménage à trois going on 3,  Marvin Wise wearing a very suspicious ear device, aka cotton wool, below

3a, only that bloody dark complected guy that every says is actually 'the cuban''. Or whatever the hell Jack White named him. (Jack effing White named everything in JFK folklore!) Jack created all the most amazing conspiracy theories of all times. But what I don't get is why Jack White knew there was a high possibility he knew the name of the real dark person stood with Umbrella Man. Dark skinned, dark complected man, some say (aka Jack). Dark skinned guy was obviously just throwing his arms up in the air like that in a public display of love and appreciation. He was so into his fandom of the man that was in the process of being shot at, tunnel vision, somehow his senses went into denial. He sat down calmly on the curb next to Umbrella Man, and mumbled some spombleprofglidnoctobunst about 'them just shot the president'' or something. Or whatever Umbrella Man said he heard come out of the lips of dark skinned guy that Jack White says is a Cuban.

He's also photographed out front, not only is he with these 3 new characters, who first appeared at the trade mart, and they mooched it down to TSBD building and watched the drama going on there for a while. Got behind the ropes and was in the VIP section. From all accounts. Only the gang got themselves into the roped off section.

All the oinks had to gawp like common punter's watching tricks at the circus.

That bloody dark skinned dark complected whatever Jack White named him guy who might have been a Cuban, he bloody shows up now gawping at the circus act. Somethang is a COOKEN!

So I was in the process of lookin' at that 9/10 woman I said was all over the place. But she somehow never showed her entire face. And like a thunderbolt, a thunderbolt of inspiration from Jack White, I spotted the dark skinned dark complected guy was right in the middle of some very dodgy tramp business, and he's lucky, BECAUSE he might just be lucky and not get arrested too -- as he was acting very very suspicious = my opinion (not Jack's) -- I am open-minded to Oswald being a shooter, BTW.

So yeah I was staring at the woman in the tramps stuff photographs and I noticed there's a dark skinned person lurking over her left shoulder. To my amazement -- I am kidding -- I thought ''that looks like that dark skinned/complected guy Jack White said was Cuban''. And I actually said, to myself, ''Oh right, so he's actually not from Cuba, and he's actually from Oklahoma!'' Holy Crap!

Well, you can't really see a face, it's just blobby pixels. The an outline of a human head, possibly wearing a black cap and white/light jacket. Dark trousers, or pants - for our American viewers. And finished off with lovely shoes, I think they're boots, possibly alligator skinned, Jack White said!

But look, is this the dark skinned guy, that was stood with Umbrella Man, just a few acts earlier in this epic movie?

What is this geezer now doing out front at the TSBD with these mugs?

It's him? innit? FRED!??

What a bloody cheek this geezer got just walking out front with all this tramp stuff going on around him.

Surely they'll do sumthing to his face and make it unintelligible. Bingo!

Owned! can't identify him! suckers!

But Jack White actually knew this dark skinned guy was somewhere 'out front'. Cos I read it in his documents posted online. I just looked hard at the tramp photo's and he was right! He actually is 'out front' when he said he was, and who he said was with, also, they are there!

Did I tell you about the time Jack White sent a picture of some guy he was told was Umbrella Man. So Jack then sent the photo to Tom Wilson (the guy in The Men Who Killed Kennedy) The guy that said JFK was shot from the drain. Yeah so Jack White sends Tom Wilson a photo of someone accused of being the Umbrella Man, and Tom Wilson says ''Jack the person you say might actually being Umbrella Man comes back as being a 98.2% probability match". Well Jack's now about to tell everything to the sixth floor museum and break the case open! Not so fast!

I don't think many people know this is the picture Tom Wilson created for Jack White, using his magic computer programming skills he showed JFK was shot from the drain. And using this special magic computer software he also knew the man in the photo Jack sent him was Umbrella Man. To a 98.2% certainty!

But anyway, lets get back to the three tramps. I am interested to know why Harold, or is it Hereld, I'll call him Harold Doyle, for now. Why did this guy end up a stinky tramp drinking booze with two other charmers and running away from the fence area where several eye-witnesses claimed someone shot at JFK. How did someone like Doyle become a tramp and years later have to defend himself as being innocent and not being part of a conspiracy to shoot JFK? I don't really buy it.

So Doyle, above, he's considered by lone shooter people to be just some random tramp that got caught up in this nasty assassination business. And 20 something years later he just appears to say ''the tramps had nothing to do with it'' (that's what you meant, Fred)

This is Harold Doyle.

So how did this guy end up a drunk hobo on a train in Texas?? and mixed up in the most notorious shooting in American history!?

Did Fred Litwin interview Harold Doyle, or talk to his kids? or any family members to find out if he was actually the man in the photo's with the cops??

How comes Fred Litwin goes around making announcements on his website/blog that he's solved the three tramps identity and yet he doesn't have the proof to back it up?

Well Fred?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Was Edgar Eugene Bradley One of the Three Tramps?
« Reply #247 on: September 11, 2021, 12:56:41 AM »