Mr. RANKIN. Did he tell you why he had shot at General Walker?
Mrs. OSWALD. I told him that he had no right to kill people in peacetime, he had no right to take their life because not everybody has the same ideas as he has. People cannot be all alike. He said that this was a very bad man, that he was a fascist, that he was the leader of a fascist organization, and when I said that even though all of that night be true, just the same he had no right to take his life, he said if someone had killed Hitler in time it would have saved many lives. I told him that this is no method to prove your ideas, by means of a rifle.
Two weeks after Oswald allegedly shot at Edwin Walker, George DeMohrenschildt was meeting in NYC with Bush's close friend, Tom Devine, on April 25, 1963.
April 25, 1963 meeting : Tom Devine AKA WuBriny/1 DeMohrenschildt and Clemard Charles
.... Muse and the Racist Origins of Right-to-Work | ACS
Feb 22, 2018 — The idea for modern Right-to-Work laws did not originate with Muse. Rather it came from Dallas Morning News's William
Ruggles, ...“,with%20or%20without%20union%20membership.
Dallas Morning News editorial writer William
Ruggles (pictured above) “thought every American had a
right to work.” He used those words
in an editorial on September 1, 1941 (Labor Day) asking for a 22nd amendment to the U.S. Constitution guaranteeing the right to work with or without union membership.Sep 1, 2014
New Hampshire Senate passes right to work bill, advancing ...
Feb 11, 2021 — The New Hampshire Senate passed a “right to work” bill Thursday, advancing a
longstanding Republican effort to make union membership dues ... House rejects, buries right-to-work bill on key roll call of ...
Jun 3, 2021 — The New Hampshire House soundly killed the latest attempt by state and national proponents to pass right-to-work legislation and then buried ...

From an old post of mine on another thread,,,,
...His daughter Marilou Ruggles Core was linked in a CIA report to a former O.S.S. officer who became an India scholar at Harvard
and was the son of the Dallas Morning News music columnist. Marilou Ruggles married Jesse R Core III, a recent DMN reporter,
in 1950.
Marilou, in that same CIA report, is linked to two CIA officers who served in India, as well as her husband Jesse who admitted to
being a CIA asset. That CIA report describes Jesse as serving in Calcutta with one of those two linked CIA officers, David G Baldwin.
Kerry Thornley claimed his mentor, Clint Bolton, a former AP journalist reporting from India, was a close friend of Jesse Core.
J Walton Moore served in India in 1950, Ann Goodpasture in 1954.
Clay Shaw hired Baldwin as Trade Mart PR director upon his return from Calcutta in 1952 and in 1955 hired Jesse Core as Baldwin's
replacement. David G Baldwin informed Clay Shaw a week after Shaw was arrested that he (Baldwin), was godfather and first cousin of Liz Ziegler, wife of Jim Garrison.

Jesse Core reported to the FBI observing Oswald handing out fliers near the Trade Mart. Oswald is accused of firing a shot through
a window at 4011 Turtle Creek Blvd.
The thread at this link, is not very long. Please read it.:
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9240&stc=1]
J.F. Stuart Arthur rented in 1962 the home he owned (since 1940) at 4011 Turtle Creek Blvd. to Edwin Walker.
W. Orrin Miller purchased the 4011 Turtle Creek property from JF Stuart Arthur in summer, 1963, one year after Arthur rented that property to Edwin Walker.
W. Orrin Miller is linked to George Bush....

Mr. Miller helped former President George Bush draw up incorporation papers for Zapata Petroleum when he first moved to Dallas TX , his son said.
"I can't prove any of that; it's a story he used to tell me," Robert Miller said.