That the rifle hiding place was preconstructed is agreed by virtually everyone so I'm not sure about your Eureka moment.
Just out of good practice could you provide a link to the quotes you posted or some unscrupulous members might think you're demented and making up your own evidence (not me, of course)

That the rifle hiding place was preconstructed is agreed by virtually everyone so I'm not sure about your Eureka moment.Oh really, ?? Virtually everyone agrees that the hiding place for the rifle was preconstructed? Then why did John Howlett use a light piece of 1X 4 and inserted it into a crack between the boxes of books which portrayed a spur of the moment action.??
Roger Craig also recognized that the hiding place had been preconstructed and he also knew that Lee Oswald couldn't have placed the rifle on the floor beneath the pallet of books AFTER the shooting. Craig said something about he was much bigger than Lee Oswald and he wouldn't have been able to perform the feat attributed to Lee Oswald.