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Author Topic: On The Trail Of Delusion  (Read 92801 times)

Online Andrew Mason

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Re: Dr. Cyril Wecht Gets One Right
« Reply #744 on: December 16, 2021, 12:14:59 AM »
Not helpful if you're comparing it to a "pencil neck".

It is not the length of the neck that is wrong, in Fuhrman's drawing.  Rather it is the position of the exit wound which was in the nape of the neck to the left of JFK's tie knot.  Your profile photo shows that Fuhrman's placement of the exit point of the bullet is nowhere near the actual exit wound on JFK (which is below the bottom of the photo where his tie knot would be).

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Dr. Cyril Wecht Gets One Right
« Reply #744 on: December 16, 2021, 12:14:59 AM »

Online Fred Litwin

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Exclusive: Garrison tells the HSCA about Guy Banister
« Reply #745 on: December 18, 2021, 02:46:38 PM »
EXCLUSIVE: Garrison tells the HSCA about Guy Banister
I have posted on Youtube another tape recording of Jim Garrison talking to HSCA investigators in 1977. This time he focuses on Guy Banister. The only witness Garrison has that places Oswald in Banister's office is Jack Martin. And Garrison admits to the HSCA that Martin has a credibility problem.

Online Fred Litwin

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Jim Garrison's Shot from the Sewer!
« Reply #746 on: December 20, 2021, 01:40:18 PM »
Jim Garrison's Shot from the Sewer
This is Garrison Peak Crazy!
In December 1967, Jim Garrison sent out three press releases about a shot from the sewer that hit JFK. Today I present the three press releases and the pictures that accompanied them. It doesn't get any crazier than this, folks.

JFK Assassination Forum

Jim Garrison's Shot from the Sewer!
« Reply #746 on: December 20, 2021, 01:40:18 PM »

Online Fred Litwin

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Re: Jim Garrison's Shot from the Sewer!
« Reply #747 on: December 20, 2021, 03:30:50 PM »
Good point!

Tell me more about Richard Smith...did he write a book?


Offline Gerry Down

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Re: Jim Garrison's Shot from the Sewer!
« Reply #748 on: December 20, 2021, 06:57:17 PM »
I like the two Marguerite Oswald's myself. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Jim Garrison's Shot from the Sewer!
« Reply #748 on: December 20, 2021, 06:57:17 PM »

Offline Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Jim Garrison's Shot from the Sewer!
« Reply #749 on: December 20, 2021, 08:34:47 PM »
Jim Garrison's Shot from the Sewer
This is Garrison Peak Crazy!
In December 1967, Jim Garrison sent out three press releases about a shot from the sewer that hit JFK. Today I present the three press releases and the pictures that accompanied them. It doesn't get any crazier than this, folks.
What's puzzling is as the years go by - more than five decades of them - the theories and claims either keep being repeated or keep expanding, get more convoluted. One would think that after all of this time, after all of these investigations, after the release of all of this information that the explanation would become narrower, more unified. Nothing is dismissed; even the three tramps were in on it. Do the conspiracy believers agree on anything other than there was a conspiracy? And that anything can be dismissed?

But instead it stays in the same state it was about 50 years ago or it expands. The coverups (multiple ones) continue to this very day. Garrison's craziness is not much different than the garden variety nonsense we see here. Granted, much of this is just people engaged in a hobby, shooting the breeze. But some of this is taken seriously. Bless their little brains.

Norman Redlich, the chief author of the Warren Commission Report and a man who stood up to McCarthy and stood for liberal/progressive beliefs and would no more engage in essentially a fascist like act against the government than the proverbial man in the moon, said it best:

"I think there are simply a great many people who cannot accept what I believe to be the simple truth, that one rather insignificant person was able to assassinate the President of the United States."

But we get this or that evil thing the CIA did, and Watergate, and the government lies and so on. Yes, all of that is true but it has nothing to do with what happened that November day in Dallas.

Offline Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Jim Garrison's Shot from the Sewer!
« Reply #750 on: December 20, 2021, 10:23:47 PM »
When the lone crazy succeeds, it can be quite devastating. Some examples from the 1960s:
  • Thomas G. Doty (34)
    May 22, 1962, boarded Continental Airlines Flight 11 at O'Hare, exploded dynamite, causing plane to crash in Iowa killing all 45 onboard. Thought motivated by insurance fraud.
  • Francisco Paula Gonzales (27), competitor at the 1960 Summer Olympics
    May 7, 1964, boarded Pacific Air Lines Flight 773 in Reno, over California shot both pilots and himself, causing plane to crash killing all 44 onboard. Remains worst incident of mass murder in modern California history.
  • Charles Joseph Whitman (25), former Marine
    August 1, 1965, killed mother and wife, then later reach the observation deck of the UT Austin "Main Building" where he shot and killed 14 and wounded 32 over 96 minutes.
  • Richard Speck (25), convicted in Texas of forgery and burglary, was on run from burglary arrest warrant.
    July 13–14, 1966, killed eight student nurses in Chicago.
  • James Earl Ray (40), fugitive from Missouri State Penitentiary
    April 4, 1968, assassinated civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., single shot from Remington Gamemaster rifle. Conspiracy claims made.
  • Sirhan Sirhan (24)
    June 5, 1968, shot Senator Robert F. Kennedy in Los Angeles (who died following day). Five others shot, but they recovered. Conspiracy claims made.
(Source: mostly Wikipedia)

Also the Boston Strangler and the Zodiac Killer.
We can add, in a different way, Jack Ruby. Granted he didn't hurt so many people, cause so much pain as the people above but I'm convinced that had he not shot Oswald that none of us would be here. None of us. Oswald would have talked, would have admitted to his acts, would have taken credit for his history changing event. He wanted to be a historic figure, this was his chance.

Yes, people would have said he was a victim of mind control, of Project MkUltra, or something else. Maybe that he had help. But that would be the fringe types, the Sirhan type defenders.

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Jim Garrison's Shot from the Sewer!
« Reply #751 on: December 21, 2021, 12:59:54 AM »

Tell me more about Richard Smith...did he write a book?
Yeah his memoirs--- "I Was A Teenage Nutter"  :D

Richard is a poster on the Forum here. He's an excellent writer and rationalist concerning the JFK assassination. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Jim Garrison's Shot from the Sewer!
« Reply #751 on: December 21, 2021, 12:59:54 AM »