This is the conspiracy "history" that we have to deal with. Things like JFK was going to end the Cold War or dismantle the "national security state" or pull out of Vietnam.
And these secret "non-Americans" silenced him to prevent that. See, there's really a cabal that is controlling things.
We can talk about the Z film or the autopsy or a dozen and one other things about the assassination but that won't work. That is because we are trying to reason with people who think this all powerful cabal really runs things. And they can literally do anything.
You can't reason with this worldview.
”John F. Kennedy was murdered because he was genuinely seeking peace in a corrupt world. It is doubtful whether anyone in our time quite so young has ever done quite so much for peace on this earth.”
/Jim GarrisonDistrict Attorney
New Orleans
Researcher Paul Bleau has mentioned some of the consequences caused by the assassination of President Kennedy, quote: “The JFK assassination was arguably the most important one in the last century. We are still feeling the aftershocks, quite intensely actually. The pillars of U.S. democracy cracked at the seams in 1963. An elected and popular president was taken out, for the benefit of so few. A masquerade of law and order was put in place by the benefactors. The fourth estate shamed itself by choosing the side of the winners. Historians brainwashed decades of young students by parroting the Warren Commission fairytale. In power behind the scenes and emboldened, the perpetrators were pulling the strings on a number of political assassinations that followed, unholy drug and arms deals, political dirty tricks, coups and wars, Wall Street money games, and other major scandals that came in waves and went unpunished. You know something is wrong when the people responsible for millions of deaths in Vietnam alone, trillions of dollars in damages and inequalities in the world’s most powerful country are living the life of Riley, while at the same time four white cops took George Floyd’s life because of a fake 20 dollar bill.” - End quote.
From ”Government of the people, by the people, for the people." To "Government of big business, by big business, for big business.."