Tom, me and you are thinking alike. I shoved Doyle's mush through a facial analyzer and it also came out with some results. Sadly, I can't find his results anywhere on the program I used. But I have the guy that looks similarly to Doyle but isn't allegedly/actually him.

The person in the photo above is [unknown]. I don't know anything about it, other than someone must have posted it and said it looks like the smaller tramp and so I saved it. I cannot find the details about this person.
But anyway he matches the Doyle face pretty good using some website I found. To me it looks like the smaller Tramp more than any photos I've seen.
It was compared to this pic of the tramp below

That is a little bit hard to read, but says 81.6% match. For whatever good that does us.
I believe the pic was posted in the same context as the alleged interpen guys supposedly caught on camera, Danny Arce and co

When I saved this photo [below] it was titled Charles Rogers.

It could just be the Doyle guy.
Was the small tramp guy filmed walking past Oswald down in New Orleans
I believe Jack White noticed this

I'll tell you what, if I hadn't noticed the three tramps were released on the same day that JFK was killed, I'd have said that Doyle character is the small tramp in the photos. But their arrest sheets clearly state they were released on the 24th. Doyle person even said this on camera (2 or 3 days) he says. And the arrest sheet states they were arrested ''right after JFK shot''. But the tramps in the photos are shot (approximately is all we have) after 1pm.
It would be very interesting if anyone could locate the identity of this person. below. And also, what is the context to this person being photographed. Is it one of those dudes down in the swamps. The Interpen lot!

And if you throw that Lois Gibson (forensic and facial expert) stuff into the mix too, well it's then even cloudier.

Big claim for Fred Litwin to make - that he solved all these puzzles.