Amazon has a book by Richard Gilbride called:
Matrix for Assassination: The JFK Conspiracy
While the reviews of this book are generally positive (I don’t know of any Pro CT book that doesn’t have generally positive reviews), there was one review by a dcpurcell which said:
If this didn't have a chapter on UFO's and JFK that totally undermines its credibility as far as I'm concerned I'd have more respect for this book. Some of the chapters, especially on Marilyn Monroe, has apparently new and ground breaking information. Then when I got to the chapter on UFO's it went off the wall. This is why people call JFK researchers 'wackos' and so forth. It talks about moon colonies and alien treaties and JFK viewing UFO's and alien bodies. I tried and went through every JFK biography and reference I could and there was nothing to back up any reference he made specifically to JFK and UFO's. So I have to assume he made it up.
If you can't believe one thing then what else is false? So even the chapters I thought might be true or plausible I'm double-checking against other references. I believe that a conspiracy murdered JFK but I don't believe every bit of garbage that's thrown out there.
I do like facts. I don't like a steady stream of unknown sources and documents that can't be verified or referenced. Just a shred of credibility, please.
This review was clearly written by a CTer, who liked 90% of the book, but could not accept the chapter on UFOs.
Is this review accurate? JFK viewed UFO’s, alien bodies and reviewed alien treaties? Instead of mucking with the TSBD elevator, they could have used alien technology to use a space elevator to whisk anyone out of that building.
I wonder what would be the terms of a treaty made with aliens. So much to learn.