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Author Topic: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village  (Read 22679 times)

Offline Richard Gilbride

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Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #40 on: November 16, 2020, 10:21:39 AM »
If Mr. Pointing and Mr. Elliott have problems with my credibility because I wrote a 2009 book that culminated with a chapter about JFK & UFOs, fine, that's their problem. They should take their ridicule to another thread.

This thread, as John Iacolletti correctly states, is about the TSBD being a false front. I have a website with a dozen-plus essays about the TSBD- about 400 pages and 400 photographs-  and plenty of credibility as regards the topic of this thread

The Pointing-Elliott tack into UFOland is an indication that they don't have a counter-argument to my 2020 thesis. Please examine the 2020 essay or leave the room. Thus far nothing you've brought to the table furthers the question, yea or nay, as to the TSBD as a Potemkin Village.

Dan O'meara asks what I think the purpose of the power outage was. I looked at this in greater detail in my 2015 essay INSIDE JOB in the section Frazier & The Elevator Power, which begins on p. 42.  I concluded that the only benefit the conspirators would have gained would be to delay the police search. The conspirators would thereby gain time to "tidy up" the evidence so as to frame Oswald.

Cutting the power was not a spontaneous, superfluous act. It was an act that had been incorporated into the planning And it was accomplished by someone familiar with the building.

The power outage had been planned, and in all likelihood accomplished by someone who worked in the building. To quote my 2020 essay: "A telltale proof of conspiracy, hiding in plain sight."

And I have to agree with Walt Cakebread, that the assassins had left the TSBD well before the power outage. I think they escaped by 12:32.

I'll get to the question about Dougherty bringing down the assassins in my next post, hopefully in 10-12 hours.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #40 on: November 16, 2020, 10:21:39 AM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #41 on: November 16, 2020, 07:10:21 PM »
If Mr. Pointing and Mr. Elliott have problems with my credibility because I wrote a 2009 book that culminated with a chapter about JFK & UFOs, fine, that's their problem. They should take their ridicule to another thread.

This thread, as John Iacolletti correctly states, is about the TSBD being a false front. I have a website with a dozen-plus essays about the TSBD- about 400 pages and 400 photographs-  and plenty of credibility as regards the topic of this thread

The Pointing-Elliott tack into UFOland is an indication that they don't have a counter-argument to my 2020 thesis. Please examine the 2020 essay or leave the room. Thus far nothing you've brought to the table furthers the question, yea or nay, as to the TSBD as a Potemkin Village.

Dan O'meara asks what I think the purpose of the power outage was. I looked at this in greater detail in my 2015 essay INSIDE JOB in the section Frazier & The Elevator Power, which begins on p. 42.  I concluded that the only benefit the conspirators would have gained would be to delay the police search. The conspirators would thereby gain time to "tidy up" the evidence so as to frame Oswald.

Cutting the power was not a spontaneous, superfluous act. It was an act that had been incorporated into the planning And it was accomplished by someone familiar with the building.

The power outage had been planned, and in all likelihood accomplished by someone who worked in the building. To quote my 2020 essay: "A telltale proof of conspiracy, hiding in plain sight."

And I have to agree with Walt Cakebread, that the assassins had left the TSBD well before the power outage. I think they escaped by 12:32.

I'll get to the question about Dougherty bringing down the assassins in my next post, hopefully in 10-12 hours.

This thread, as John Iacolletti correctly states, is about the TSBD being a false front.

Yes, You're right Mr Gilbride, the TSBD was used to draw the investigators and the search for the shooters into a staged "crime scene" .   There were no shots fired from the TSBD .....   And Captain  Fritz was a prime conspirator.     He has been quoted as insisting that the ignorant cops ( those who were not privy to the plot) keep searching the sixth floor, even after some of his subordinates wanted to expand the search to other areas of the building.   Fritz is quoted as saying " Keep looking for that rifle. it has to be here somewhere"   I ask:   How would Fritz know that the Shooter ( There was no shooter in the TSBD)  hadn't disassembled his weapon and left the TSBD with the dismantled weapon? ???

The TSBD is an excellent example of the proverbial Potemkin Village.           

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #42 on: November 18, 2020, 09:35:41 PM »
Problem? Me? I really don't have one...I'm just finding it hilarious watching you get all angry and frustrated over someone else's post. LOL
John, I don't need you to point out anything to me. Mind your business, keep your opinions about my post's to yourself and move on. You're dismissed. As the good book says; GO FOURTH AND MULTIPLY!  :D :D :D

I'm not angry or frustrated, but look who's policing posts now.  :D

I'll comment on whatever I feel like.  Have you been "promoted" to admin?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #42 on: November 18, 2020, 09:35:41 PM »

Offline Denis Pointing

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Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #43 on: November 18, 2020, 10:27:53 PM »
I'm not angry or frustrated, but look who's policing posts now.  :D

I'll comment on whatever I feel like.  Have you been "promoted" to admin?

Yeah, yeah, whatever. You really should get a life. There's a lot more out there than just arguing on forums and u-tube channels. You really are one sad f***.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #44 on: November 19, 2020, 12:27:05 AM »
Yeah, yeah, whatever. You really should get a life. There's a lot more out there than just arguing on forums and u-tube channels. You really are one sad f***.

Says the guy spending his time arguing on a forum.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #44 on: November 19, 2020, 12:27:05 AM »

Offline Denis Pointing

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Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #45 on: November 19, 2020, 12:51:45 AM »
Says the guy spending his time arguing on a forum.

You won't be happy until you provoke a flame war as you have with Chapman, will you? I find your incessant arguing boring, childish and pathetic. I find you boring, childish and pathetic. You need to grow up, you're coming across as a six year old. Read your back post's, you'll cringe with embarrassment at your child like postings. Stop making a fool of yourself.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2020, 01:39:04 AM by Denis Pointing »

Offline Richard Gilbride

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Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #46 on: November 19, 2020, 02:29:47 AM »
Dan O'meara has asked me what makes me think Dougherty is taking the assassin(s) down in the elevator. It would be worth your while to read the 1st section, 4 pages, of my 2009 Elevator Escape Theory essay, "The Impossibility of Jack Dougherty's Assassination Aftermath Alibi." He recounted for the Dallas Police that after hearing a shot, he went down to the 1st floor and asked  janitor Eddie Piper if he'd heard anything.

Not only was Eddie Piper never asked about this interaction, nor did Piper mention it in his Nov. 23 Sheriff's affidavit-  once you check the speed of the freight elevators, you realize that Dougherty couldn't have started traveling downstairs until after Truly & Baker started traveling upstairs, that is until about 2 minutes after the shooting. So his alleged conversation with Piper wasn't a near-immediate reaction to the shots, as was portrayed in his alibi.

He continued to foster that impression, of a near-immediate reaction, in his Dec. 19th FBI statement. Only near the end of Dougherty's Warren Commission testimony does he reluctantly admit that he used the west elevator to go downstairs.

So, Dougherty cut short his lunch break, didn't join his co-workers to watch the motorcade, and obfuscated his movements after his lunch break. He had no good reason to be "getting stock" because he was part of the floor-laying crew. After lunch he went upstairs and then down to the 5th to get stock. The 7th floor was vacant. So he actually was on the 6th floor after his shortened lunch.

Melvin Eisenberg, a junior Warren Commission staff member, was suspicious enough of Dougherty to compose an eyes-only memo entitled "Identity of Assassin". Another junior staff member, Norman Redlich, followed that up with "The Mystery of the West Elevator". My 2015 Inside Job essay details some of their memos on pp. 12-18.

Photographic evidence of the strangers Dougherty took down from the 6th floor is on p. 22 of The Elevator Escape Theory.

Arnold Rowland's man in the 6th-floor west window had dark hair, and Dougherty's hair was blond. I believe Rowland's man was the same man captured in the 6th-floor west window in the Tom Dillard news photo.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #47 on: November 19, 2020, 03:18:09 AM »
Dan O'meara has asked me what makes me think Dougherty is taking the assassin(s) down in the elevator. It would be worth your while to read the 1st section, 4 pages, of my 2009 Elevator Escape Theory essay, "The Impossibility of Jack Dougherty's Assassination Aftermath Alibi." He recounted for the Dallas Police that after hearing a shot, he went down to the 1st floor and asked  janitor Eddie Piper if he'd heard anything.

Not only was Eddie Piper never asked about this interaction, nor did Piper mention it in his Nov. 23 Sheriff's affidavit-  once you check the speed of the freight elevators, you realize that Dougherty couldn't have started traveling downstairs until after Truly & Baker started traveling upstairs, that is until about 2 minutes after the shooting. So his alleged conversation with Piper wasn't a near-immediate reaction to the shots, as was portrayed in his alibi.

He continued to foster that impression, of a near-immediate reaction, in his Dec. 19th FBI statement. Only near the end of Dougherty's Warren Commission testimony does he reluctantly admit that he used the west elevator to go downstairs.

So, Dougherty cut short his lunch break, didn't join his co-workers to watch the motorcade, and obfuscated his movements after his lunch break. He had no good reason to be "getting stock" because he was part of the floor-laying crew. After lunch he went upstairs and then down to the 5th to get stock. The 7th floor was vacant. So he actually was on the 6th floor after his shortened lunch.

Melvin Eisenberg, a junior Warren Commission staff member, was suspicious enough of Dougherty to compose an eyes-only memo entitled "Identity of Assassin". Another junior staff member, Norman Redlich, followed that up with "The Mystery of the West Elevator". My 2015 Inside Job essay details some of their memos on pp. 12-18.

Photographic evidence of the strangers Dougherty took down from the 6th floor is on p. 22 of The Elevator Escape Theory.

Arnold Rowland's man in the 6th-floor west window had dark hair, and Dougherty's hair was blond. I believe Rowland's man was the same man captured in the 6th-floor west window in the Tom Dillard news photo.
You're probably right,Mr Gilbride.....   In suspecting that JD was involved in creating the " Protemkin Village"...but I seriously doubt that there were any "strangers" in the TSBD at 12:30 that day.      I also believe that that the man that Arnold Rowland saw with a HUNTING RIFLE (not a mannlicher carcano) WITH A LARGE SCOPE is the same man that is seen in Tom Dillard's photo.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2020, 03:24:31 AM by Walt Cakebread »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #47 on: November 19, 2020, 03:18:09 AM »