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Author Topic: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village  (Read 22722 times)

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #64 on: December 11, 2020, 04:05:50 AM »
Walt, there

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #64 on: December 11, 2020, 04:05:50 AM »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #65 on: December 11, 2020, 04:19:50 AM »
Lol, phone keyboard snafu... continuing.. Walt, it’s difficult to reconcile that Rowland can see a scope on a rifle from 100 yes distant, yet Euins, Brennan, Bob Jackson and Malcolm Couch observing a rifle on the SE window do NOT see any scope on the rifle being stuck out the SE window far enough that it was so easily seen and the slowly withdrawn per these witnesses.

This is why imo, there may be 2 gunman on the 6th floor with different rifles


Offline Alan Ford

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Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #66 on: December 12, 2020, 01:19:25 AM »
My most recent essay is now posted in the ESSAYS section at my website and you can reach it via

A careful study should make it clear that Roy Truly, Jack Dougherty, Bill Shelley, Billy Lovelady, Wesley Frazier and Lee Harvey Oswald were complicit in the assassination. They aided and abetted the Depository hit team and subsequently framed Oswald for the murder.

Without a confession from Wesley Frazier, this recent work may well be the most succinct picture that emerges of what really went on inside that building on November 22nd.

I hope that you find time soon to enjoy this effort.

It's certainly quite an effort, Mr Gilbride. Why, even your photo id of Mr Dougherty is garbage!  :D

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #66 on: December 12, 2020, 01:19:25 AM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #67 on: December 12, 2020, 01:41:02 AM »
Lol, phone keyboard snafu... continuing.. Walt, it’s difficult to reconcile that Rowland can see a scope on a rifle from 100 yes distant, yet Euins, Brennan, Bob Jackson and Malcolm Couch observing a rifle on the SE window do NOT see any scope on the rifle being stuck out the SE window far enough that it was so easily seen and the slowly withdrawn per these witnesses.

This is why imo, there may be 2 gunman on the 6th floor with different rifles

"it’s difficult to reconcile that Rowland can see a scope on a rifle from 100 yes yards distant,"

(A) The distance was about 150 feet.....

(B) It's not at all difficult to see a scope on a rifle at 100 yards....

Euins, Brennan, Bob Jackson and Malcolm Couch observing a rifle on the SE window do NOT see any scope on the rifle being stuck out the SE window far enough that it was so easily seen and the slowly withdrawn per these witnesses.

The witnesses did not say that there was not a scope on the rifle .... They simply didn't remember seeing a scope.... And furthermore ,   If they were sure that the rifle did NOT have a scope ...Then the rifle they saw was NOT the Carcano  Because the carcano definitely has a scope mounted on it.

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #68 on: December 13, 2020, 03:27:47 AM »
If Dougherty is one of 2 gunman on the 6th floor TSBD, then it is much easier to work out the escape of the other gunman and how his rifle is never found, and only the MC rifle found in the boxes.

A car parked near the west side of TSBD by the west side of the roofed part of loading dock (annex bldg) could be aligned very close underneath the NW side window of TSBD, (closest to the rear staircase) This would facilitate rapid removal of a rifle by simply dropping it out that west window by a SW window shooter running to that window in approx 10 sec after shooting his 1 and only shot at Z313.

Dougherty could be the other shooter, firing the MC rifle (from the SE window) to hit JFK and Connally with a single shot atZ223 then aprrox 4 sec later trying for the head shot , missing slightly high, and that round hits the curb near Tague by the Triple Underpass.

0.8 secs later, the Z313 shot is fired by the SW window gunman with the 30.06 hunting rifle with large scope that Arnold Rowland had observed briefly in the hands of the gunman approx at 12:15 pm.

The SW gunman can enter the west elevator by 15 sec post shots (after tossing his rifle out the west side window at 10 sec post shot).

Dougherty could have moved the West elevator from the 5th floor to 6th floor after Bonnie Ray Williams exited it approx 12:25pm in preparation for the SW gunmans escape.

SW gunman descends to 1st floor at 5sec/floor speed of elevator, and exits west elevator by 45 sec post shots

He is not of LOS of Baker/Truly as they are still in the front entrance lobby just about to open 2nd set of glass doors

There is some question if the west elevator descending would have  been seen by Adams and Styles who are on the rear staircase at this time

Exiting at 45 sec from
West elevator on the 1st floor, the SW gunman would not be in LOS of Adams and Styles on the staircase, since they have not yet reached the floor landing.

Exiting from the rear door nearest west elevator, places the gunman inside the roofed part of the loading dock annex bldg, from whence he then has choice to go out the east facing nearest door or turn westward and travel approx 80 ft to a west side door exit ( near where the car was parked to pick up and drive away with, the rifle tossed from the 6th floor west side window at 10 sec post shots

It is questionable if the west elevator could be returned to the 5th floor by 70 sec post shots by Dougherty by remote control, such as would be necessary if Truly is observing it looking up the shaft at approx 75 sev post shots

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #68 on: December 13, 2020, 03:27:47 AM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #69 on: December 13, 2020, 02:39:27 PM »
If Dougherty is one of 2 gunman on the 6th floor TSBD, then it is much easier to work out the escape of the other gunman and how his rifle is never found, and only the MC rifle found in the boxes.

A car parked near the west side of TSBD by the west side of the roofed part of loading dock (annex bldg) could be aligned very close underneath the NW side window of TSBD, (closest to the rear staircase) This would facilitate rapid removal of a rifle by simply dropping it out that west window by a SW window shooter running to that window in approx 10 sec after shooting his 1 and only shot at Z313.

Dougherty could be the other shooter, firing the MC rifle (from the SE window) to hit JFK and Connally with a single shot atZ223 then aprrox 4 sec later trying for the head shot , missing slightly high, and that round hits the curb near Tague by the Triple Underpass.

0.8 secs later, the Z313 shot is fired by the SW window gunman with the 30.06 hunting rifle with large scope that Arnold Rowland had observed briefly in the hands of the gunman approx at 12:15 pm.

The SW gunman can enter the west elevator by 15 sec post shots (after tossing his rifle out the west side window at 10 sec post shot).

Dougherty could have moved the West elevator from the 5th floor to 6th floor after Bonnie Ray Williams exited it approx 12:25pm in preparation for the SW gunmans escape.

SW gunman descends to 1st floor at 5sec/floor speed of elevator, and exits west elevator by 45 sec post shots

He is not of LOS of Baker/Truly as they are still in the front entrance lobby just about to open 2nd set of glass doors

There is some question if the west elevator descending would have  been seen by Adams and Styles who are on the rear staircase at this time

Exiting at 45 sec from
West elevator on the 1st floor, the SW gunman would not be in LOS of Adams and Styles on the staircase, since they have not yet reached the floor landing.

Exiting from the rear door nearest west elevator, places the gunman inside the roofed part of the loading dock annex bldg, from whence he then has choice to go out the east facing nearest door or turn westward and travel approx 80 ft to a west side door exit ( near where the car was parked to pick up and drive away with, the rifle tossed from the 6th floor west side window at 10 sec post shots

It is questionable if the west elevator could be returned to the 5th floor by 70 sec post shots by Dougherty by remote control, such as would be necessary if Truly is observing it looking up the shaft at approx 75 sev post shots

Dougherty could be the other shooter, firing the MC rifle

The bore of the mannlicher carcano was dirty and corroded ( rusty) when the FBI received it in Washington DC, less than 20 hours after the murder of John Kennedy.    If the MC had been fired on Friday the bore would not have had rust in it....

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #70 on: December 13, 2020, 08:00:47 PM »
Noted that MC rifle had corrosion inside barrel , Thus not likely fired although it’s possible it could have been displayed at the SE window.

However that idea is refuted by Amos Euins WC testimony

Amos Euins apparently saw one shot fired by a rifle held in the hands of a male human being at the SE window of TSBD

Also refuted by Harold Norman WC testimony as well as his video interviews

Harold Norman on the 5th floor directly below the SN 6th floor window heard 3 shots in a span of approx 4 secs judging from his several video replications. He suggests hearing the shells hitting the floor also ( WC statements)


A. just one shooter with a semi auto rifle with large scope, whom was briefly seen at 12:15 at the SW window by Rowland, then this gunman switched to the SE window after Bonnie Ray Williams left the 6th floor approx by 12:24.

And for some reason the other witness except for Rowland were unable  to see a scope on that same rifle as it was displayed at the SE window.

B. 2 shooters, no.1 at the SW window using a large scope 30.06 type hunting rifle and no.2 shooter using a rifle without a scope at the SE window

Since Euins claims seeing one shot fired from the SE window rifle, then the MC is a pre planted rifle not fired nor displayed. Purpose not exactly known, although speculation has been offered that It was a means to implicate Oswald, yet simultaneously give Oswald some reasonable chance of not being exonerated, thus enabling a CIA mission for Oswald to “defect” once again, this time to Cuba.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #71 on: December 14, 2020, 02:37:46 AM »
Noted that MC rifle had corrosion inside barrel , Thus not likely fired although it’s possible it could have been displayed at the SE window.

However that idea is refuted by Amos Euins WC testimony

Amos Euins apparently saw one shot fired by a rifle held in the hands of a male human being at the SE window of TSBD

Also refuted by Harold Norman WC testimony as well as his video interviews

Harold Norman on the 5th floor directly below the SN 6th floor window heard 3 shots in a span of approx 4 secs judging from his several video replications. He suggests hearing the shells hitting the floor also ( WC statements)


A. just one shooter with a semi auto rifle with large scope, whom was briefly seen at 12:15 at the SW window by Rowland, then this gunman switched to the SE window after Bonnie Ray Williams left the 6th floor approx by 12:24.

And for some reason the other witness except for Rowland were unable  to see a scope on that same rifle as it was displayed at the SE window.

B. 2 shooters, no.1 at the SW window using a large scope 30.06 type hunting rifle and no.2 shooter using a rifle without a scope at the SE window

Since Euins claims seeing one shot fired from the SE window rifle, then the MC is a pre planted rifle not fired nor displayed. Purpose not exactly known, although speculation has been offered that It was a means to implicate Oswald, yet simultaneously give Oswald some reasonable chance of not being exonerated, thus enabling a CIA mission for Oswald to “defect” once again, this time to Cuba.

the MC is a pre planted rifle not fired nor displayed. Purpose not exactly known, although speculation has been offered that It was a means to implicate Oswald,

Speculation.... Lee Oswald thought he was playing the same role he had played at General Walker's house on the night of April 10, 1963. He had fired a bullet through Walker's window which was intended to make it appear that Lee had tried to kill Walker who was a bitter foe of Fidel Castro ..... Thus Lee thought that Castro would welcome Lee in Cuba because Lee was a fugitive who was wanted for attempted murder in the U.S.   That scheme failed to blossom because Marina did not call the police when she found the alarming note that lee had left for her to find.....and the police ( who smelled a publicity stunt )  didn't use police dogs and find the carcano which Lee left hidden beneath a pile of brush near Walker's house.

Lee thought he was playing the same basic scheme when the carcano was hidden on the sixth floor ......

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village
« Reply #71 on: December 14, 2020, 02:37:46 AM »