Ok, let's explore your premise. You believe this was a conspiracy and there were 2 near simultaneous head shots that you believe came from the back and the front:
1) Do you consider the knoll shot to be the "shot from the front" or do you doubt the knoll shooter existed? If so, then where was the frontal shot taken from?
2) What damage did the shot from the front inflict on JFK and was it a frangible bullet (unlike a FMJ bullet such as CE399)?
3) Did the shot from the front blow out JFK's right temple or did it blow out a fist-sized hole at JFK's right occipital, or both?
4 ) What effect did the shot from behind have on JFK's body and what damage did it inflict on JFK?
5) Did the shot from the back blow out JFK's right temple or blow out a fist-sized hole at JFK's right occipital, or both?
What's your guesswork?
There may have been another simultaneous shot from behind taken from the Dal-Tex building from the same shooter that struck JFK in the back and out his throat, but there is no evidence for it. The right temple skull flap notwithstanding. Otherwise, there is no trajectory from the 6th floor of the TSBD, into JFK's back and out his throat. This is not guesswork, it's simple geometry.
You just need to apply some logic and critical thinking here. If you are convinced there were 2 or more shooters then you believe this was a conspiracy. If so, then it was a coup d'etat. Every good coup needs a patsy. Oswald was it. He had to be portrayed as a LN and the ONLY shooter. How do you accomplish that with multiple shooters set up in a crossfire? It is imperative that no one suspects there was more than Oswald taking shots at JFK. The ONLY way to pull that off is to have a Turkey Shoot Point where several near simultaneous shots sound like 1 shot + echoes.
You do the math Mr. Fantasy, I didn't invent this concept, I'm just relaying it. Otherwise, you must be a CT (Coincidence Theorist) to think that multiple shooters set up in a crossfire just happen to take their shots a fraction of a second apart.
First you bring your wife into it and now you're calling me Mr Fantasy!
It's getting a bit weird but let's press on regardless.
Here's my guesswork:
In his comprehensive analysis of around 200 ear-witness statements regarding the shots, Pat Speer has established that the vast majority of these witnesses describe hearing three audible shots. I accept that.
A large percentage of these witnesses also describe a specific pattern to the shots - shot, pause, two shots closer together. Even though there are other witnesses who describe slightly different patterns I accept this shot pattern.
In my mind the best way to set up Oswald as the shooter in the sniper's nest is to have someone firing audible shots from the sniper's nest.
The worst way to set up Oswald as the shooter in the sniper's nest is to have audible shots coming from places other than the sniper's nest - grassy knoll, overpass, storm drain, Dal-Tex etc. etc.
I believe it was John Mytton who created (or at least posted) the truly horrifying Gif below:

Firstly, I'm not seeing a fist-sized blowout at the back of the head or a blowout at the temple. I'm seeing something way more profound and it makes me think two things:
1) A single bullet cannot have caused this amazing amount of damage
2) The immense forces required to create this much damage must be reflected in the way JFK's head moves.
This second point brings me to the back/left motion of JFK's head and body. This movement must surely reflect a force (bullet strike) coming from somewhere in front of him. I find it very hard to get away from this but I also find it hard to get away from the idea that someone is up in the sniper's nest taking shots at JFK's head, shots that are deliberately audible as part of the set-up of Oswald. The first shot is a few inches too low, there is a pause then a headshot. As this shot enters the back of his head, shattering his skull, there is an almost simultaneous shot from the front that utterly destroys his already damaged head. It is a coincidence that both shots are so close together as I can't imagine a serious mechanism by which shooters at different parts of Dealey plaza can coordinate their shots to be taken at the same moment.
Here's a bit of fantasy - The shot from in front must be suppressed as it ruins the set-up otherwise. The purpose of the front shot is insurance to make sure JFK doesn't get out of Dealey Plaza once the shooting starts. If the shooter at the front had waited one more second he wouldn't have had to take the shot.
The problem (or at least one of them) with all this is the way the massive flap of scalp hangs from JFK's head which indicates the shot that did all the damage came from behind.
The spraying of bullet fragments inside of the limo suggests frangible ammo but this doesn't really solve the problem.