Notice the blurring in z341.
Jackie's white-gloved hand is coming up behind JFK's head but is blurred.
What's the issue?
Look at how Hill's face changes between the two frames.
Is this blurring or proof of alteration?
Don't get Hill involved. Just look at the glove, blurred or not, it covers what you thought was a head. Not difficult in my view to see and again thank you John Mytton for helping make my point. 1 frame difference (1/18 of a second). The hand just can't pierce a head and show up and the black hair disappear but remain on each side of glove! That is alteration showing up. If that is an alteration, you have to question why and have motive. I repeat, if your hellbent on showing a shot from behind or the LHO/LNER theory proved), then alteration is a legitimate motive. Failure to believe this proves that there was a grassy knoll/frontal shot, people moved up the hill, witnesses said car stopped, hole in windshield - all making it a massive coverup and a coup d'etat really did take place.

Time (Life) that bought the film did not try to make money off it, they were hiding it from the people so they couldn't make their own judgments and kept it from the public for years! A few select photos were used by WC - not the whole film!
Again, the "massive" headshot at Z313, obscures Jacqueline in the film who is in front of his body and her face is not totally covered with explosive material is not possible. The plume went up 10 feet from that shot - she doesn't notice for 3/4 of a second. The sound alone of skull breaking when you are 2 feet away would cause immediate reaction. Steady Ike Altgens doesn't even flinch. "Malcom Summers" rolling into the grass behind him with momentum and doing a rollover. He was not just standing there - he was somewhere's else!
Again, no one ever asks Jacqueline what happened and again, please explain where head is hiding. Don't play 6 frames, just examine those 2 and tell me where... JFK's shoulder/suit position hasn't changed much in 1/18 of a second and you can't justify logically what you are seeing!